Post vidya shit you're still mad about

Post vidya shit you're still mad about.

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>the state of fallout franchise
I will never not be mad. Fucking hell


When I'm in my deathbead i will still be mad.

Revo not composing for Bravely Second. Bravely Second ost is ok but I miss Revo.

Mass Effect 3
Paid mods
Mass Effect 3
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon.
Mass Effect 3

max payne 3

Changing the Zora swimming in MM3D

Fuck I'm mad now what a pile of shit

>Silent Hills

FFX-2 and 2.5

Sly 4

That's it, just Sly 4

>City of Heroes/Villains

That normies and jews and failed Hollywood directors infested the industry.

Never ever

Im going to be mad about this till the day i die.

>never ever have a Conker's Bad Fur Day sequel

Will never be not mad

Ill just leave this here

It was around for 8 years and had almost all of its storylines wrapped up in the last year of its lifespan. It lived a good life, user.

The fact that there's nothing even remotely on the horizon for a sequel, or even another superhero MMO in development, however, is a waste of an opportunity.

there's always shitty, stillborn MOBAs, though...

when ashes of al'ar dropped in WoW BC and I won the roll, but the raid leader decided to keep it for himself. I quit the game and never went back ever again


the whole second half of Indigo Prophecy

Natural Selection 2...

I wish I could comfort you, fellow madanon. Alas, I cannot, as I will also be that mad when I die. The burden is ours to bear.

Halo 4.




Same here user

it still hurts

My fucking autistic friend deleted PT and I can't download it anymore. I will always be mad

Starcraft 2

swtor missed opportunities
bullfrog getting killed

>My face when I bought two copies, one for 360 and one for Steam because my friends said they wanted to play it with me on 360
I have 0 hours on steam and can't refund it because it has been 6 years, long before refunding was a thing

just a reminder hl3 and dow3 are no longer dreams and have happened

>Investigations 2 STILL hasn't been released in NA
it's never going to happen, is it?

It pains me to this day

I'll never not be mad at this.

Deus ex is now dead

this one got me
I mean I wouldn't say I'm mad but damn son
that is a lot of FE

>My fucking autistic friend deleted PT

What the hell for?

I fell for this autism

>Actually bought No Man's Sky


it's one of the best western character action games.
t. full on dmc fag
tho i'm only mad that it wasn't dmc5, but the game was ok

I'll never be able to play WoW again for the first time

But user, we'll be getting Star Wars Battlefront 3 in 2 years.
Developed by DICE and published by EA :^)

Though I will forgive them if there is ground to space seamless battles, but I seriously doubt it.

He's not really into vidya. I had to leave the other room and came back to this massacre. i guess he thought it was funny

I'm ashamed of myself to this day about it

Activision milked the Guitar Hero series so hard that they killed it, and they went and buried DJ Hero alive with it. Then they paraded the corpse around in such a shit way that the Hero games are just plain gone now.



I don't know of any vidya I'm mad about, but I am mad about webcomics
>Prequel update never ever
>Morbi desecrated the fresh corpse of his webcomic with the last pages

dont even play it, but i wished that the "humans are actually ultra beasts" theory and the uncapturable ultra beasts on pokemon S/M was actually real to actually change the repetitive formula.

also i wished the remake was called stars instead of the hyper shit

>dragons dogma 1(FUCKIN ONE) on the ps4

>the state of the elder scrolls franchise
Todd Howard is a talentless hack. He couldn't understand the nuisances approaches in RPGs and made mindless trite bullshit when he was handed a company with IPs vastly overqualified for a Todd Howard production

I mean, switch has touch screen controls (in handheld play) and we got another NMH game, so it's not impossible.

Nah fuck DmC.
I'll be mad til DMC5 is made.


Bethesda really fucked us.

I hope you at least kicked his ass after that.

WoW, TERA, Path of Exile, TF2 and countless other games I liked going to complete shit.

After these and artifact i shall never know happiness

That screencap with the Megaman reaction image
you know the one

I will never not be mad


It's not even out and I'm mad

>Grapevine vs. Feelgood
>ABC vs. Informer
>We Will Rock You vs. Robot Rock
>DJ Hero
>War vs. Superstition
>like 20 others

Those remixes didn't deserve a death like this.

SWG's CU update and then the village update and then they went full WoW with only a limited number of classes. I keep going back to swgemu, but there's not that much to actually do until muh jedeye are implemented.

the absolute madman

>Silent Hills
>Halo past 2
>CoD past BO2
>MGS3 pachinko
>RE4 Professional Mode

The game was alright, mediocre sure but playable.

Vergil's Downfall On the other hand was quite possibly the Worst thing I have ever experienced in my life.



>til DMC5 is made
be a man and accept the bliss of death, user.
i have

>MGS3 Pachinko
Why are we still here?

dont fucking remind me

oh god this. Capcom side is full of MvC3 characters and Marvel is MCU shit. Plus you know they'll add more interesting characters as dlc

I never played DJ Hero, what about it other than the fact that you used a turntable to play instead of a guitar was so good?
Not even trying to say it was bad I'm genuinely curious because it looked pretty cool if only for that simple difference

>>RE4 Professional Mode


Disney is a company shit on video games and doesn't understand it

Them acquiring Star Wars and Marvel basically ruined the future of those IPs having any decent debut games or crossovers. There goes the most influential source out the window

Everything beyond entering the castle made me shit my pants with rage. The bug cave and Krauser especially.

The entirety of GW2

>Newfags will never know the pain

Have you even played Professional Mode?

Mass Effect 3, will never not be mad. If you need to ask why, you're a bioware shill and you should kill yourself.
MGSV, although there's half a game in there somewhere.
Prey 2. I love the new one, but the one they cancelled should have existed as well.
Postal 3.

Marvel Heroes is all you're going to get.

What a fucking soulless piece of shit. Literally everything about screams greed and prestigious douchebagery. This game is an embarrassment

I died a little inside when i saw that shitty settlement building meme in the game trailer of FO4. Somehow i knew it was going to be 90% of the game, which it was.
Creation club was just the shit frosting on top of a cake made out of broken glass and the charred remains of what little hope i had for the franchise.

Walking through every door is a fucking checkpoint.
Abuse that shit, kill some enemies, leave and go back, they're saved as dead.
Shit is easy as fuck.
Pshhh....nothin' personell....scrubs


Postal 3 is just a failed attempt to remake the 2nd game

Although Postal 2 wasn't that good to begin with

This will never not make me mad as fuck.

Mass Effect 3 (and Andromeda for being somehow worse, and EA for putting Biowares b-team amateurs in charge of andromeda)
Steel Battalion Kinect
Kinect in general

Try and fuck with that bug cave with barely any ammo and come back to me fag.

>4 Editions
>4 pre-order DLCs right off the bat
>Will have more DLC in the future
>Microtransactions up the fucking ass
>DLC for their dead team member. They're fucking profitting off of his fucking death
>You KNOW there will be a GOTY edition as well

The sheer amount of greed this game has is ridiculous.

yeah, a few years ago and i can't remember any road blocks or anything.

at least we got some good memes out of it

Bro, whats not to like about laser gatling guns shredding on deathclaws? And getting power armor in the first 20 minutes was bada$$

>Although Postal 2 wasn't that good to begin with
I know, user. 3 was a failed opportunity to right those wrongs and exploit the second game's strengths. Then we got that... thing.

but you get all the new updates at least
NMS had the ultimate redemption arc desu

>Dead Rising 4

Frank ain't deserve that shit man

he just wanted his story