So im going to play stalker for the "first time". I say that because i did a few hours of CoP way back when but didnt actually get anywhere.

Should i do the first game or the third? really just want to play the best iteration, would like one with a few graphical overhaul mods too but thats just a bonus.

>Stalker thread

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I'd recommend SoC, mostly because I've played through it more than I have CoP.

Play the first game cause it's the fucking first.

Consult this Starting Guide,
then see the /vg/'s huge Stalker General for more tips and links: Play in the release order. Start with no mods - only latest patch, OR get the full "Starter Pack" first; these contain bug-fixers and light visual mods that can help performance as well.
Leave big overhauls for later playthrougs. Avoid the "Complete" -mods. Always play on MASTER difficulty for best realism and atmosphere, and disable crosshair.

Don't give up in the beginning! The starting gear sucks ass and first area can be a bit boring.

SoC is still the best STALKER game, and any rookie should start with nothing but patched vanilla. The ZRP mod is a good extra to have though, as is the FOV Switcher to make the widescreen resolutions tad more bearable by modern standards.

Other than that, you're good to go. Just remember to always play on highest difficulty, and get rid of the crosshair.

If you don't play Clear Sky, you're a brainlet

there's no such thing as Clear Sky,S.T.A.L.K.E.R is a Duology and that's that

Consensus is the first game then, vanilla+patch/fixes.

>Always play on MASTER difficulty for best realism and atmosphere
does this make damage higher both ways or will enemies be sponges?

I'm about to blow everyone's mind.

>does this make damage higher both ways or will enemies be sponges?
Nothing is ever a bulletsponge in STALKER.
Also makes enemies bit less stupid.

fuck off. Clear Sky is literally better than snorefest that is CoP.

>does this make damage higher both ways or will enemies be sponges?

It changes the way bullets behave. I think it doesn't actually change damage too much, if at all.

Play Lost Alpha.

yeah man,i sure love spending the first hour of the game is some random ass swamp fighting discount bandits

Out of the 20+ hours? Literally no biggie.
Way better than having to fight NO bandits at all in CoP.

Huh thats pretty interesting, although Loot Quantity looks like it gets shit on in Master mode.

>It changes the way bullets behave


have fun applying 50 bandages on your arm while the other parts get 20 new ones

Wait so enemies have 20% chance to hit player on any difficulty in SoC? Hahahaha what.

Just wait for the new Metro game. It's basically STALKER without all the bugs and bullshit

>it's basically STALKER without all the bugs and bullshit
>extremely linear and railroaded for a majority of the game

Previous games were absolutely nothing like Stalker, is the new one going to be open world or something?


Yes, they're taking the series in a new direction. The games might as well be in the same universe, stalkers are even mentioned in the first metro.



Just play the goddamn Lost Alpha mod. It's what Stalker was supposed to be. All cut content is back in the game and atmosphere is top notch.

It's nothing like Stalker aside from having a slightly similar setting.

don't you have a cooking video to make?


Right lads just downloaded SoC on GOG.
will it be auto patched to 1.05 or do i need to download the patch myself?

all games on GOG and Steam are automatically patched to latest.

Lost Alpha's story mode is HORRIBLE and packed with a ton of fetch quests across empty terrain. At least when I played it the maps were almost completely devoid of enemy encounters.