Now that the dust has actually fucking settled, can we agree that the game isn't perfect?

Now that the dust has actually fucking settled, can we agree that the game isn't perfect?
>enemies have way too much health and deal way too much damage even when wearing armor
>no actual dungeons
>the bosses are shite, this includes the final boss
>sidequests are boring and mundane
>the english dub that people had to suffer through when the game first came out was fucking awful
>too many fucking korok seeds

No one has ever claimed the game is perfect, not even on day one.

Which game is perfect though?

also thunderblight and beast ganon are good
And no enemies don't have too much health and deal okay damage git gud

I think it's perfect

If nothing else its an amazing foundation for Zelda games going forward, things can only improve from here

>literal 10/10s across the board
what the fuck do you think perfect means dumbo?
>also thunderblight and beast ganon are good

no they're fucking not you apologist scumbag they're just rehashes of the same stupid boss

Metroid Prime 2 is perfect.

10/10 doesn't mean perfect idiot, check the review scales of each site

>no they're fucking not
user are you retarded? all the blights have unique movesets you dumb fuck, how are they rehashes?

beast ganon is literally the worst bossfight of all time

Oh I didnt know perfect meant giving a shit about reviews.
You see I dont give a single fuck about reviews because Im not a child.

You write like an angry manchild so have fun in your sub 50 IQ thread

Oops I actually meant calamity ganon, not beastBut yeah agree beast is fucking shit, but I liked spiderganon

>what the fuck do you think perfect means dumbo?
I'd say 10 means masterpiece rather than perfect. That's why everyone gave it a 10.

enemies being able to kill off half your hearts when wearing upgraded armor is never ok

the lynels are a big culprit in this

Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with hating this game?

If you don't like the game, fine, yes it has its flaws, as does every game. There's no point in making the same thread EVERYDAY mentioning the same flaws to get others to join in on the circle jerk and validate your opinion.

SOME enemies have too much health, but damage is mostly reasonable.

I liked the dungeons, but they could have been larger.

I think the game is amazing, but if I could change/add one thing it would be to add more enemy types. I get bored of fighting recolored versions of the same 3 enemies.

The game's strength is exploration and the environment is incredibly well-crafted, almost every inch of land feels like it was hand-made, even the backwater areas behind mountains etc, that are usually just flat areas of nothingness in open world games, have enemies and resources spawns.

Could have also used more rewards for exploration. Perhaps more hidden armor pieces or even hidden optional sheikah slate "spells" for use in combat.

Overall its game of the decade.

It was amazing the fiest time but I feel no desire to replay it.
>same enemies across the map
>only thing to find is Shrines and Koroks
>No point in attacking enemy camps for a shitty weapon or mediocre loot
>too few people in the world, no bustling city area
>Nothing scary in the game like pic related.

>half your hearts
Nigga you have 3 hearts or what?

My nigga

>no desire to replay it
I don't see that as a problem, I don't actually replay games, not even souls. Need to work on that backlog senpai
>only thing to find is shrine and koroks
literally wrong, but okay

>all this redditspacing
you guys need to get the fuck out

No it's not perfect. It suffers from some of the same issues which plague all open world games - enemy repetition and difficulty balancing for example.

But these are minor inevitable nitpicks of the genre and never come anywhere close to overshadowing an outstanding masterclass in game design. What Nintendo achieved, on the tech they used, is astonishing.

Why can't you just admit Nintendo made a great game? They're known to do that.

>reddit spacing

My favourite flavour of the month meme!

>anons using spacing and paragraphs to help structure and articulate their thoughts like any educated person would do.

Fuck off and kill yourself child. Nobody will miss you.

>literally wrong, but okay
I can find a bunch of shitty collectibles like plants, monster parts, disposable weapons, or grind for dragon scales. I can't find something like the hookshot or a goron mask.

fuck i found my people

First day on Sup Forums?

