Name another company that delivers varying genres and styles like Sony?

Name another company that delivers varying genres and styles like Sony?

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It's funny how Sony are the ones always taking risks and making new shit.
>Gravity Rush
>Fat Princess
>Drawn to Death
>Everybody's Golf
>Ratchet and Clank

Sony developers make a plethora of varying genres and games with their own flavors. You don't see this type of variety on Xbox, save for maybe Cuphead, and Nintendo is just bing, bing, WAHOO. Make it even worse is that both Nintendo and Microsoft have infinitely more resources than Sony, yet don't take risks to create anything new.


Despite this Sup Forumseddit still thinks all they make is 3rd person shooters

Bloodborne is just Dark Souls with a new coat of paint and Ratchet & Clank isn't new at all. Same goes for Uncharted and InFamous, the former is just a generic movie game and the latter is a third person shooter but with super powers. None of those are "risk taking" in any sense of the word.

Also Sony always get the best Vita exclusives. B-rated japanese games you won't find anymore. Truly the golden age like the PS2

>nintendo doesn't take risks

Fat Princess is very bad the others are good the only think I never played Moss.
I really want sony to make Ape Escape 3 now that Knack II is complete and the japanese studio is free to do what they want

Anything that isn't trying to be one of these cancer “games as services” games is pretty risky in 2017

Nice delusion retard, but half of that list is the exact opposite of taking a risk. Especially fucking Bloodborne and Uncharted.

He is a shitposter. Infamous was pretty good except the camera on Infamous II. It's one of the most decent games of the PS3/360 era.
R&C 2016 is amazing in every aspect and the best R&C since III

>Fat Princess is very bad

>R&C 2016 is amazing in every aspect and the best R&C since III
Crack in time was better than 3, and i fucking love 3.

>Can't come up with a good argument so I better just call him delusional

You do realize most of that isn't really just Sony, right?
Sony themselves barely do shit, they buy companies and have them do the work.

>pointing out facts is shitposting
>R&C 2016 is amazing in every aspect and the best R&C since III
And you call me a shitposter? The remake was fucking shit. The fact that it's some dumb movie tie in game with gutted frame-rate and missing levels should be a pretty good indicator of how bad it is, especially in comparison to the originals.
I already gave my arguments. You still haven't told me how games like Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank, Bloodborne, or Infamous are "taking risks". Especially long-running game series for Sony like Ratchet & Clank.

I only had access to the digital version and it crashed after 1~2 hours. I never had any problem with other game so I doubt it's the hard disk. Also III had a better frame rate (on PS3)

While I'll admit I'm not a fan of Fat Princess Adventures being Diablo III lite, it was still an entertaining and fun dungeon crawler nonetheless. But c'mon son, the original Fat Princess is one of the best RTS games I've played in a long time. I'm still mad that they shut down the servers.

Nice joke. Crack in Time had the worst weapons in the series by far and there wasn't one memorable level in the game.

>and missing levels should be a pretty good indicator of how bad it is
But with another content added. The game takes 10~12 hours to complete without trying to collect every single thing. The length as R&C 2

>Crack in Time had the worst weapons in the series by far
And 2016 didn't? Not to mention the gutted humor, missing levels and planets, as well as the shit story, characters, and the story took a nose-dive because it was a forced tie-in with the movie. It had a 30 FPS cap despite all the other games being 60 FPS and it shoehorned Quark and Nefarious far more than it should have.

No shit Sherlock.

What exactly did it add that warranted the complete removal is entire levels and planets? card collecting and jet flying? Fuck off, those were the worst parts of the game.

>Crack in Time had the worst weapons in the series

More like CiT was the last time Insomniac actually tried making new weapons.

>Breaking news: The publishers don't make the games, the developers do

I bet you thought you were smart too

>R&C 2016 is amazing in every aspect and the best R&C since III

Ha no. i liked the Reboot game and all but it's not better then 3. R&C 3 had more guns, more planets, better characters and story then the Reboot game.

Sasha >>>> any of the girls in the Reboot

>Buying a PS4 for the first party games

Most of their modern software consists of artsy schlock trying to come off more deep than it actually is.

