I love this game and I am willing to defend it

I love this game and I am willing to defend it.

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Go ahead

Same, to me its better than Heroes and 06 at least.

>better than heroes
please be joking heroes is top notch

I love this game and am not willing to defend it.

Heroes is unironically the worst sonic game ever made and the only one without ANY redeeming qualities (other than the gimmie of "the music is catchy" that every shitty sonic game has)

06 is pretty much unplayable so you're incorrect

i agree. sonic heroes was the last tolerable sonic game. before it went to shit for a long time until generations.

This game is character assassination to the nth degree and you're not a real Shadow fan if you like it.

How was Shadow out of character?


06 and boom are broken almost to the point of unplayability, and unleashed has some of the worst game design I've ever seen

06 is plenty playable if you know how to take advantage of it's insanely broken/buggy nature to just skip actually playing the game, it almost becomes kind of fun because you get to just skip through walls or infinite jump over everything.

The only bugs in heroes are the ones where you just fall through the floor for no reason and die, by being more shitty 2006 is actually a more enjoyable game, paradoxially. The same is true for sonic boom but to a lessser extent because that game actually got some patches and was slightly less unfinished.

>unleashed has some of the worst game design I've ever seen
Sonic heroes has a level that's 90% rail grinding with jank controls

I do think it is the least glitchy of the Adventure era games.

sonic heroes is a fundamentally bad premise for a game because in order to justify knuckles existing they had to retard the entire game.

I like Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Heroes but Heroes is the only one I have seriously gone to bat for. I can hit the character limit explaining how to maintain speed and work around stupid shit that kills you and if I ever need help I can just say "LOOK AT ALL THOSE EGMMANS ROBOTS" and one of my good brothers will run in to pick up the slack.
I am going to let you off with a warning because it is Friday night.


It is pretty much a 3D Sonic game with no alternate playstyles and several alternate paths.


>I can hit the character limit explaining how to maintain speed and work around stupid shit that kills you
You can do this about any bad sonic game. I myself could explain in-depth the various easy things you can do to make werehog 200% more playable but that doesn't mean they weren't badly done

Unleashed is honestly one of the greatest videogames in the history of mankind. You are a tasteless piece of shit plebian that should be exterminated for spreading this untrue vile with your dirty stinking rotten mouth.


It's a dull boring piece of shit

Ahahaha nice fucking bait cunt

I'd like to play Heroes but it looks fucked up on Dolphin

defending this game is like taking candy from a baby

The game is fucking amazing from a lore standpoint.

People who hate on the over-the-top edgyness and the chaotically emergent seem to miss the point that Saddow is legit insane.

The grimdark game world with it's shitty metal-core soundtrack reflects his lens.

How? It looks fine for me.

He did hit his head REALLY hard.

>The blunt truth is considered bait at this point
Pathetic. You are a piece of shit that I'd love to brutally mutilate

>6 entire seconds of watching him spin up the poles while you can't do anything

Shadow was the first Sonic game I owned and I loved how grim it was because everyone I knew who enjoyed Sonic was weird in whatever way. As if they made the other games lame.

Sup Forums is full of such fucking retarded niggers. what kind of fucking complaint is this you ugly rat bastard? why are you such a fucking nigger?

All 3D Sonic games look so boring holy shit. It's like they're on rails or something.

>It's like they're on rails or something.
Well that is how the webm starts.

This scene gives me chills 0_0


Aight here we go

Graphically the game is poor and the fur shader for werewolf sonic a fucking eyesore

The story is absurdly stupid and the characters you can interact with are bad, with the exception of the ice cream man

Level design wise the hub worlds ate fuckin tiny and offer fuck all to do and are a chore to navigate with how sonic moves

Fuck the stupid coins to unlock levels thing

Actual gameplay levels are just flat out not fun and werewolf levels are atrocious

Performance is bad with framerate and load times

Music is okay at best

did you get all 9000+ endings?

It gave me chills thee other 10 times I saw it too.


That team switching mechanic was clumsy as fuck, and the colors looked way too bright and oversaturated.

I still enjoyed it, but liked Shadow better.

>That team switching mechanic was clumsy as fuck
Maybe if you're a moron.

I liked it too, beat it both on the PS2 and the GC

Which is fine by me

Defend playing one terribly designed level ten times just to beat the game.

there's zero reason to use anyone on the team besides sonic unless the game forces you to by blocking your path with Designated Flying Zone, Designated Slow Shitty Hover Zone, or it locks you in a room with enemies that sonic can't easily deal with.

You do know Heroes was released for PC, right?

I never had a problem with this.

You are an ugly piece of shit subhuman. I'd be clobbering your ugly inhumane face in if this was a convo irl.
>Graphically the game is poor
You are a dumb ugly motherfucker. I bet you have a literal piece of shit in your head that functions as a brain. Unleashed looks fucking amazing and is one of the best looking video games. Period.
>The story is absurdly stupid and the characters you can interact with are bad, with the exception of the ice cream man
Asinine and blatantly wrong complaint. You are a brainlet tasteless plebian so I can't expect you to appreciate good things anyway.
>Level design wise the hub worlds ate fuckin tiny and offer fuck all to do and are a chore to navigate with how sonic moves
"Asinine and blatantly wrong complaint. You are a brainlet tasteless plebian so I can't expect you to appreciate good things anyway. " You're such a dumb nigger you're making me repeat myself
>Fuck the stupid coins to unlock levels thing
Are you that much of a subhuman you can't do simple tasks such as collecting tokens in a fucking video game? And then go on and bitch about it like it's some sort of colossal problem? You are a nigger.
>Actual gameplay levels are just flat out not fun and werewolf levels are atrocious
>Performance is bad with framerate and load times
>Music is okay at best
These are also fucking retarded because you are a nigger with awful taste. I bet there was smoke coming out of your head trying to process playing this game. I wanna fucking beat the shit out of you. You're so fucking ugly and subhuman.