What's so masterclass about game design when the difficulty actively gets lower the more you play it? Or when you go to a Divine Beast and the game carefully explains how it works like it's your firt time even though it's your fourth time going to a Divine Beast? And I don't see the genius behind giving players the illusion of freedom right before slapping them with the Stamina bar.

I'm not saying it's a bad by any means, it's one of the best of 2017 as a whole. I'm just saying it's not just imperfect, it's also not as good as the original from 1986.

>Can't find elemental weapons
>can't find climbing gear
>can't find ninja stealth gear
>can't find nighttime speed boost gear
>can't find ancient power armour
>can't find boomerangs

At what point are you going to stop making up complete bullshit?

>remove shrines altogether
>have 8-10 massive dungeons with increasing difficulty due to semi linear nature of dungeon progression (more on that later)
>make each weapon a unique item without durability, have them level up or improve by using it (think onimusha or something like oblivion just for weapons themselves)
>armor should not have a damage reduction but only interesting effects so you can use whatever you want without having your autism triggered
>remove the story segments altogether or greatly expand on it and make them the main focus
>remove the pseudo-techno style crap and keep to high fantasy (imagine the beasts weren't robots but actual beings instead and you enter those)
>add more interesting items to interact with the world
>tone the size down overall, make it more dense
>big focus on world bosses and interesting encounters, quality over quantity
>shrines integrated into the overworld, puzzles more organic rather than abstract

to the linear dungeon progression
>have the dungeons be strewn across the world (think shrines) with some sort of trial to enter
>be teleported into dungeon so no weird outside that might not fit the interior design
>dungeons go from 1- however many and you always start at the first no matter which one you enter on the world map

I think you can somewhat see my criticisms with the game
In my perfect world, BotW 2 would look something like what I described and it would be more fun in my opinion

This has less to do with people calling the game perfect and more to do with flawed reviewing systems were "10/10" has lost value.

I don't think it's absolutely NEEDS linear dungeon progression. Maybe it needs something like OG Zelda where you can go to most dungeons whenever you want, but there's an obvious and intended order with its own difficulty curve.

Also, you failed to mention something like a hookshot to make climbing less of a pain.

excluding the weapons and the climbing gear, those are all things you can buy from vendors you dumbfuck

So basically any older Zelda game, at least Botw was somehow different from the Zelda formula.

>10/10 doesn't mean perfect

You have to be 18 to post here

>>remove shrines altogether
Stopped reading right there. Your very first point and you fucked up. No offense but you don't understand game design.

The shrines exist as purpose for encouraging and rewarding exploration and to also break up the gameplay.

No it doesn't, you have to be underage to not bother reading the reviews and noting how the scale came to be

>>Can't find elemental weapons
Disposable shit
>>can't find climbing gear
Lets me climb for a bit longer
>>can't find ninja stealth gear
I can avoid enemies that are already piss-easy to avoid
>>can't find nighttime speed boost gear
And go where with it?
>>can't find ancient power armour
>What purpose does this serve? Why fight enemies out in the field?
>>can't find boomerangs
Disposable shit

>He didn't the ancient barbarian power armour from the 3 Labyrinths.

>Now that the dust has actually fucking settled, can we agree that the game isn't perfect?

Only an idiot would say this game was "perfect", but you'd have to be equally fucking stupid to consider this a 'bad game', WITH THAT SAID.
Here are some of the biggest, most blatant, flaws I had with the game:

-You can't craft weapons despite having a wide variety of materials to do so. Weapons are incredibly fucking disposable and the longer that went on I began to really "get it" as a mechanic, but it still would have been great to be able to sit down and make some primitive weapons outta bone, flint, etc.

-Armor is more about functional purpose and has basically replaced key items/dungeon items. All the armor does something and that's great, but it also kind of removes a little adaptability and freedom that everything else provided in the game: "Oh no, electricity! Better put on my rubber suit!" "Oh boy, a big ol' mountain! Better put on my climbing suit!" etc.. Not that I'm against that kinda shit.. It just feels like they tried to avoid doing that, but then didn't.
-But I'm weird and just want over a dozen different costumes that don't do anything beyond look interesting.