The PS3 R&C games were ~45 fps with lots of frame drops.

It also has far better humor and Ratchet wasn't a faggot boy scout. Quark was actually funny and Nefarious' gags were top notch. RC2016 was fucking trash.

>RC2016 was fucking trash
That's because you didn't play the game.

Fuck off back to Bloodborne General, faggot.

Eww... Posting nasty and forgettable Sasha when there exist the better waifu in the same game.

Step aside, furshit.

PS3 R&C's hovered between 50-60 FPS even during combat and only dipped lower than that to around 45 FPS for a couple seconds if there were a lot of explosions on the screen. it's not good, but it's a lot better than 30 FPS with dips like in the remake.

>Everybody's Golf

You know that series has been around since the PS1, right?

What went so right Sup Forumsros?

Golf games are pretty risky now. Not even EA makes them anymore

Every single one of those games is shit. Especially Nier:Automata. I can't believe I fell for Sup Forums's shilling over that game. Thank fucking god I was able to get my money back by selling it.

Sony isn't so much taking risks as much as it's leveraging its money, throwing it at the wall and seeing what sticks. They pretty much have no hand in any of the games, which is fine because you have shit like Microsoft killing properties otherwise, but it's ridiculous to give them credit for something like this because they're just poaching from the developers and fucking the ones that don't make it for them.

Nintendo is easily the one that takes the most risks, which is evident by the way people're always baffled by their decisions.


>wanting a gold digger and a supporter of genocide. who is also in that same game is only popular for her looks.
yay I think I'll stay with good girl Sasha then crazy bitch Courtney.

she still my favorite boss fight in the game tho.

>incredibly derivative and mainstream games

Holy shit. Sony fans, ladies and gentemen.

>being this desperate to shitpost at this hour
It's Thursday user, give us a break.

Yes, yes. But when are we going to see Inspector Fox on the PS4?
With or without pants, It doesn't really bother me

>if you don't like stupid weeb bait that sold off of nothing but sex appeal to a character that was hardly even in the game then you're shitposting
Neck yourself.

I don't need your you's,.

>he still go on his teenage angst rant
you don't know what waifu bait is

Not styles but Nintendo has pretty much all genres covered with Mario.

I can understand thinking it's overrated (it is) but it's not awful and it's certainly better than schlock like Andromeda or Ghost Recon Wildlands.

ah yes Nintendo, the company that has been making the same 5 games since 1985

I would buy every single Nintendo console if they made good games like Super Mario World and Star Fox 64. Sadly I have to be happy with my emulation/SNES and my Everdrive 64.

>what is the Nintendo vitality sensor
>what is motion controls
>what is the virtual boy
>what is the Switch
Literally all of those were huge risks, much riskier than anything Sony has ever done.

The best of them all: Wii Music

>Nintendo is easily the one that takes the most risks

I think you're confusing taking risks with just making terrible decisions.

These aren't risks at all.

How is gravity rush derivative

>Gravity Rush 2 was a complete flop


Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. was underrated, ARMS is kinda trashy though, and Wonderful 101 deserves a sequel. Nintendo does make new things every once and a while, but Mario covers a wide variety of genres it's almost redundant for them to go out their way to make entirely new IP's.

The ps2 games ran at 60 fps, the developer commentary series on youtube makes this clear, i don't know about the ps3 games but they still felt silky as hell.

As opposed to "Nintendo, the company that rapes their own franchise by changing them" or "Nintendo, the company that releases gimmick platforms."

Sony doesn't even develop games but they're being accredited for their publishing. Even if we treat Nintendo's lines as all the same shit, they've gotten into the habit of picking up risky franchises like Bayonetta, or bringing series like Dragon Quest over to the west when they've underperformed previously.

The evidence that Nintendo is doing good isn't the fanbase, it's the hatebase that contradicts itself to find ways to attack them.

Here's Sony's involvement in these projects: "Here you go, have some money". That's it. Stop giving Sony credit for something they aren't doing.

That's how it SHOULD be done. Just let the devs do their thing

>Literally making games possible by funding them doesn't count for anything

Oh look another Sony dicksucking thread

>Even if we treat Nintendo's lines as all the same shit, they've gotten into the habit of picking up risky franchises like Bayonetta, or bringing series like Dragon Quest over to the west when they've underperformed previously.

