The king you say?

The king you say?

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well, it's not a lie. it's *currently* the most powerful home console ever made. not sure why this is a surprise, when the OG xbox was leagues ahead of the ps2 and gamecube.

still has no fuckin' games, so what's the point? microsoft might as well change the xbox to a steam machine, and market it to chads that want to PC, but too lazy/stupid to figure out how.

the xbox and gamecube were equally powerful

>you now realize there are more xbox consoles than exclusives



>King of Consoles


>Most powerful consoles
>no games

what's the point

What is a king to a god?

Cool! What games can I play on it that I can;t otherwise play on my Windows 10™ PC?


I'll believe it once it gets more exclusives than ps4 and people forget about how Microsoft tried to have a DRM machine.

lmaoing @ nu-male Millenial shit eating subhumans who started playing video games in 2000 and then decided to become video game bloggers aka "journalists". Absolutely the lowest of the low subhuman shit eaters and breathers.
They all need to be holocausted by impaling, hanging and burning until the very last one of them has breathed his last shtibreath on this planet.

What is a god to a normie?

What's a normie to a Sup Forumsirgin who don't believe in anything?

Windows 10 Store PC = Xbox ecosystem. You just became an Xbot.

No, they weren't. The Gamecube was a little more than half as strong, even the Wii wasn't at XBox levels.

Being the most powerful console is like being the most attractive child with progeria.

Cross buy :D

>Most powerful console ever
>Implying this means shit

I remember when new gens/power leaps were meaningful and focused around what type of games the new tech would allow. It was so exciting. It's nowhere near the case since last gen. And even less so with current/next gen.

Literally the same games just with more resolution that you can only appreciate in TVs you probably wouldn't afford anyway. Literally what is there to be looking forward in this console?

>tfw they make Halo 6 a Xbone X exclusive making my Xbone a paperweight

So... tfw status quo is preserved? I don't understand what point you're trying to make.

That OG Xbone owners will get shafted my microshit

Not even close.

This might be opening a can of worms, but those numbers must be either incredibly cherrypicked or straight-out lies. I'm pretty sure GC was ahead of PS2 in more than one or two ways.

>strongest console
>still can't even compare to a half decent pc

What's the point of having the most powerful console if it doesn't have any good games?

the numbers are true but the chart has excluded the few specs favorable to gamecube

>Xboners would get boned by Macroshit

I repeat: so what would change?


PC is overrated
A console will be good for 5 or so YEARS worth of games without upgrades whereas a PC is good for maybe a year before it needs upgrades again
PCs are for the richest of gamers and are typically promoted by gaming Chads

t. PedroGonzales1994 on Playstation network


This is obviously wrong since the gamecube was more powerful than the ps2, everyone knows that

Have fun play Destiny at 30fps pleb.

PC is always better.

Every single number is correct. What you think is insignificant. Facts don't care about your feelings.

How do I upvote this? XD

Which specs?

I know like one person with an Xbox One. He works for a big game company too so he almost has to have one to try different things at home. Beyond that most people I know have PC's or PS4's maybe some Switches

Xbox is a western only console. It will never sell internationally

>1st on the list, Agents of Mayhem

Goddamn, good laugh OP thanks

Isn't the 980 old as shit now?

You coulda bought that on release years and years ago and still be blowing out all video game requirements

Dunno why I'm responding to this seriously but hey

Don't be silly a PC built 5 years ago is better than consoles today, and you can update the GPU for $250 and it will be better than the next console

its weird how every company that does this kind of thing fails miserably


>the xbox and gamecube were equally powerful

consoles are what happen when everyone cares about graphics but not framerate

It's pretty cool that there's a console that's finally able to compete with PC graphics. At a fraction of the price as well.

well the gamecube's cpu has faster integer performance, it has quantitatively more RAM (though slower), the console has hardware texture compression, hidden surface removal and dolby pro logic 2

Exactly they were stronger

According to Steam, 80% of PC gamers rigs are much weaker than the One X. The master race meme needs to die, considering most play on toasters not much stronger than the PS4.....Not the pro, the fucking PS4.

I have little interest in Xbox games, although I am considering it just for the 4k movie player.

>still has no fuckin' games, so what's the point?
The og Xbox was the new kid and therefore was missing key third party games. Xbox today has all the third party games except obscure Japanese games and a well developed first party games for most game categories.

>No exclusives
>No games
>"King" of anything


>No games

aren't you tired of this shit meme?


It doesn't have any fucking exclusives, it's worthless.

King of no games maybe.

Cry me a river, Xbox is a glorified Netflix machine

>so how are the Xbone's sales doing?
>to shreds you say?
>and how's Phil taking it?
>to shreds you say?

And all I can play on Xbox One is Halo 5 (which is the worst in the series) and Rare Replay Collection (which would be nice to play but I still own all my favourite Rare games in their OG form)

Xbox doesn't even have Gears of War anymore. Us PC players can play that shit now, and we don't have to pay $12 a month to play online. Lol

Does a game being exclusive make it play better? I own all consoles so it doesn't for me

I bet the wife made him get a vasectomy for a reason