-There's an absolutely pathetically small roster of enemies and I find that a little inexcusable given how large the world is and what they could have done. I say this in the sense that what they did with the enemies they have is great- all the current enemies are great- but I want more, at least half as many more.
The same could be said with the world-boss monsters, there's basically only maybe 4? Talus, Hinox, Malduga, and Lynels if you consider them a Boss.. No Dodongos? No Gleok dragons?

Personally, I'm really excited for what they have planned for the christmas dlc- it's gonna have I think 12 shrines and it's own plot? Must be big!

>a-all that stuff doesn't count because it invalidates my bullshit argument! REEEEEEEEEEE!

>3 labyrinths
there's only 2 what are you talking about

>why beat ganon?

If there's any site that says a 10/10 is perfect, you should stop reading their reviews. A 10/10, for most sites, is as fantastic as a game can get. They acknowledge that no game can be perfect; perfection simply does not, and can not, exist in video game form.
Instead, a 10/10 is given to games that the reviewer considers a masterpiece; a game that, while not perfect, is an absolutely stunning, amazing game, that they believe everyone should experience.

>there's only 2 what are you talking about
Kek. Retard.

I should have mentioned that more clearly but that's basically what I meant with more items to interact with the world, i.e hookshot or the thrown claw from WW

I think the linear dungeon progression is sort of necessary to have the puzzles actually be interesting beyond "push block into slot" 10 million times
You would still get an item in the dungeon, or maybe some sort of power

Well not exactly, the idea is to have the overworld be completely explorable with tons of stuff to find
For instance the dungeons, they would feel more like a shrine but actually rewarding

Well maybe you should have kept reading since I made the point to integrate the shrines into the overworld and make the whole thing more organic rather than have some abstract weirdo dimension where Link goes to do sudoku puzzles

I think that Revali's Gale and 2-star Climbing Gear exist for that purpose. That's why I always rush them alongside stamina boosts in a playthrough.

agreed, shrines should be more like caves than isolated areas. It's probably a hardware limitation though, imagine the game loading up everything

>>too many fucking korok seeds
You know you are not meant to collect them all, right?

Line breaks aren't reddit spacing you faggot.

This is reddit spacing.

Its nothing but minor upgrades. Why couldn't we get something fun like MM-style masks?

most likely, it's a wonder they got the game to work on the pii U as it is

>remove shrines altogether
>integrate shrines into the world more organically.

the game isn't perfect because no game is. it's very close to perfect though

think of it as 2 solutions to a problem instead of a contradictory oversight on my part

Maybe they deliberately wanted to take players out of their comfort zone and give them a fresh experience?

I'm sure traditional Zelda items and dungeons will return one day. Nintendo just wanted to make a Zelda game without Zelda conventions.

>>Can't find elemental weapons
The shrines hand those out like candy, has nothing to do with the overworld
>>can't find climbing gear
Shrines and even then it's still purchaseable
>>can't find ninja stealth gear
You literally buy that in Kakariko, nothing to do with exploring
>>can't find nighttime speed boost gear
It's literally useless and doesn't provide good stats. Besides, Ninja outfit does the same thing when leveled up. And again, it's sold from a vendor.
>>can't find ancient power armour
You literally buy those
>>can't find boomerangs
Boomerangs are garbage weapons anyway.

You seem to have missed the point of that user's post.
But since you seem so inclined to defend this game's 10/10 to the death
Defend the forgotten temple

The Wii U emulation runs it better than either version at this point on top of 40k and 60fps capabilities. Shows how much Nintendo gives a shit about optimization.

The combat in general was pretty shit.
To begin with the enemy variety was godawful, the engine was built for climbing/exploration and it shows in the floatyness of sidehops/backflips and the way it's super hard to get momentum. Plus there's no punishment for opening your menu and chowing down midfight.