Nintendo picks up franchises and runs them into the ground by making them exclusive to systems that aren't worth owning. Bayonetta says hello. Fatal Frame says hello. Tenchu says hello.

This is like the third time some retard has said this. Does Microsoft make video games? Or do they have their Microsoft owned video game studios develop games instead? Same goes with Nintendo and Retro Studios of Nd Cube. Sure they fund the projects, but they're also responsible for its creation.

>systems that aren't worth owning.

That's all consoles.

Case in point.

KNACK 2 BABY I genuinely think it's good

Fucking agreed

Naw bro don't you get it, games made by Sony Interactive Entertainment studios such as Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch and Guerrilla Games have NOTHING to dowith Sony even though they're Sony owned studios. Because that totally makes sense

The only risk Sony has taken was trying to take on Nintendo in the handheld market, now that was a stupid risk

They abdolutely do not.

All their investments are low-risk.

>now that was a stupid risk
Is that why PSP outsold 3DS?

>comparing two different console generations
The DS outsold the PSP and the 3DS fucking massacred the Vita.

Psp didn't compete with 3ds, it competed with DS, which outsold it. PsVita was the competitor for 3ds, and I think most people know the Vita was a bigger flop then Wii u. Nice try though.

But you said PSP was a failure. If it was, shouldn't 3DS by default be the even bigger failure?

You should've brought up the PS4 outselling the 3DS instead.

No I said trying to beat Nintendo in the handheld market was a stupid risk. Learn to read.

And it clearly wasn't since PSP outsold 3DS, something Nintendo shills tout a massive success.

Well, when Sony makes them they're guaranteed hits so I guess that's true.

it wasn't tho , it's still shit tho

pants>skirt buddy

Well the Wii outsold the PS4, something Sony roaches tout a massive success.

Nice meme, but even Sony's boss said most of their games don't make them any money.

When did I say Wii was a failed risk you huge Nintendo mongoloid?

And the PS2 remains the best selling console of all time. Where are we going this?

You obviously can't understand what I'm saying, psp wasn't a failure, the failure was trying to beat Nintendo. DS greatly outsold PSP. 3ds greatly outsold Vita. Comparing two gens would be like comparing Wii sales to PS4.

*dvd player

>Ape Escape 3
You mean 4?

Nice goal post moving, but it doesn't change the fact that no console will ever outsell the PS2.

Please delete this right now

No, because they existed in two different markets. The handheld market was slowly being consumed by the casual apple crowd.

Objectively right

They take risks with their hardware gimmicks. Their games are always just rehashes though you're right. Zelda is just the same exact story told over and over and over

The DS did
>inb4 it didn't
It did. Nintendo sold 154 million DS's worldwide. Sony officially stated that they shipped a total of 150 PS2's right before they stopped supporting it completely and there's no source from them saying that they sold 155 million worlds wide. The only source saying that is wikipedia don't there's no actual source from Sony, even on Wikipedia, that syas that they sold that many copies. There's a statement on the lower part of the page saying that it did and it links a couple sources but neither of those sources go to any place that says that the PS2 sold 155 million from Sony and none of Sony's financial reports say so either.

tl;dr the 155 million sales number has no source and comes from wikipedia and not sony.

Oh shit what now

Anything that's not part of a still-popular franchise is a risk. And new IPs are always risks.

>155 million sales number has no source and comes from wikipedia and not sony.

That's bullshit though. There's fiscal reports from 2011 that cites this. Hell, even Sony back in 2010 gave a fiscal report at the time saying the PS2 sold 150M units.

Where's your sources that Nintendo claimed the DS to be the highest selling system of all time?

They have money and they throw it at the right shit. Microsoft doesn't know who to appeal to anymore, Nintendo is Nintendo as in they only take risks in their hardware and rarely go out of their core user base's tastes in genres, and PC doesn't have a single corporate overlord in term of game development.

So Sony wins by default. It's not hard to win when one of your only two competitors is retarded and the other doesn't give a fuck about certain markets.

Sony is truly the Nintendo of video games of this and the last two generations.