
they better have a PC port because I would kill for a PC port.

Yukari best girl

Other urls found in this thread:


>English release

>japanese ps4 games
>pc ports
I fucking wish.

That's not Anzu

She eats too many potatoes

Yes, give me the Yukari, I'm so ready.

Bandai Namco have been releasing a lot of PC ports lately so I can hope and pray to the tank fairy.

I will pray.

Saori is best girl.

Cock hungry Slut

>girl power for the win

Its okay when Japan does right

fuck off

fuck year

I want to FUCK Saori

>potential to go full madman with the finnish tank
Oh baby

Licensed anime games are never good, and the garupan PSP game was awful.

Stop trying to make anime threads on the video game board.

yes actually it is

That looks pretty damn good, anime girls an added bonus.
I should watch the actual anime before this comes out.

Luckily this is a PS4 game and not a crappy PSP game. And I do want to actually talk about the game.

Not happening. The game isn't getting western release, only English release in Asia.

I made a HK psn for DoaX3 will i be able to get this game on there in english?

As long as I can drift around in tanks and can control it with kb+m(when ported to PC) I'll be happy.

That's fucking stupid, why make an english version of a game and not even release it in an English speaking country?

Most likely.
Either licensing issues or western branches of Bamco aren't confident into it. Asian branch is the only reason it's translated, be glad there's English version at all. Gundam Breaker 3 in English was possible only because if them as well, due to licensing issues.

Stop trying to make a thread about a game I don't like on MY video game board. Harumph.

The PSP game looked like shit but this is more like it. But now I really gotta get that PS4 since there's basically no way it's coming to PC.

>shitty licensed gup game has historical gunsights
>war thunder still doesn't
slavs: not even once

You're right. This game does need dinosaurs.

>That's fucking stupid
>why make an english version of a game and not even release it in an English speaking country?

You're fucking stupid.
English is the primary language in several parts in Asia.


post fluff

But they speak Asian, if they spoke english they should have called themselves Englishia


Get that bootleg kyoanus shit out of here.


rude desu

My best one, hid it because too cute.

Moonlit fluff.


why is she crying?

Don't you fucking dare

She can't get married to the tank.

right this fucking instant







Saori does have the best Saoris.

I prefer Oreo, personally.


Fuck I love the Finnish team.
I can never get tired of this song youtube.com/watch?v=5W9MESWy3Jo

Anzio is better

You plebs will learn real Panzerfahren when I destroy you all in-game with my wife and best girl Maho.

Literally best girls

You're wife's sister is better

Miho and Alice look like they're playable, do we know who else is?
I want to use Kay.

I get the feeling that we'll only get to "play" as the commanders.

I want to use Saori but we'll probably only get to use Miho.

Even if you don't like it, it's a game.

Heavy rape type

Can't wait for best team

Rosehip best girl.

Truly the greatest movie ever made