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desu the runner ups are shitier games, only siege and FM are worthwhile

theres already like 3 threads
is it that fucking difficult to check the catalog

Why does this trigger the beta?

>HL3 plot released
>Texas underwater
>Florida about to blow away
>Worst genre in the world getting toppled
>Nuke party in Asia

You shouldn't have toyed with the devil Marc Laidlaw

Found the yuro autist.

The absolute STATE of PC "gaming"

Can't wait to see what game they all play next when the streamer of the week gives them the order.

Why is anyone really surprised by PUBG's success? If you've been paying attention you'd notice that there's been a
clear trajectory for all these PS3-looking meme games getting more successful. Each one they just refine the formula
a bit more.

>H1Z1: King of the Hill - 7 million owners
>consistently in the top 6 or so most played games on Steam
>Day Z - 4 million owners
>other multiplayer 'big map' Early Access meme games like Conan Exiles, ARK etc all make the same big splash for a while

Honestly, PUBG is just a bigger version of what happened with Day Z on Sup Forums a few years ago

>obsucre thing just explodes out of nowhere and becomes a cultural phenomenon
>'why aren't you playing this??'
>it clearly looks shitty, clunky and unfinished
>what makes it fun?

A few years later, Day Z is regarded as a total joke. Everyone says that it's shit as if it was always obvious and that was always the consensus.
All the same people cycle onto the next Early Access meme game like PUBG.

Being a burger must be suffering, knowing nobody outside of your country gives a shit about your meme sports.

>that entire list
holy cow pc is garbage

>Being a burger must be suffering, knowing nobody outside of your country gives a shit about your meme sports.
nah its better that way

>sports anything
And you think you're above amerilards. Pathetic.

FM's the most addicting game. I've played it for 2000 hours over the last 2 years.

Why does Sup Forums hate PUBG again? Is it because it's popular or do people actually have a reason?

>Why is anyone really surprised by PUBG's success?

How many times have we gone through KotH mods for these games just be blips on the radar? Now suddenly it's the most played game on Steam. Was shilling that shit non-stop really the boost it needed? I didn't even know people gave a shit about this game until Microsoft said some shit about it at E3.

dota reached 1,2M

>Microtransactions in a paid game
>devs went back on their word
>muh streamerz
>still not trying to fix the game after they made a billion dollars

Why do you fags get obsessed over the most dumbest shit?

How many of these players in PUBG are bots and afkers?

Why would I care about the opinion of a fucking mouthbreather like you? neck yourself

thats hot

>This is the state of PC gaming
>Now all future PC games will be created like it, much like WoW back in it's popular days

Time to let my PC collect dust and return to consoles. Maybe I should collect retro games instead of upgrading my PC so much since there is no bright future for gaming.

like that image tbqh

You're literally watching a group of grown men kick a ball around like little children. Let that sink in for a moment.


>Let that sink in for a moment.
still dont care user

While Sup Forums is just contrarian and doesn't like anything produced for mass appeal, there are legitimate reasons to dislike the game.

>Devs lied about not having micro transactions in early access
>Various drama that has ensued over stream sniping accusations
>Game itself is poorly optimized
>Game is heavily luck based and success is dictated more by your drop point relative to the ring rather than personal skill and decision making
>No kill cam or other methods of reporting on your game so you don't know where you got shot from, who shot you with what gun, and the only lesson you learn is to never leave cover

One thing I will say is that the game retains a lot of the great aspects of Arma's shooting, but that's assuming you get to shoot more than five people in a given game.

Meant to quote

and playing/watching video games is much better as a hobby? Also i didnt even say which sports i like, soccer isn't one of them

>Time to let my PC collect dust and return to consoles

Yeah so you can play PUBG at half the framerate in a year when it's the console best seller

At school all of the fat and autistic freaks hated watching sports too.

I just know exactly what you look like already and feel bad for you.

>10 million sales
>1 million players

Is this the new generation of PC player that came between 2012 and 2017? those who double the steam population?


or so i can play a variety of good single player games exclusives than solely whatever the current early access meme is

Video games, at least well designed ones, take a great deal of intellect to play well. It's a much more "adult" hobby than running around and kicking/throwing balls at people.

what other games have done this?

You guys realize a large portion of the players are afk farmers right? You can literally make hundreds of steambucks in a very short amount of time by just afking in the game.

The trick to baiting is being subtle, you have failed in this regard.

Who keeps making these threads? Does anyone even give a fuck anymore? The game is big and is getting bigger wowee

Wew, look at the spreadsheet addict go. He thinks he's people.

>runs like shit even on powerful PCs
>looks terrible
>clunky controls. Jumping is awkward, moving near windows,ledges and some fences is infuriating since your weapon jerks back and forth for no fucking reason
>Literally no fucking map design. No memorable places, no interesting decisions.
>Full of bugs and glitches.
>30% of "players" online right now are AFKers and bots
>3D sound is awful

how about fuck you hmm?

>he breathes exclusively through the mouth

What, all the items you get are sellable on the market unlike TF2?

It's literally the ultimate tycoon game. Little baby needs grafics to be gratified?

>It's literally the ultimate tycoon game.
What did he mean by this?

No, seriously, is this what passes as Tycoon for gen Z? What a sad display.



