>"Resurrecting user! Maybe pay attention this time! Teehee!"
>Stands still in dungeons 40 seconds at a time refusing to DPS while not healing
>Only bothers to even heal in between laughing at their hilarious text macros and watching Netflix
>Overwhelmingly played by dumb Lalas
>Overwhelmingly played by girls who are too busy causing FC drama to learn boss mechanics
>The first to leave parties from wipes despite them causing it
>Always the one to go "HE'S NEW, FUCK OFF HOLY SHIT" when getting annoyed with sprouts after the fifth time they caused a wipe despite the fight being explained six times
>Constant use of "e.e","-sigh-" and other passive aggressiveness whenever something goes wrong, typically caused by them in the first place
What went so wrong with WHM? SCH and AST are nowhere near this bad in regards to playerbases.
FFXIV thread
"Resurrecting user! Maybe pay attention this time! Teehee!"
Get the 20 simultaneous Persona waifu threads off the board first, then we'll talk
When you get a good white mage in a dungeon though holy shit. Their aoe kit is insane.
>been botting pvp 24/7
>notice on the announcements a banwave came out
>it's only for RMT faggots
>"Resurrecting user! Maybe pay attention this time! Teehee!"
For some reason these macros are always made by people who die the most. Are they being ironic or something?
>Doing Royla menagerie
>Some SCH dies literally 10 times. 10 fucking times.
>After the RDM raises them because I've stopped wasting the MP, they raise someone else.
>It's a snarky raise macro.
>be in similar situation were the other healer keeps dying to stupid shit
>dont bother with him anymore because he's a mouthbreather whos just wasting my mp
>rdm resurrects him
>types in, wow amazing play rdm im going to give you my commendation at the end, as if i give a fuck about commendations or felt bad about his smug attempt at trying to get a response out of me
This is why you play pvp games instead.
Alpha is cute. CUTE!
I fucking hate this little nigger-bo.
>install a parser out of curiosity
>regularly do more DPS as WAR than at least one dps job, sometimes two
>sometimes just spamming Holy during a dungeon will bring me close to a DPS who forgot where his AOE spells are
Almost wish I hadn't installed it, it seems like the fastest way to lose faith in the whole playerbase
Only load it up when you are hitting the dummy or when in savage. It'll save you some ulcers.
>about to wipe to primal
>WHM is up
>BLM uses the LB3
>Rage of Halone
>Takes a full second for the hit to actually land
Who made this meme skill?
How is this an argument? Your thread belongs on /vg/, why lump yourself in with other retards in the process?
Have you been to /xivg/? They don't discuss the game.
They're definitely creative.
maybe don't play trash games
What is there to even discuss? Sharing stories about how shit DF is? Talking about which job is in the cuck shed for the millionth time?
Is PVP really the fastest way to level DPS post 60? It's so fuckign slow.
>stop discussing video games I don't like on Sup Forums
How sad is your life
No they nerfed it a month ago. Now it's pretty much FATE farming while waiting for dungeons.
>Run Susano EX
>Doing my best to get weapons
>Think it'll have that cool electrical effect
>It doesn't
Never before have I felt so rused.
Wow, fate farming. Haven't done that since back in central highlands leveling DRG to 50.
Wait till craftable versions.
Hope you got the gil ready. The jews will be out in full force.
Yes? Why are you even here? Moron.
Just finished the last of the SB crafting quests, what did we all think? I think the theme of becoming more of a teacher is pretty nice. It keeps up with the general progression of apprentice-journeyman-master. The execution of that theme was very hit and miss though.
>How to do the teaching an apprentice storyline wrong. That dumb fucking cat had one thing to learn, and only managed it in the last quest. And even then she was still fairly incompetent. And every single time she puts on puppy dog eyes and makes me feel guilty because my character is crafting god and everything she makes is absolute dogshit in comparison.
>How to do the storyline right. The student learns a lesson in the first quest, is a bit confrontational, her father provides a greater source of tension, with a solid payoff in the last quest. Brithael remains top-tier.
>I just felt bad that Blanstyr had to get shit on for the third series in a row. At least by the end he's portrayed as having developed enough to be satisfied. Jesus christ that armour looked like dogshit though.
>Pretty dull and repetitive. Not quite as bad as CRP, as at least you have a series of problems rather than just one you need to solve over and over, but nothing fucking happened the whole time. Also, more overplayed dicksucking of the WoL's mad crafting skills. I think one of them actually called me a god at one point.
bot PVP 24/7 (or when you're not manually playing) and it'll slowly grind up for you, you can also get the garo mounts and stuff too
>central highlands fate grinding to 50 as a DRG
are you me?
I feel like a sizeable portion of the playerbase in FF14 is women or men with a testosterone deficiency. So many people are overly emotional and whiny and passive aggressive.
>So many people are overly emotional and whiny and passive aggressive.
That's gamers in a nutshell.
>wanting high test women
>What is there to even discuss?
>Stuff about the game?
You're retarded
Not what I meant.
If that's 'stuff about the game' then people posting about sucking shemale cock should count too since that's 99% of the 'endgame'.
>Liked the concept and characters well enough, I just think that starting off with "we are making an exhibit of lots of animals", and then ending with a single piece for the exhibit kind of took the wind out of it. Could have done with 1 or 2 extra quests, I think. Still, Atelloune is pretty cool, and I'm betting she'll come back, possibly in non-crafter content.
>But honestly it was nice to have the big variety of things to craft. I just kind of wish that after being sent back to level 1 prostitute the slut hadn't recovered by the next quest. It was also a nice break from teaching apprentices.
>Combat-only faggots will never see the lore we see, craftbros. Actually really nice, even if the plot was slightly absent-minded. That last conversation with best boy Severian was true kino.
>Tolerable. Going out to research dishes gave a nice sense of development, but we have the similar problem to CRP of an incompetent apprentice being contrasted with the WoL who crafts edible orgasm daily. At least the Mhigan had cool gear.
Also worth noting that the switch to non-standard crafts for which you don't need to gather mats is highly appreciated. Not so much the drop to 4 proper quests for the entire expansion, but the cutting of content is pretty much endemic at this point.
How do I get dusklight aethersands
ERPing is not apart of the game.
Gathering collectables from Ephemeral nodes. It's easy shit if you're geared.
Is this XIV only? What surviving MMOs have the most fun healers. XIV and WoW style healing is really cut and dry. I wish there was something like RO's Priest or older FlyFF stuff.