Why was this game so fucking good...

Why was this game so fucking good? The character felt so relatable and i genuinly got angry or happy or pumped up at certain parts of the game

go back to Sup Forums faggot

Kill alt-rightists is always satisfying.

the game teaches you that a nazi world is good

>moon base within 14 years of victory

i hope you get dick cancer

you too.

Wrong board

That doesn't exist

It seems the definition of alt right changes with the day.

You can't change what was never a thing to begin with. I don't care if what faggot says there is one, there isn't and only the media is trying to act like there is one.

right wing, your political views are to the right, but the people who are in office on the right are not your fucking politicians, so you need an alternative right wing.

That's how it started, and there was an alt right.

but then media and every left cunt decided alt right = nazi and it killed what was a growing movement.

>Sup Forums and Sup Forums: The thread

Video games ARE technology.

Wait, you hate racists/fascists on Sup Forums a.k.a Sup Forums the site?

Reasonable people like yourself are called cucks/leftists around here so beware!

Go back to Sup Forums, faggot.

Sup Forums hates video games

Guessing this thread was moved from Sup Forums

>great, tight, gunplay
>empowering but not power fantasy level combat
>engaging story
>tons of effort put into detail of design, general lore and setpieces, which are often just used one-off, meaning they spent the time and effort to construct huge setpieces that would only be used for one scene
>puts the evil of the nazis in front of you for you to experience without cramming it down your fucking throat like a game would in 2017
>great set-up of stuff that would be expanded upon later like the Da'at Yichud
>simple, likeable protagonist
>strong supporting cast
>extremely cinematic
>tonally fluid but coherent, often flowing back and forth between quirky, punk-attitude cinematics and gravely serious ones
>django-unchained vibe of "let's just make everything really bombastic, dynamic and awesome" but backs it up with its level of quality and refinement so it's not style over substance
>obvious love for its classic shooter roots but still hinges on its modern-shooter elements, simultaneously providing a nice balance of gameplay aspects while also setting itself apart from full-on classic-style shooters of its ilk like nu-doom, effectively making it its own thing
>so much more

i love this game

Worse, it was moved here from Sup Forums

It's one of the most fun to play and fluid fps games ever made this generation

It was unironically fucking great for an fps, I don't care what anyone says

>sequel is on id tech 6
can't wait m8

Why, is it commonly shat upon?

it's only shat on here because any amount of story=bad for Sup Forums
and now killing nazis is also bad for Sup Forums

retarded. This game handled the Nazis in such a non-retarded way, it's fantastic.