And while I don't mind the weapon degradation it happens way to often, and Nintendo can go fuck themselves for crippling you with the size of your inventory + the exponential Korok seed cost for enlarging it.
Case and point: I bought the super-expensive Guardian Chainsaw from the Akkala lab and tested it out on the stationary guardian nearby. The chainsaw broke almost immediately after killing that one enemy despite it having one of the highest durability ratings in the game. Also I snuck into Hyrule Castle early and had about 5-6 endgame weapons on me, stumbled upon a Lynel, went to fight him, and broke all 6 weapons plus change. Not even a White/Zebra one, just a regular spear Lynel. It's ridiculous how quick you chew through weapons.
Bosses in general are poorly-implemented damage sponges with often obtuse mechanics; Windblight ganon's little flying penis lasers are fine because they tutorialised that with the bomb-arrow firing thing before you board the Beast, and Thunderblight was obvious because the lightning rods had a Magnesis texture on them, but Fireblight I had to google because I thought I was supposed to detonate his fireball in front of him or play ping-pong with it or something. And then there's Ganon, who I also had to Google because of his invincibility phase- because I never bothered with parries/flurries (because of the janky and inconsistent timing on them) and to be honest it's both a terrible & bizarre design choice to suddenly make them mandatory. That and the final boss fight took me a while, because Beast Ganon's big blinky eye can apparently close faster than the speed of light arrows, but not if Link uses his bullshit bullet-time hax.

damn how big is that display

on a side note, does the emulated version have the DLC?

>defend the forgotten temple
What is wrong with that? It's a cool area

>shrines aren't part of the overworld
>vendors aren't part of the overworld

>guardian chainsaw
Those have shit durability, it's not even the highest in the game

Are you retarded? The amount of nintentards with their blinders was ludicrous for the first month of its release

>10/10 not perfect

What do you even mean with this? What the fuck is the point of a perfect store then you think people give 11s?

Yeah, there's a program called WiiU USB Helper that can download and install any game with updates and DLC. You can do it yourself separately, of course.

You mean the amount of assblasted haters who couldn't stomach the idea of Nintendo making another great game?

Yeah they still haven't gotten over it.

It has 55 durability. The Stone Breaker has 80.
I expect that a weapon which costs me 2 precious guardian cores and 1000 rupees will last me more than one enemy.

Just because something gets 10/10 doesn't mean it's faultless. It's never meant that.

If something gets 5/5 it doesn't mean it's faultless.

It just means that the game is so good they want to give it the highest mark their score grading allows. What don't you get?

>what did you mean by this




>enemies have way too much health
Fucking damage sponge combat is crap, but alongside the stupid enemy levelling system it's fucking pointless as well.

> weapon that deals twice as much damage
>the enemy has twice as much health

Still a great game tho, just avoid most of the combat because it's not rewarding/worthwhile :3

>What is wrong with that? It's a cool area
>Giant ass temple
>dozens of guardians all aiming to murder you
>Your reward for that is a shitty item and a garbage orb.
>Have to go back to it once you did all the shrines to get an armor set.
It was one of the most disappointing areas in the entire game.

>shrines aren't part of the overworld
The point is that there's no fucking reward for exploring, you're going to go do the shrines you find and you're gonna get your shitty elemental weapons and orbs either way.
You're not gonna go "oh man, i wonder what's in that corner over there" because you know exactly what it's going to be. Another fucking shrine.

>vendors aren't part of the overworld
No user, an armor shop in the middle of a town doesn't count as incentive to explorer the overworld

Wrong, it's 50 durability. There are tons of 50 durability weapons

>most dissapoiting areas
What you described is cool as fuck, who care about reward when the experience is good?
>no fucking reward for exploring
You need to find the shrine first, that's exploring
>doesn't count
Why not? The towns are part of the overworld and you find them by shocker-exploring

>shrines aren't found by exploring
Look at this retard kek

>Zelda game without Zelda conventions.
Its a Zelda game with open world RPG conventions. Its The Elder Scrolls: Hyrule.