Yeah but it was an earlier build

I'm not asking if you have a problem with it, I'm asking you to defend it.

>there's zero reason to use anyone on the team besides sonic
Except, you know, to progress.

It isn't a badly designed level, it is mostly a straight-forward pathway with your mission objectives on either side, if you hate the stage use chaos control.

Yeah righty-o mate

That's the point. The other two are just shoehorned into sonic stages just to have a "different" game. It was always a shitty gimmick.

How was the mechanic clumsy you triple nigger? It's instantaneous and works well. You're grasping at straws to try and make the game look bad, fucking brainlet.
>colors looked way too bright and oversaturated.
Not a complaint, subhuman.

Imagine being this salty over a shitty video game

So a core mechanic of the game required to progress is just a shoehorned in mechanic.
You're not too smart are you.

Calm down there, sparky. Not everyone likes your favorite game.

>06 is plenty playable if you know how to take advantage of it's insanely broken/buggy nature
The mental gymnastics of Sonic fans

Imagine being such a autistic loser that you're going out of your way to shit over a great game because it isn't for you and you're salty because of the fact. Pic related is one of the greatest video games of all time and no amount of shitposting from a fat piece of shit will ever change that.

>The only bugs in heroes are the ones where you just fall through the floor for no reason and die
You're thinking of 06 and Adventure.

If you don't like it that's fine. But I insist you stop being a piece of shit and spreading blatant lies. It benefits no one

I can't stop laughing.

Please keep going, I'm gonna need a lot more salt than that to make it through Irma.

One of the few games that did branching paths/multiple endings very well

The game could have easily been a Sonic/Shadow/Amy only game, but they just had to include the flying and power mechanics (which don't work too well) just to justify a new game with an added "feature". Also works as an advertising point.


You sneaky kike. You ignore my points so you could spread more bullshit eh? Stupid nigger.

>The game could have easily been a Sonic/Shadow/Amy only game
If you remove all of the obstacles relating to the other non-speed characters and completely change the level design sure.
But the game is built around the team mechanic.

I'm the one who'll get the last laugh desu. While you're busy sucking cock and being a jaded, miserable ugly brainlet I'm living life to the fullest and loving great things because they're great. You couldn't even refute my points because you know you're a nigger.

>Amy only game
who the FUCK would want this

What points cunt, you didn't even refute MY points, you spouted stupid insults as if it negated the criticisms

>graphically looks like shit.
>dude alien dna lmao
>unfun mission system.
>story shit
>true final boss isn't worth replaying the game 10 times

You ugly piece of shit braindead brainlet. Not only are you all of that but you're most likely near-blind or lack basic reading comprehension skills. None of your """""criticisms"""" were legit anyway. If this was a convo irl I swear to everything I'd clobber your ugly nigger ass senseless.

Its a good game, mechanically. The run n gun works way better than it has any right to. The only real gameplay issue is the trash level design (unarguable) and the gross color pallette

Also, did anyone else have issues sleeping after playing the game? I think the music had binaural beats or some shit.

You totes malotes got me there mate, fuckin good one mate. Absolutely stellar cunt

>all this salt
Only Sonic autists can get this mad over their favorite game getting criticized.

because the so-called criticisms are fucking retarded. they're just spouting the same tired opinions that dumb ass brainlet e-celebs spout and if it isn't stopped whenever possible it's just going to get worse and worse.


Shut up nigger, you're wrong you subhuman nigger

Literal subhuman brainlet niggers. You ugly nigger chimps aren't worth the shit I just took.

>they're just spouting the same tired opinions that dumb ass brainlet e-celebs spout
Fucking this, like word for word mimicking what streamers say and think.

But of course shit games are worth it to you

>Elder-god, out-of-this-world, kino, flies over the average plebeians head, for patricians only games***
FTFY, subhuman nigger


Self-projection. I can see past bullshit and niggery. I won't fall for your tricks. The average joe would probably eat up these memes and go "yeah i agree XX is a bad game because you said so and i have no opinions of my own because i am a braindead chimp!" but that isn't the case here. i've played these games, and i know that you are all delusional idiots that need to die.

What if you want to complete all the paths to clear the game? Chaos control doesn't help any objective but the neutral one.

>hey remember that shitty mission structure Chaotix had in Heroes that nobody liked?
>let's make a whole game based around that
Fuck off, Shadow is garbage

yeah, because streamers are just dying to talk about Shadow the Hedgehog.

>what kind of fucking complaint is this you ugly rat bastard?
not gameplay, you just watch the characters do a thing for six seconds

they could have at least made it so you had to time the pole swinging right to make the jump but nope it's all scripted so it's not very engaging or entertaining to watch

hope that was clear enough for you

>It's like they're on rails or something.
user, there is an entire level that is literally nothing but rails.

I am not kidding.

It's one of the most fun levels in the game too. Always the first one I go to when I feel like replaying the game.


Absolute musical kino

Game was alright but could have done without the very top and bottem paths.

one of the greatest musical pieces to ever grace mankind. jun senoue, you are a genius.