
None of you faggots hyped for this?

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Don't they already have a f2p game

>MMO turned into an arena game
isn't that the trend?

>connecting real cards with digital
Hype af

Yea but this time it's the full game

Not even disappointed. I knew those jews were gonna jew instead of making the a good MTG game without jewish tactics.

Are they going to abandon it like all their other digital games?

You know what would be cool? If they released the card chronologically starting from the very beginning right at the very start and going through the expansions every season.

I'm skeptical about it. Hopefully it turns out decently.

>all that twitcher pandering in the article

Obviously someone at Hasbro is punching holes in the wall because Hearthstone exists

Meh. I'm sure it'll at least be decent and all, but I don't have the time to play a 2nd F2P card game. It's just mostly the same shit anyway. I'd rather spend the rest of my time playing the full games I already have.

Does it matter?
Didn't they do this shit already like a year ago and dropped it when all the MTGO autistics didn't move over?

They can't make anything new because none of the MTGO autistics want to abandon the thousands if not tens of thousands they spend on digital cards.

will I get an upkeep step this time?

I don't think it's about MTGO players

Magic Duels just wasn't the same game

>limiting rares and mythics arbitrarily
>limits formats to basically only standard
>no limited format as well
>some cards they actually had to ban because they couldn't fucking make them work in the game

At least MTGO imitates magic well enough

Drafting is the only form of Magic that isn't complete fucking garbage. If you only play Commander or some dumb shit like sealed, just kill yourself.

sorry for having fun senpai

It should be good. They're focusing on Standard and spectator value, that sets it far enough apart from MTGO to survive. Great for people who like standard but don't have the ability to fork out often enough.
Ix looks like a great xpac too, so it's good timing.

>mtg online with a better interface

I don't trust it

They have to cut corners somewhere

>we wanna be like Hearthstone!

Didn't they basically try this in paper standard and had to backtrack like crazy because of how upset people got?

I pity all the cucks who wasted their shekels on magic duels meme coins.

If you want to play decent mtg do it with an emulator, cockatrice was popular few years back, before than it was magic workstation, I'm sure some client still works today.

the only downside is unless you play draft you have every card at your disposal, so woe is you who cant pay to win.

>make people spend thousands on virtual cards if they want to play online with people
>then try to release another platform
>then try to release yet another
Wizards is so fucking shitty. MtG is a joke.

I played a lot of Duels, so naturally I am excited for a sequel. I have already signed up for the beta, with my DCI# that has been linkes with my Duels account.

You sound suspiciously like a shill

No, if you read it, it says that this will be like official magic. My only issue with it is how it;s gonna start from Ixalan. Wish it were modern at the very least, At least it should work better.

I play magic for the infinites, which can never exist in digital versions of the game if they made the game properly.

Will Arena have free draft? If so I am totally in

Does this have every single card up to date? Can I buy physical cards and get them in the online version? IF not then this shit is fucking stupid.

>Managed to avoid mobile gacha wallet-milkers all these years
>this gets announced

What happened?

Couldn't you use cheat engine day one of magic duels release?


How is Magic 2018: Duels Arena 3.0 Reboot edition going to affect MTGO?

This looked fucking awful and proved they haven't learned a single fucking thing.

they're focusing on standard. the beta specifically is focusing on the newest set coming out at the end of the month which is Ixalan. If you want all the cards in the game then play MTGO. The FAQ says they're looking into ways to have the real game intermix with the digital.

MtG paper IS a gacha wallet milker. Im surprised they didnt hop into it sooner.
All i just hope is that it isnt grossly overpriced. I mean, it wont be permanent real paper cards, just ones in a game that will get replaced AGAIN in a couple years.

>What happened?


Planeswalkers were out well before Hearthstone was a thing.

the number of people in this thread who dont actually understand what this is amazes me

-will be starting as Ixalan only
-primarily designed for standard play and draft
-does not as of currently or the foreseeable future include other formats like modern and legacy
-does contain a full control mode to allow advanced play
-has some nature of free to play version however little info has been released about the pay model
-not even supposed to go after mtgo as this isn't a full version of all the sets by even a small measure

Yeah, but after Hearthstone they tried to focus on them fucking hard to the point where they were required for a legal deck rather than an optional way to play.

I don't really think it had anything to do with Hearthstone. I think it just had to do more with Superhero movies than anything.

literally what are you talking about. there was never a requirement for planeswalkers in decks. they're still pushing them as a focus, but you've never been required to use planeswalkers.

I think you're confusing planeswalkers with HS's hero abilities. It's not really that similar.

It has more to do with the whole "Gatewatch" being a super hero squad following capemovies.

