Thoughts on scorn?

Thoughts on scorn?

I think organic parasites are my new fetish.

Other urls found in this thread:

>here's this weird living parasitic flesh gun
>it shoots and sounds like a regular gun

Retarded devs.

>walking around shooting slow ass critters

all it has going for it is aesthetics. they don't even use the messed up environment for some unique weapon effects, it's just some normal fucking pistol and a shotgun

>sound design? isn't that where you download the first stock sound that fits and use that?

i hate modern game devs

>yet another viral marketing thread
Your game is shit, stop posting it here.

It's possible the weapon sounds are a WIP considering the rest of the game. I agree they need to be changed though.

Game has a really fucking good art style. Reminds me a lot of the early NES body horror games like Abadox or Splatterhouse.

I like its somber tapestries.




I might try this out just for the Giger aesthetics, don't know if it's actually any fun though

>putting a little ammo bead into a weapon sphincter makes generic reload noise
>all the weapons are just barrels for this one handle instead each being their own gross little creatures

early days, hope they make some changes

im not marketing anything, i just wanted to see your thoughts on this? For me the whole atmosphere and designs sell it for me. I want them to go even further with this parasitic concept, more abstract and uglier designs because you can do alot of crazy and cool shit with this idea

>im not marketing anything
Spoken like a true marketer.

Have a bump on me. The game looks like trash anyway.

>putting a little ammo bead into a weapon sphincter makes generic reload noise

I didn't think that at all, it's more this gooey sound

It's just ripping off Prey(2006)'s rather excellent weapon design which infact were different organics.

Generic Console Shooter #18464

game says it's in alpha so hopefully it gets fixed up


Are you deaf?

It's a stand-in.
Will be fixed when the game comes out.

design/aesthetic wise it looks unique

delicious meat town.

How the fuck would It even sound like?

I never understood the organic weapons/environments meme. Most of the time are just "DUDE WHAT IF, WE HAVE A GUN/PLACE BUT SLAP TISSUES AND SHIT"

hire a foley guy to tell you

I imagine it would sound like this.

looks really impressive and disgusting slimy meatworlds are my fetish, but the guns being normal guns with a meaty reskin is a big turnoff and the "gameplay trailer" either gives a poor impression of what the game will be like or indicates that the game will be an incredibly slow paced "cinematic experience"

Well, it'a visual style, doesn't really have to be more than that. Just looks nice

It looks like Giger's work, you idiot.

game's in alpha so fingers crossed

That worm is cute

It all depends on whats the lore behind it. Biopunk can be done right or wrong, just like any other setting.

first of all it's giger inspired, and second do you see that in your everyday generic shooter?

Is it still a horror game if it ain't scary?

I guess horror could mean dark and gory.

yeah me too, games tend to only show off the really early parts in trailers anyways so i still have hope for the game

>the "gameplay trailer" either gives a poor impression of what the game will be like or indicates that the game will be an incredibly slow paced "cinematic experience"

It calls itself a horror game so it's probably not very fast paced. That part seems like the introductory area though, I would expect it to gradually turn it up as you progress. Those little critters look interesting but totally non-threatening

While we're on organic walking simulators, how about this one? I had no idea it exists but it was in the suggestions. Really like the visual style but once I've watched this video there's probably no need for me to actually play it myself

i hope they have a level where there's like a fuckton of those creeps, like a wide area with horde's of them monsters. that'd look awesome

Oh wow, and here I thought the whole time Scorn was Agony, I was like "Wow the game really changes up huh."

My hipster sense is tingling.

>Will be fixed

holy fuck how many times are you niggers going to fall for this shit

>slowly creeping up on the hole in the beginning of the video
>no sphincter


Quit being jaded.

Quit being naive.

>squirting fish and jizzing worm

Well, I feel like ordering the special.

>Having faith is being naive


>Implying it isn't

I really like that it doesn't seem to go for the shitty amnesia horror or shitty jumpscares (disregarding that one scripted light garbage).
Not interested in it though until they tell us how long the game is.

Is this a litteral asshole simulator?

Yes it is, the people behind the game have done nothing to justify having any faith in them.

Did the developer claim this specific thing would be "fixed"? Is there any evidence that they see it as a problem?

If not, your claim that it "will be fixed" is 100% speculation and you are in fact delusional for believing it's a fact.

