>has one certain line in the game
>becomes super popular because of it
Are there any other vidya characters where they get upgraded based on one line?
Has one certain line in the game
Yeah, Gengar got popular just for saying Gengar.
we all know you dont care about what you just wrote.
so just dump more Sex Maniac.
Pokemon saying their names because they were too lazy to voice actual cries for the anime was a fucking mistake.
You have to understand, Nintendo games have no content. Featureless "open worlds," very sparse dialogue that reads like an instruction manual where you walk up to a character and he tells you to press B, empty combat... They're so starved for content that they're giddy when a character has a single shred of personality.
I think a Nintendo loyalist would get an aneurysm trying to wrap his head around Ocelet.
I'm glad I like video games
I wonder what made the devs settle on Hex selling the milk?
They knew that thicc is popular.
>a thread made specifically to lure out the gengar-posting user that has a case of autism so bad he would make barneyfag blush
Report and hide.
Lack of direction means that you can create your own fiction. The worst case scenario is when the game takes away your ability to do anything, like Sun/Moon's crazy amount of cutscenes.
She's not really thick ingame though.
Do artists who purposefully draw ugly characters do so because they have some kind of body dysmorphic disorder, or because they're just not good artists?
That is one of the freakiest, weirdest things I've seen drawn concerning those two. I like it.
The person just likes weird characters. Has some drawings of more normal looking people.
so what made hex maniac popular anyway? was she in X and Y? everything past the fairy town of whogivesadamn and all NPCs in the game just became a blur after a while, except maybe for AZ. he was sorta ok
One particular hex maniac sells moomoo milk. Fetishists made it so it was her milk she was selling, and gave her giant tits.
Her milk line.
That's it.
There is nothing else about her.
>Literally is meme worthy because of a single word, "buddy"
>Not even my favorite line from him in the game
A mix of her design and her being the one selling moo moo milk in an area that has no Miltanks and from a trainer class that wouldn't use a Miltank either.
Ghosts are pretty fucking cool.
well that's kind of a stretch but sure I'll roll with it
Fun NPC design. Awkward fluffy ghost girl with creepy smile. A few notable NPCs like the ghost in the elevator and the milk seller. Fun interactions and fetish potential.
>Did you know, there are three kinds of aces?
why would you make this
>expecting depth from a game made for literal children
She's tomoko with big tits, what's not to like?
some people hate big tits for some reason.
well modern men no longer desire big breasts that's probably the reason
>ywn never be so butthurt and autistic enough to spam gengar pictures in order to ruin glorious hex maniac threads
Wee lad
Wait is this a new thing? I've never seen gengarfag before.
Boy I sure have an egg on my face, autismo.
Usually the mods delete Hex threads because they belong on /vp/ but they just decided not to this time for some stupid reason.
So why do you hate hex maniac
He was spamming shitty gengar pics in the previous hex thread because he has no life.
Why do you hate life
Zangoosefag did it better.
Maybe they're one and the same though, but if that's the case then he's really slipping.
Because he's gay m8
No I'm serious why do you hate hex maniac there has to be a reason for you to post gengar
Nice phoneposting. Afraid of something?
I really like this picture of Hex Maniac
I'm serious too. There must be some reason you hate everything good and pure.
Drawing wildly cartoonish proportions and homely women despite having the talent to do other things is SLB's whole deal.
He has copycats that don't really make it work.
>Hex threads are usually deleted on sight
>but because of Gengar dumping they'll stay up, although they'll die faster as a result
Seems like a fair tradeoff
I don't. But this is a hex maniac thread not a gengar thread.
And this is why you spam gengar? Just because mods sometimes delete Hex threads? That's pretty autistic. Just leave them be, move on, and quit wasting your time.
No, this a characters who got popular thread.
I like girls with big tiddies. What about you guys?
If you're doing anything at all that isn't researching immortality you're already wasting your time. And I happen to like posting Gengar.
Me too bro, it's really nice.
Afraid of that autism of yours
>Hey buddy
Glass houses kid.
Woops you're right.
Carry on.
Tits too big she should be flat
I fucking love big ass titties boyo
ahoy ye bodily fitness improvement center owner, I suggest you fornicate yourself posthaste
Hex Maniac is too damn squishy.
We heard you the first time and it was just as cringey.
Hex a cute
Gengar a shit
She soft as fuck
Oh shit, noice but now you're gonna get your post deleted lol
Not even your shitty Hex waifu would like you for saying that.
I like it
>pokemon barneyfag calling anyone cringey
Look in a mirror friend.
>gengarfag calling out posts cringey
Lookin' good, thanks.
>autismo using the word cringey to describe anyone but himself
>all this dumb infighting
Can't I just love all aspects of ghosts and girls?
to be honest, the line "Yo buddy... Still alive?" in the context of a bloody war is brilliant in its simplicity.
Top tier line for a video game.
I hate Ghost pokemon
When you try and use Sup Forums to circlejerk about a one-note "waifu", there's really nothing you can say to make me feel bad by comparison.
You can try, though.
agreed, there is no need for anger
You're either a hex flag or a Gengarfag. Now which side are you on fag?
wait just a minute here
Satan will punish you eventually.
Hex maniac has no friends, would you be her friend?
The side that has people with taste.
>Hex maniac has no friends
Oh, so that's why people like Hex. They relate to her.
I'm a Lanafag
He said pick a side, nigger, you can't just walk away.
I refuse partake in your categories.
I'll spell it out then. Gengar.
No, because she's a fat sack of shit.
I would, and we could make lots of new friends together, called children!
Sounds like you picked the wrong side faggo
Better than being a Gengarfag
Then suffer like a dog
Yeah she's always indoors and with her ghosts. She's a shut in
>he doesn't like thicc