It has free draft though, that alone is worth it for me

I mean, yeah it is, but you can sometimes break even if you win FNMs and pull good shit. I stopped playing MtG paper a couple of years back because no money, but have always wanted to go back. Hopefully this isn't too brutal on free users.


there is nowhere that says drafts are free, just that there is some way to earn things ingame without spending money; it is still very possible for draft to not be the things they are referencing too

MTGO doesn't let me transfer real cards into digital. It's stupid to have two collections when MTG is already a massive money sink.

Better be or I will scream

Is there some reason for people to play stupid fucking card games when actual, you know, videogames, exist? Why would I want to bop nmy drawn warrior rectangle against the other drawn monster rectangle, when videogames can offer me both with fully animated 3D models?

You sound like a gamer

That's why you play online only.

Have you actually played magic for any substantial amount of time? The amount of depth and strategy in the game is huge. There's also a gambling element that makes it exciting.

They literally say in that article that MTGO isn't going anywhere. Arena isn't going to have pre-Kaladesh cards and MTGO is the only way you can use them.
It looks pretty much the same as Duels of the Planeswalkers, but as long as they actually make the game work this time I'll give it a shot.

>There's also a gambling element
Whats it like living in 1993?

>Standard only

Fucking dropped

>The focus of MTG Arena will be on the newest cards and game modes. Because of this, we know that Magic Online—which has a library of nearly every card ever printed from the game's entire history—will continue to offer experiences to players that are unique to Magic Online. Development on Magic Online will continue with new card sets, new updates, and ongoing tournaments. For more on the future of Magic Online, be sure to read Chris Kiritz's article, also posted today.
so they're focusing it to be a brand new thing, esports et al.
also a lot of buzzwords on that article.

Here's my question:

Can I do limited drafts and do they cost something like 5 bucks or are they still something ridiculous like 15?

limited drafts are around $5 a pop on MTGO if you're reasonably good, reuse the packs you win, and sell your money cards

We don't know anything about the pricing model yet. I doubt they'd go full price like they do on MTGO though

I'm not good, though. It costs me 15 fucking bucks for a draft. How do I get good at drafts? I practice. And no, I'm not gonna spend hundreds of dollars so that I can maybe finally enter a zero-sum game.

I want it to only cost 5 bucks period. Or some kind of currency I can grind without actually paying real money.

If they do that, they have me hooked. If they still keep the ridiculous MTGO pricing, they can suck my dick.

Just play on X-Mage for free

No one fucking drafts there. They all quit one match in.

Can someone please explain MTGfags obsession with Draft?

It's literally the only fun way to play Magic.

>Won't have to play DruidStone anymore
>Won't have to suffer through Shadowverse Meta
>Won't have to play Yu-Gi-Oh
>Won't have to play Duelyst anymore

Gameplay here

it certainly doesn't help how poor the "excitement" is in this.

like, just really bad fake enthusiasm

They gotta shill it, no shame in that.

It's the only variant of the game that requires actual skill in every facet of TCG: deck building, resource management, anticipation of opponent's plays without knowing the exact cards in their deck.

Constructed: lmao I'll just play this removal because I have 14 more in my deck
Sealed: lmao I opened 6 legendaries
Commander: lmao infinite combo on turn 2

>Gaby and Amaz over Numot

fucking disgusting

>Not playing Casual

also netdecking ruins everything

>Modern isn't varied enough
>Standard is a money pit
>Commander is meme decks
>Draft is RNG

>pay us in microtransactions for another iteration of the same thing that we've discontinued before and will do so again
WotC are the most short-sighted company, it's disgusting.

Looks boring as fuck

>if we make the same game ANOTHER time with a different UI, this time it will surely inspire consumer confidence

Iwonder why people are hesitant at buying into digital MTG

Are all the mechanics intact? LIFO spell effect stacks etc?

Apparently they built an engine that can emulate any ability in MTG

the resolution for the stream was terrible.
those two idiots didnt let people see the majority of the cards either, so it was a terrible presentation

>gonna start from Ixalan
Going to be Ixalan standard IIRC, so Kaladesh through Ixalan.

>numot and his dumb as fuck num num dum dum hum hum sub bullshit
>gets literally btfo every GP and PT
>the absolute state of kenji fans

>being jelly that someone has a personality while playing a card game while you're a bitter literal who

lmao stay mad fampai

How can WotC make so many dumb decisions? How long can they survive off the life support base they have?

not hard to do but if it's anything like mtgo or xmage, expect a buggy POS

PS4 or bust

Literally the best way to play

Hearthstone is to MTG as Netflix is to Blockbuster

Hasbro don't give a shit, they just want those quarterly earnings.