This gives me H. R. Giger and Hellraiser vives, I hope it ends up being good and worth a try.

don't you love when retards upload trailers and other videos from someone else for the ad shekels? good thing i never turn off ublocko

Pretty much one of the reasons I didn't like the original Prey

> Strange weapon made from a combination of organic and mechanic parts with a weird appendage thing that can extend from it and attach itself to your eye allowing you to zoom in

It's just an assault rifle with a scope

> Little crab things that explode
They're just grenades

> Alien weapon that shoots acid
It's just a shotgun

> Arm ripped from a cyber demon looking enemy

Nothing but a machine gun with a grenade launcher. Maybe it's just me but I feel like alien weapons should act well, strange and alien basically, not just like real life counter parts

Their page says it's less about horror and more about environmental storytelling
Whatever that's supposed to mean
Walking simulator I suppose

Wait what? I thought this won't be out for a while.

It looks like a generic fps but everything is covered in meat, goo and tentacles.

The developers clearly had lots of aesthetic ideas but no original thoughts regarding gameplay. It's debatable whether such people should make games at all.

>Those little critters look interesting but totally non-threatening
Since the first one doesn't even attack, it's possible they're just an introduction to what low-tier enemy looks like.
Hopefully it does get more chaotic. Artstyle makes me interested but the gameplay will have to have some amount of effort.

Like the sound of bones cracking perhaps, this gun uses teeth for ammo.

marketers B.T.F.O. (Blown The Fuck Out)

This OP might be shilling too, they are asking for 150K on kickstarter.


>Deus Ex Invisible War
>Spider grenades
>It actually turns into a little spider robot and chases enemies
IW had a lot of cool gadgets now that I think about it.

I liked how quiet it was compared to all the other horror games. I hope they take a different approach to horror, one that's more eerie and strange rather than being filled with hectic combat and jumpscares.
I agree that it needs a significant challenge though since what we've seen so far is just a walking simulator.

Oh god, I haven't seen this in years

It looks nice, at least. They nail the Giger and Beksinski qualities. It looks kind of empty gameplay wise though.


You have to pull the trigger over and over to get it to shoot.


So that's why those disgusting brazilian dishes are so popular, you get a free gun.



Holy shit this looks so much better than scorn, god damn thank you for this.

It's another "horror" "game" that is based on somebody with talent's actual creativity. "Lovecraftian", "HR Giger-inspired" games are just fucking ripoffs that normies and Youtubers eat up like cookies because they have the attention span of a gopher.


If they try a more Alien Isolation, I wouldn't be upset. Basically there's combat but it's not necessary the focus, just a tool to survive during more organic moments.
Which reminds me, anyone remember that game Routine? Has anything been said about that? Last time I heard, it was finally going to be released and then ended up delayed.


Until you can walk around in a drawing, yes they should.

the crappy artstyle makes this comic so much more fascinating

Maybe if Custer's Revenge gets a reboot.

That's still the last news.

They probably put the gun in the trailer specifically so people wouldn't accuse it of being a walking sim.

I'd like to see some sort of in-depth interview to understand why they keep delaying it.
>It's just a couple of months
>Back in March
Is it so difficult to be active in twitter or something, just to explain what the fuck is going on?

I would prefer if it were a walking sim. Horror games are way more effective when you're defenseless, otherwise it's usually just action games with jump scares.

I really like this comic, even if it's so badly drawn.
Is it known who made it?

this. im too jaded to believe otherwise


It looks like it could be a lot of fun watching webms of the most creative/shocking visuals and asking for context in a thread about the game when it comes out.

Beyond the setting and tone it looks to play just like any generic FPS with some "puzzles". Until we get something else I'd have to pass.

It has combat, so it's not a walking simulator at all.
Learn what walking simulator means.

Reminds me of Prey. All sorts of gross anatomy stuff, but that's really all there is to it, and once you get past the design it's kind of bland.

Edgy McEdgeface: The Game

The player model hand looks more "normal" in that gameplay trailer than in the OP image teaser still. I like the idea of the character potentially growing more fucked up and alien over the course of the game.

Notimportant goes to hell


it wasn't till a year ago that I realize so many memes and reaction images were based of his comics

Reminder to always assume the worst with shit like this. The devs are total unknowns and there's no reason to believe a fucking word they say about anything.

>PS4/Xbox One
Scorn isn't a multiplat it's only on PC.

Thanks for the info

The artstyle alone will be enough to bring in the audience. Hopefully its not just a walking simulator where you occasionally shoot a gun though.