Ask an user who punched his mother in the head anything

ask an user who punched his mother in the head anything

do you like video game?

Why havent you taken your meds today, spergmeister?

no, every time I try to play them I get extremely mad and I have to scream and throw shit
I don't take medication when I'm not sick

I play video games to keep myself from hurting others. Maybe you should do the same.

How underage are you?


hello amir0x

question: why did you punch your mother in the head

I'm 20, so not
she was drunk and screaming at my dad about how worthless he is (when he's the one paying for the roof over her head) and shitting on his family members and wishing death on them like she does every night
I was angry already from playing video games and had enough so I got up and socked her in the back of the head

Because she's a stupid fucking whore.

You should've raped her desu.

did you fuck her afterwards?

Did you get your chocolate milk

Wrong board, buddy

Video game addicts always have shitty mothers I notice.

no, but I got some orange juice and cheese puffs later and that's my dinner for tonight

I had to deal with a schizo mom for a decade or so, it got worse with every year and sometimes she would pull some shit like that, so I can kinda see where you're coming from, I was fed up too, I've gotten physical with her

Was it a critical hit?

>literally having a cuck dad

did she drop any good loot?

>living with parents

Sometimes I forget I'm on Sup Forums and half of you is underage while the other half lives with their parents as a NEET shut in

i dick punched your mother in the cervix. did it hurt?

Were you fucking her from behind when you were doing it?

I don't know if I would call myself an addict
video games are the only interest I have but I barely play them anymore cause I don't even have the energy to get out of my bed, or I do and just start raging cause I only play multiplayer shit
I wish
I'm getting closer to taking the shotgun out of my dad's closet and painting the walls with her remains
my dad has given up on trying to deal with her, I'm more stubborn and irritable than he is so I don't just sit there and take it even though I know there's no point
if you saw my mother you would vomit from any thoughts of fucking her

Why don't you just call child services OP? You've got to be under 18 right?

>I was angry already from playing video games
jack was right

Are you a Reaper main?