NieR Automata is on sale but I didn't care for the first one.
I do love me some Platinum Games though.
But I'll ask Sup Forums as I make food.
Should I buy it?
Where is it on sale?
up to you, i mean if it's got things you like then you might like it.
It's pretty shallow as far as Platinum games go. If you don't care for the non-combat aspects of Nier you probably won't like this that much either.
>but I didn't care for the first one
Don't buy it then, secondary.
Why didnt you care about the first one?
Automata is pretty great, but its more nier than platinu..
Also the port is meh. Not terrible but full of bugs straight from the ps4.
pls explain
It was boring, the story and characters were somewhat interesting but I fucking hated the boring combos and grinding side quests.
I wasn't having fun and when I saw the alternate endings I just watched them on Youtube because I'll be fucked before I get all the weapons.
Buy it. Now.
Platinum have plenty of bad games. This is one of them. If you didn't get into the first game I wouldn't recommend this.
Because it's a Yoko Taro game foremost rather than a Platinum one and since you're a shitstain that didn't bother with playing Drakengard nor NieR, you won't fully enjoy nor appreciate Automata.
The gameplay isnt that similar to Bayonetta or other Platinum titlea.
Its a very crazy mix of hack and slash with third person shooter (bullet hell style)
You CAN chain some crazy combos, but thats not really the point of the game, and they are pretty hard.
There is a lot of grinding, quests, walking around and exploring in the game. more than simple combat.
Nier is my favourite game but I've never played Drakengard, how bad have I fucked up?
I played it pretty much just for the story and the music.
Somewhat. Go play it.
snape kills dumbledore
O rly bitch?
why are weebs so autistic?
Game's got the same problem as DMC4 where you can manipulate the enemies in a lot of ways and have lots of fun doing combos and juggling, but in return the enemies are punching bags rather than being a healthy compromise like in Bayonetta. I have mixed feelings about that, but I do like how you're limited only by your creativity, and how it has a kind of unique thing of having your pod shooting at the middle of the screen to make you conscious of how you angle the camera.
Why is plebbit so retarded and doesn't know what a weeb is?
>how bad have I fucked up?
Not much, but DoD 1 and 3 are fun to get into since they have a lot of side materials and Yoko Taro likes making a lot of references to them, eg. with Accord.
It's only $38.99
Yes or no starting from here and ending to when I finish my burrito.
>nier autoundertale
>174 days
>already on sale
You sold it.
Tie breaker Yes
Automata retains the interesting writing while having palatable gameplay.
I'm saying yes to the dress OP.
The combat is very simple and easy, it was built around the idea that even people who only play RPGs could play it just fine. The general platinum game framework is there, and you can do some neat stuff with it but it isn't as rewarding as stuff like Bayonetta, mostly due to the lack of a ranking system per encounter. If you liked the story of the first Nier but disliked the gameplay this will be good for you, but if you didn't care for the story at all I wouldn't recommend this title to you. I don't know about the PC but there is a demo on PS4, try that and see if the combat is to your liking if you can.
Automata is just a less original game than Nier with slightly better combat that is still just as repetitive though.
You haven't. That's the proper way to do things. Drakengard should be ignored entirely.