Yeah I looked it up after hitting Post.
Still 50 is pretty high relative to most things; and I didn't know that when I bought it, so when I paid out the nose for the Ancient Bladesaw I don't think I'm forbidden from feeling ripped off when it breaks pretty much immediately after. In any other Zelda game 1000 rupees is a lot of money, so I thought I was gonna have something I could use for at least a few hours.

Honestly I like the guy above's suggestion of removing durability altogether and giving weapons a Ratchet and Clank-style weapon EXP system where it gains new abilities and/or more damage the more you use it. You know, rewarding the player instead of punishing them for fighting things. And don't get me started on the constant "your inventory is full, let's just put this back" fucking about the limited inventory size/weapon degradation systems cause constantly.

this poster is literally from reddit, pay him no attention and give him no love

>no argument

>who care about reward when the experience is good?
The point is if you're going to have an area that intense, the least you can fucking do is give a proper reward, not another fucking Flamesword.
The journey is NOT the destination.
>You need to find the shrine first
You stumble across half of them just by doing the fucking main quest.
>you find them by shocker-exploring
No user, you don't find Kakariko, Tarrey Town or Gerudo village by exploring
They are literally where the game tells you to go.
Learn what exploration means, fucking ESL

>What is the Original NES Zelda?

>You stumble across half of them just by doing the fucking main quest.

>exp style system
Sure, make the chests with weapons give weapon upgrades instead of new weapons and I would be totally fine with that

>you can give a proper reward
Which is the journey. I don't even know why you care so much about the reward when the journey is fun
>you stumble across
wow, you mean you explored the overworld to find them? Thanks for making my point for me!
>you don't find them by exploring
Tarrey town can be entirely missed, so nah

Stop shifting your goalposts, ESL

>you stumble across half of them by doing the main quest

You think people would believe you, lying like this?

>The journey is fun
The journey is fun only in the first 20 hours
Lategame it becomes tedium
Orbs and elemental weapons are fucking awful reward systems.
>you explored the overworld to find them?
>Going from point A to point B for a quest is considered exploring.
Are you retarded?
>Tarrey Town can be missed
Tarrey town is not some fucking city hidden away in a corner, you build it yourself
Tarrey town is a fucking quest.
If people missed it that doesn't mean they weren't EXPLORING
And again, Vendors inside CITIES are not considered exploring the overworld
>Quest tells you to go somewhere
>go there
>find 3-4 shrines along the way
It's not that fucking hard, user

>journey is fun only 20 hours
This isn't relevant to the main point at all, and even so that's longer than the other zeldas
>awful reward systems
>going from point A to B is exploring
If you diverge from the path you wanted to go then it's exploration. Aka if you don't go in a straight line only to reach your objective it's exploration. That's why faggots say dark souls has exploration. It's the same thing
You mean a side quest? That you can only find by exploring and not following the main one?
>quest tells you go somewhere
So like uh 4 main quests in total
And 3-4 shrines for each
That's like 16 shrines total you can find

tl;dr You're fucking retarded

>going to point A to B is exploration

Yes it is

any game is perfect
this is the closest

what did he mean by this?

I mean I donĀ“t know english XD

A game where over half the game is dungeons and bosses; and a game wherein the final dungeon itself is the size of half the world map.

When my biggest complaint is that it rains too much, I know it's a damn good game. The blood moon appears a lot for me though, probably becuase I've been monster farming lately and the moon is activated once you kill a ton of monsters or several of the big ones.

