Which twitch streamers are you subbed to?

Which twitch streamers are you subbed to?

None of them, because I'm not a fucking retard


I just follow, that should be enough. I swear I can't understand the sub culture

people who watch streamers are degenerates

That's uncalled for man

Don't forget to hang yourself

The King

some streamers like MOONMOON get a lot of subs just because of their emotes

No voice, no face, just pre-recorded long plays of classic titles.
Caught their Yakuza marathon and got hooked, watched the Dark Cloud 2 play, they're currently on an Elder Scrolls kick, but I don't give a shit about those games.

Fuck actual streamers.


This. As a person streaming, merely following someone and watching them stream should be enough for them and in my experience usually when confronted with a person who says they can't sub the streamer will say it's okay and that they don't have to. This should be the norm.

Any expectation that a person should sub and that people who don't sub are plebs is logic that I'll never understand.

>implying he's wrong
You're an absolute faggot.

>spending money on stuff thats free
>not installing adblock


I mean I'm studying at 1 am and there is a qt girl streaming and talking nicely with her cute voice with about 50 viewers and I use it as a background noise. What the fuck is wrong with that? Why do Sup Forums autists have to shit on everything? Literally all of you fucking retards would stream everything if you could have more 3 viewers.

subscribing is for plebbitors

Go write another blog about how you don't understand Let's Players and irrationally hate them because of your incompetence. The geriatric's hospital called, they want their old man back.

>twitch streamers


>spending $35+ on streamers every month

iiiiits the f p b p

>instead of fun not-vidya threads of early 2010s we now have fucking cancer e-celeb threads for teens

and?better than spending on shit food. Watching streams with my arranged marriage wife is so fun.

That website is genius. It found a way to make virtual begging acceptable and even the norm.


None and I can say without a doubt that faggots subbed to moonmoon are the most obnoxious group of people in any stream chat

and would spend more if there were more players

>giving money to someone who is already SIGNIFICANTLY making more money than you because you enjoy watching them play games

Even if you DID enjoy twitch streaming, you have no fucking reason to sub, OP's example moonmoon makes over 100k a MONTH. He doesn't need help. Neither does your fotm LoL/DOTA/PUBG streamer.

$100 donated from lonelyfaggot

Thanks for streaming for 2 hours today :) I have severe depression and you helped me cure it by streaming :) thanks!

I haven't subbed to any streamers since 4pp on Justin.tv close to a decade ago.

None, because I' m not a fucking faggot.

>paying money to watch someone when you can watch for free.

I 'll admit I will watch a few twitch streamers every one once in a while to see how degenerate this generation is and I always leave it shocked and appalled at how many idiots are out there with tons of money.

I randomly clicked on this guy who was like a trending stream I think his name was tattim or something. Anyway watched a few mins said he wasn't going to watch the new IT movie trailer unless someone paid him $100....someone then donated $100. Then he said you didn't link the the trailer in your donation so I technically don't have to watch it. Then someone immediately donated $101 with a youtube link to the vid....I was like are you kidding me? There was 18,000 people watching a guy watch a trailer to a movie.

We talk about how the baby boomers fucked everything up with their greed and shit through the 60s-80s but if the Twitch audience is any indication of the future I think we will probably be in for much worse.