What eye color do you prefer on your videogames?

what eye color do you prefer on your videogames?

i self insert so blue/green mix

Why couldn't they be black like my soul

I have green and tend to do either green or blue.

depends on the hair color of the videogame

Brown hair blue eyes


>not picking green eye master race

Depends on the hair. Black hair/blue eyes, brown hair/green eyes or golden eyes. Sometimes brown hair with light brown eyes. Blond hair with yellow/golden eyes.

My niqqa.

If I can choose, I tend to be a faggot and choose a strange colour like red

>Brown is shit instead of hmmm i dont know the earth? everything under the grass and trees is brown.

t. shit eyed

>tree shit

99% of all green eyes are just a muddled brown-yellowish mishmash of shitty colors. Actual green eyes are great but they're few and far between.

nah i got a amber eyecolour
so fuck off fag

>t. I have nothing to be proud just special snowflake eyecolor

last one is racist

>ginger above blonde

This is flat out false

Blue eyes look the best thats an objective truth

as light blue as possible, with white hair and pale skin too

there's something about weak coloured eyes that makes for a really cool looking character, especially if you're playing a mage or some shit

alright, new Tesla

90% of the "god tier" people would look better with blue eyes

poopeyes on suicide watch

>everything under the grass and trees is brown.
You mean rotted corpses and shit?

Green, like my own.

Blue eyes and blonde hair on black and brown characters

Hazel master race.

red because Im an edgelord

but then they wouldn't invent

that's the image's logic lmao

>All these browncucks triggered in this thread

How does it feel? To get he short end of the stick of evolution and get such shit genes? To be unable to change what you are but fucking human shit? You guys don't deserve to be talking at the same level of us.

Eagle eye transplant, when?

>you will never see up to 8x better than the best human
>you will never be able to see the UV spectrum
>you will never have a 340 degree FOV

I guess the only downside would be glass


There's something called NewEyesLaser actually

>light hair on brown skin

Mine are blue-green. Same with most my family.

>all these faggots limiting themselves to one eye color

please position yourself in small sealed space filled with carbon monoxide

Pretty sure what you're describing is called hazel.

90% of the time - blue. 10% - green. 99% of the time hair color is blonde.
Green eyed white male with light bown hair.

Isn't that caused by inbreeding?


This is a Sup Forums consorted effort, these threads appear on many differnt boards. Rember kekistanis are autistic right wing nutjobs who hate gamers.

Brown or Yellow.

Sometime Grey when i want a blind character.

Post a pic of bright green eyes.

Black hair Blue eyes is the ultimate combo.

>mass effect 3 end . jaypeg
I will never not be mad.

t. Don Pedrito

Heterochromia is for edge basedwelling fuckers.

Not to be pedantic but technically speaking you are the one who got the short end of the stick, being brown and dark eyes the most common, dominant color.

Why? Eye color is so fucking worthless. Get contacts and call it a day if you really care about that.

Yellow with white/gray hair.

It's pointless, they're mostly bots.

Shit eyes detected.


Blue-eyes + brown-skin is the ultimate combo for men.

t. shit eyed subhuman

They are real people. The alt-pol type, Sup Forums has become infested as of late.

That guy is hardly brown.

Jesus, the turd eyes are really triggered


You mean DOMINANT eyes detected.

Your chidren's children will have brown eyes, rules of nature.

>blonde hair
>blue eyes

Blue because i can't choose mine eyes in most games.

i dont get it. the only thing common between the 4 are slightly bushy eyebrows?

I think eye colour, just like hair colour should match the personality of the character.

Dark character = dark hair and eyes
Lawful, righteous character = light hair and eyes

Obviously you can go against the norm and switch it around but it'll look out of place.

Brown is going to be the dominant color forever, deal with it Sup Forums


Glowing Red eyes so I can achieve maximum edginess.

>having light eyes and not being as good at hunting in the african plains


>Dark character = dark hair and eyes
Cold proud evil character goes well with blue eyes and blonde hair.

>tfw having black eyes means I'm bad

Red eyes for the edgy effect.

>tfw based hazel eyes
hahahaha eyelets btfo
my eyes have sex with women everyday just walking by them on the street
get jealous fags
>reposting your shitty thread on Sup Forums when the Sup Forums one got axed
at least this one will stay up for 6 hours and go to archive

>Being so miserable that needs to feel special for having a diferent eye color

It doesnt matter when contact lenses exists famalan

A friendly tip from someone who is rsther socially sucsesful. Never insult people, it will drive them to your oposition. You'd do well to remember this Sup Forums

What about grey eyes?

Sounds like fable.

Black eyes are very uncommon and evil.


>ass blasted dung eye's ITT
God damn this is hilarious.

Don't argue with the Sup Forumsack.


That's actually not how it works. Eye color doesn't follow mendelian genetics. Most complex stuff actually doesn't.

For what purpose?

id be cool with your thread with you didnt post actual shit in your image

Yeah these autistic threads are supposed to be on the worthless flag boards.
>they're still ugly
Like what does it even matter? He could have a monster cock too but if people can't even look at him because of how ugly he is it doesn't even matter.

Grey eyes are fucking dull, like you're dead inside.

Dark doesn't mean bad, you idiot. It means more prone to violence. Now violence isn't always bad, either. What if you're killing someone to protect another? That's what I mean by dark. For example, Joel from The Last of Us has dark hair and he's sufficiently violent with a dark past (ran with bandits).

It is all they have in life. Dont assosciate with the auts it will bring you down too

More often than not in movies and games etc. it's dark hair for the "good guy" or main character, eye color is whatever.

>tfw grey eyes
It's not that bad but I've always wished they were blue-er


That's hazel!

>Eyes are a race
Literally any race can have brown eyes, dumbass

lol the cat on his head has an asshole mouth

Isn't he that rapist?

>brown eyes are sh

Cherry picking at its pickiest.

This is the TRUE master race.

I know that feel. No one even notices my eye color.