>Daily "people are enjoying a game I don't like" thread

i'm just mad cuz most of the time i die because of split second loading delay during close encounters

>americans knowing or caring about anything outside their own country
the obsession isnt two way

I'm not baiting though. Video games objectively take more brainpower to get good at than sports. Why do you think so many athletes are niggers?

>Why do you think so many athletes are niggers?
>I've only watched track events so that means all sthletes are black

Yeah, seen plenty of blacks dominating in the cycling, tennis, swimming, diving and rowing...

Uh, surely it will die next week!

what an awful edit

A sport is measured by its chances of causing death or debilitating injury. Swimming and tennis are not sports.

how do you think they would behave with all those bikes around
rich man sport
>swimming, diving, rowing

blacks only dominate in american sports which are designed for them it seems
in association football blacks are all about muh pace muh strength but never about smart plays

name one dominating athlete for each of those sports

Those aren't even sports that anybody watches. The most watched sports in America are football, basketball and baseball, and they're all dominated by niggers.

>Not having 30+ million players

I think we all know what the superior competitive survival game is here ;)

that's because your sports are muh body strength/speed. In the smart positions (such as QB) blacks suck


You console children need to learn that Steam is a tiny fraction of PC playerbase.
THIS is the state of PC gaming. Much worse.

>some games i've never head about

the hell?

also Crossfire isn't dead?

>blacks are good at something
>must have been specifically designed for them to be good at
Jesus Christ how can a person be so insecure.


Asians, man.


>Dungeon Fighter online is THAT popular in 2017

That's a gross earnings report, not a popularity ranking.

The game is only dead in EU/US
It´s still super huge in Korea, China and Japan

>league of legends
but they don't release their number of players, how can ppl know this?

>name one dominating athlete for each of those sports

Jason Kenny, Chris Hoy, Bradley Wiggins, Chris Froome (basically the Brits have been dominating the Olympics and Tour de France recently)

Novak Djokovic, Roger Federer, Andy Murray

Michael Phelps

I don't watch them but it's basically always white people or the chinks in Diving

It's a financial earnings report, not a players report. In other words it's useless. See: wow is still milking the same whales it always has despite being down to like 1/4th of wotlk numbers

meant for

Got gifted this by a friend

>runs like complete shit
>pretty much everyone plays on medium or low to get decent-ish fps
>entirely luck based

how the fuck is it so popular?

>MFW playing on all ultra at 120+ FPS

Sounds like it's a YOU problem, if the game ran like shit for everyone it wouldn't be as popular, get a better computer you scrub.

>entirely luck based
spoken like a true shitter, there are folk with like 80% winrates out there

the crates are expensive therefore there's 12513515313651 russians grinding the game to make some steambucks, the game is alright, but too repetitive for me

Sup Forums hates it because it's the first game to topple doturd 2 on steam, which means PC gaming is finally entering a new age

basically Sup Forums is a bunch of phone-posting consolefags, which shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who's been here longer than a year

It's not entirely luck-based. There are some RNG elements that keep it varied and exciting, but good players will still do well consistently.

dota 2 is an amazing game if you're not a shitter and have friends to play with

PC is entering a new age because of a game that's doing everything Dota did? Yeah, sure.

it was a great game 4 years ago, now it's a russian/peruvian containment game that never updates and shills horrendous cosmetics

Runs fine for me, get a better computer.


based fucking lirik single handedly promoted this game

>"I-It's not luck based!"
>Vast majority of players complaining about the bullshit hit detection and shotguns one-hitting people, despite them shooting the other player several times with literally any other weapon
>Videos online showing them shooting people and nothing happening, only to have the other player turn and kill them

Specs are completely fine. I've seen people reporting complete shit frames with 1070s/1080s.

Face it, the game is a pile of shit. As is every early access game.

>runs like complete shit

Maybe for you, 60+ FPS on ultra easily, and my computer isn't even that good, you're doing something wrong.

im surprised because the game is shit, and actually punishes you for actively partaking in the battle royale mentality of killing other people to further your goal (surviving) since the abundance of loot is so fucking high that everyone and their god damned mother has a scope and a rifle

This is only further incentivized by the fact that the ingame currency for winning (see: being the last person alive) can be directly converted to steam dollars, so what you have, instead of a fun, multiplayer shooter
you have a hundred people in a game, the majority of which are afk farming points, the rest, actively looking for fights (the minority, since kills are absolutely worthless compared to being top 10 point wise) and the huge majority of people using third person view to sit in a house for several minutes until they are forced to move

The red circle, carpet bombing mechanic only furthers the housecamping.

I didn't spend money on this game, a friend gifted it to me, and I've tried to make an effort but every single aspect of the game is going in a direction I don't agree with.

tl:dr the game is not fun to play


Pretty much this. If Lirik hadn't streamed the game it never would've become so popular.

I wonder how Daybreak retards feel about themselves now, fuck up THIS bad

>insect games

>players complaining about shotguns one-hitting people

That's how video game shotguns are supposed to work you fucking casual newfag.

If it ran like total shit for literally everyone, why would so many people be playing it?

Look at gameplay footage and you'll see most people run it at ultra with normal computers


Sounds to me like you're just poor and can't afford a good computer.

>play for a week
>get bored
>back to my comfy csgo
eh, I don't know
maybe I am too old for this shit

>pretty much everyone plays on medium or low to get decent-ish fps

I must be doing something right because I always have 60+ FPS on high/ultra settings.