Not perfect? I think that might be understating it. Let's see...
>it's way too casual (this point cannot be argued because it has too high of a metacritic score, and game journos HATE challenging games)
>framerate is disgusting
>not enough content to justify wanting to explore, since none of it is required to beat Ganon
>bosses are repetitive and easy to take down, including Calamity Ganon and his multiple forms, especially the last one which is just glorified quick time events
>weapon system is trivial because the game always gives you weapons, so at no point are you up against a wall and forced to "make due with what you have" since the game just throws a bunch of weapons your way anyway
>death has no impact because it's too "videogamey" to actually penalize you for doing bad, so you can just slam your head against a wall until it breaks, which isn't good game design
>vomit-inducing sex fanservice meant to appeal to virgins
>SJW pandering with the cinematic cutscenes
>cross dressing degeneracy (and it doesn't matter what context its in. If it's supporting cross dressing, it's tumblr pandering. If it's making a joke out of it, it's Sup Forums pandering. neither are allowed in my video game)
>Way too much DLC which costs way too much. That content should've been in the game, for free, from the start
>hard mode is absolutely terrible, since it's not even that challenging. They basically just changed some health numbers
>not a single likeable character in the game. Iw anted to personally kill Zelda, Mipha, Link, and every Gerudo I saw because of how retarded they act in-game
I think it's a literal worse than "not perfect". In fact it's mediocre at best and that's being generous

I've only found a boomerang in one shrine. More focused on finding ancient cores desu.

To all the people shitting on BoTW here, can a single one of you name a single other game with a chemistry engine so fine-tuned that you can light grass on fire, have that fire kill a wolf, which drops meat, take the meat, proceed to take out wood and drop it on the fire, have it catch alight with a campfire, then let that fire persist and warm up your temperature, then put a piece of meat next to it and have it dynamically change state into a cooked piece of meat that you can eat to recover even more health than it would have normally?

Nice job though, trying to hand wave that and make the game look shit because it didn't meet your unrealistic expectations. BotW has a living, breathing world. Its map size is only part of it, more important are the environmental, climate-influenced and chemical interactions that make it come alive. Why do you hate it? Because you think Witcher 3 or Bloodborne is better or something? Who the fuck cares if your generic levelling RPG number 502251 has a bigger or more "dense" map or whatever the fuck you would say? Who cares if you think it's not a "real Zelda" just because it for once broke the conventions and did something truly amazing and unique? I doubt you can name a single more in-depth game released in the last 5 years, let alone this year.

>More focused on finding ancient cores desu.
just go to major test of strength shrines and kill the guardian there again and again, they almost always drop cores while normal guardians hardly ever do

Is that you ACfag?

This statement is correct.

It's not that the game doesn't have faults, it's that the faults alone are nothing major and always amount be to minor trivial nonsense which never overshadow the game.

In the SIX months since release, the closest anyone has got to mentioning an actual bonadide fault was the framerate drops in some areas which has now been mostly patched, mostly.

Everything else is Sup Forums desperately trying to pretend that inconsequential nitpicks are actually MAJOR GAME BRAKING FAULTS!

Name one? Seriously, name a GENUINE MAJOR FAULT the game has. And I'm not talking "I don't like the menus!" or "The game gets boring after 100 hours!". Name a REAL fault.

>b-breaking weapons!
>no music!
>the game is shit because I heal myself!
>Ubishit towers!
>Devine beasts aren't as good as traditional dungeons!
>Shit bosses!

Again, no REAL faults. Just subjective trivial nitpicks which vary from player to player. Nintendo made a game which doesn't please everybody. Shocker.

Have a free (You)

>soundtrack is ass
>shrines are never interesting unless you go out of your way to make them that way
>also on shrines: mandatory motion puzzles
>weapon durability is a joke
>closest thing to an interesting new battle mechanic is fucking bullet time
>pop-in and framerate issues galore
>anything interesting about the overworld is something Skyrim did already

but yeah otherwise 10/10 mirite fellow GAFers?

Not him but I found 48 shrines in just trying to activate the 15 towers and look for the locations for the memories. The Shrine sensor helps too. Haven't even boarded 3 of the divine beasts yet but have talked to each elder to start those quests.