You can choose only one
You can choose only one
I choose superior woman.
That pic has incredible aesthetics, holy fuck
Jam has a FAT pussy
Chun-Li has been my favorite female video game character since Street Fighter 2 first appeared in arcades.
Poison with or without the dick?
>Poison without dick
What's the fucking point?
There's only one Poison.
Why not ask if any of the other girls have dicks or not? Is it because we're not living in a made up fantasy land? No? Then yes Poison with a dick.
I'm fine with either way really.
I choose your mom
i-is that good or bad?
Can't I have this one instead?
I choose the one and only.
Is that by Akihiko Yoshida?
Is he autistic?
>tfw you're just meant to play some characters
No just Slavic
more sluicin for the juicin
the one with the dick
Russians are proud mongols and pure descendants of Genghis Khan, not slavs.
Hideo Minaba
chun, not even a question
More like mongrels, LOL
>Chunners is in the pic
Well, that's an easy choice.
Nice body but she's got Robert Smith's face.
Yeah, no. It would be a great fuck but the way she speaks would make any man want to blow their brains out.
If you're a fucking weakling. I main her, have her as my system voice and always have that shit on maximum volume. Her voice only makes me stronger.
>this thread
>two chinese
jam's inability to speak japanese is adorable
those thighs are not good enough to cosplay Chunners
Her french wife would hire a team of assassins to track you down if you even lay a finger on Asuka.
so why'd you post a woman with worse thighs than her?
not to mention the face
Then I choose the one picture.
Oh hey! There are 3 and a half babes here! Nice.
oh we talkin chun thighs now?
Holy shit who's that?
Sofia Sivan
her face is a trainwreck though
so are her fake tits and ass
Chun is my favourite but in that pic Asuka has those razor sharp anime teeth that I really like
>maid in the backround
>probably works 3 jobs to barely get by
>some slut dresses as characters she doesnt know shit about
>probably gets thousands every month
I hate this world
Asuka and her monegasque wife
Lilly isn't gay, you fucking queer.
>not gay
shes not gay though
They can wear clothes like them, they can even talk like them, but they can never be them. They'll never have that personality. It's disgusting, frankly. To think some used up con-whore dresses herself up as characters much loved by citizenry for mere irl (you)s. This earth is gay. They are fucking disgusting with one dimension too many
Childhood is worshiping Chun Li
Adulthood is realizing Cummy has always been better.
Why not both?
None of the above.
This claymation shit looks terrible
i don't want to get between her and her wife
Asuka's titties are fucking fantastic.
both is the best choice but theyd be more interested in fucking eachother than anyone else
what kind of stupid question is that?
I wouldn't mind as long as I get to watch.
are you okay
Hork Hork
what a sow
I believe the word you are looking for is THIIIC
No in this case it's thick, emphasis on 'ick'
Chun is the only correct answer.
>Poison is too busy with Hugo
>Asuka is too busy with Lili
>Ling is too busy with Jin
chun is also busy
They barely interacted at all in SF5 though
>Ling is too busy with Jin
She wishes
chun barely did anything in SFV, period
its about what she does offscreen that matters, and thats promiscuous sex with multiple partners
Mai until I die.
The thinking man's choice
Fuck off chink lover
No meat buns for you
>preferring a tomman over a tomboy
Only the best girl.
>Strong female charcters? Fuck yeah,s exy as fuck!
>Strong female haracters? Oh em gee, how could you ass jee doubleyous?!
Taki is what happens when you want to make a perfect woman.
I'd take a boyish girl over a lesbian
>that disgusting signature ruining the pic
Xiaoyu for the DFC and Poison for the penis.
I just don't know which one to choose.
The other two can go die for all I care.
I don't think I've fapped to official art as much as I fapped to Taki's
>being this much of a homosexual
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I'd take a boyish girl over a boy
Which ever one wants kids
wow rude
>tfw your dick will never be nestled in-between Asuka's titties
The agony of it.
Poison has always never had a dick.
Russian women should be outlawed.