Your honest thoughts on Warframe?
Your honest thoughts on Warframe?
Fun for a time if you enjoy grinding with friends, then you get bored and come back after a few months only to realize that nothing actually changed.
Devs have no clue about what they are doing with the game, they rework some random parts of the game every couple of months because they just released it unpolished/poorly designed and call it "2.0", or they just straight abandon it and move on to the next shitty system and repeat.
Fun game ruined by horrible grind and micro transactions
Ruined Mag, never played again
>Try out warframe
>Do low level mission for new players
>Match making puts me with top level players with all the cool shot unlocked
>They zip around the map one shotting everything
>Feel completely useless
Did they ever fix this?
Despite all the multitudes of people that are willing to shit on it and call it P2W it's pretty fun. Only spent like 5 dollars on tennogen content and got about 700 hours of enjoyment out of it.
Unfortunately there isn't much to do once you hit endgame other than wait for new content, raids are dull and boring and sorties get old after a while.
Spent two thousand hours on it. Regret every minute.
Grind to grind to grind. Devs have no idea what they're doing, community sucks their dick anyway, game is now a pedo-pandering dress up sim based on some annoying potato child who controls all the cool space ninja shit you played with for the first thousand hours.
my friend got sucked into it and won't stop playing it
on the positive side, ass
>when the loot charts/drop rates were leaked/data mined and people realized there was less then a 1% chance of getting rare drop x after grinding on 1 map for an hour..
game is fun but its content is designed in a way that at most your going to get maybe 30-50 hours of fun out of it. i'd almost recommend just buying the frame you want and playing the game for that 50-100 hours before you burn through all the content.
I spent too much on this game.
It's fun but it's clear the best thing you can do with it is reaching a certain point you're satisfied with and never come back. There's not much to do in the end.
Still it will last a fair amount of time.
nothing to do with ninjas, no stealth to speak of, no endgame, no meaningful progression, just grind and grind and grind so you can grind some more, with a background of great movement system and wasted potential dipped in sleek coding; not worth playing
warbros #1
if only the aesthetic wasn't so disgusting
every character looks like the insides of someone's intestines, colored black and filled with metal shavings
fat fuck ruined everything
>want to try that music warfare
>play the same god Damn mission over and over to drop a part
>give up and wait for a 75% off coupon to pop up so I can shell out a few dollars
>it's been 4 months
I dont know what's worse. Getting Ivara or Mesa.
Why is everyone ITT saying it's ruined? I admit I started playing last year and haven't picked it up since March but I liked it. Are you honestly saying it could be better?
Which Warframe is the most useless
pic related
fun game, horrible progression, terrible for new players, especially since a good chunk of content is stuck "vaulted" (why they didn't just put vaulted shit in the derelict I'll never know)
Relic system sucks ass compared to keys
Rivens are the stupidest shit ever
Archwing still isn't fun
The thing is that it's always fun to just hop in and shoot shit, the core gameplay loop is absolutely fantastic, the issue is I have no drive to progress anymore because powercreep makes everything useless in 3 months, and trying to earn rivens is a waste of time because there's no guaranteed way to work towards what you want like there is with just about every other element in the game.
Grinding the game no content just new forms of grinding.
So it's ok when monster hunter does it.
For a game about space ninjas the movement is super slow.
It's ok when Blizzard does it
Literally upgrade your sprint speed you stupid fuck.
It's a solid game when it comes to mechanics. The issue is lack of meaningful content.
Huge potential ruined by dumb fucking direction
Good gameplay. Bad repetitive maps. Bad repetitive missions. Horrible grind.
You can literally cross entire expanses in a single bullet jump. How much faster do you want to be?
Play solo until you get gud
Getting alive after both, nigga, i spend like month a half farming for mesa, and 3 weeks for ivara because damn nitain alerts were active while i was in a lab
Still super slow.
I miss the old coptering and slide glitching.
>not zephyr
>not nyx
>not atlas
baited me well. here is your (you).
She got that ass
Also, this is a PVE game everything is viable.
I don't get it. I do some beginner-missions everytime, get back to my ship, try to craft something, get confused and give up
I played a bit a long ass time ago. Then I tried to play again like 6 months ago but it forced me into this weird tutorial and all this shit was mixed up from having a decently leveled warframe and being forced to go through tutorial. I couldn't even manufacture shit so I dropped it
Ivara is top tier though, her bow is the most burst damaging weapon in the game, she also has infinite invis which just fucks with the enemy AI.
Nigga you can just set your matchmaking to solo, and you've always been able to.
only retards that buy plat still play it.
>giving up
>That's the whole point, cause that's basically what Warframes are; infested golems inside a living metal shell, powered by void magic
The endgame used to revolve around doing endless missions on high tiers for more and more rewards, now you have to burn many more relics to get what you could from one key.
In general, relic rift missions are less fun than key missions were.
many things that could be really cool and fun still aren't nearly to what they could be, like archwing and raids
rivens like said, were supposed to be a cool mod that would let you make shit weapons good again, but instead they are all just there to make really powerful weapons even stronger, because other rivens are effectively worthless, and you have no control over what rivens you get, and every time you attempt to re-roll them it costs more and more each time, so grinding for something becomes meaningless, whereas in every other component of the game, the more you grind towards something the closer you are to getting it, which is not the case with rivens.
What rivens SHOULD have been are a mod that you put on a weapon, use the weapon and you get a riven specific to that weapon. Afterwards you get a bonus that scales based on your (current mastery level - the mastery level requirement of the weapon the riven is for.) Then you can spend 1000 kuva to re-spec one of the three stats that get buffed to your choosing. This would make rivens actually serve their purpose of making weak weapons on par with higher level high mastery weapons, and allow you to build them in a way that makes them competitive.
Instead we get a random riven after a random challenge is completed, and if it's not on a meta weapon it's garbage, and if it is then you have to re-roll with constantly increasing costs, with no way to ensure that your new roll will be better than the previous.
>being this poor
technically even Nyx is viable yes. but it's not a regular PvE, it's a horde mode game.
Nyx is as useful as sniper rifles. she can take out single enemies efficiently, but there will be a dozen grunts shooting you and making it less efficient than just using CC or splash damage.
Zeph is literally a 1 skill frame.
Atlas is ok for clearing the starmap yes. good luck using him in sorties.
I decided to install it yesterday after quitting a year or so ago
I have absolutely no idea what the fuck is happening, but apparently I still have gear good enough to run around one shotting almost everything
when is that open world zone coming?
registered loser spotted
Soon (tm)
Aka, probably late October.
Amazing title I play off and on.
On a lull right now waiting for the Plains to come out.
t. 2000+ hours MR23
1. Look up a weapon you want and check the required materials to build it, then buy its blueprint (if available)
2. Look at the materials that a planet yields (you can do this by clicking on the deploy extractor button when in the planet screen)
3. If the planet has the materials you need, launch pretty much any mission on that planet
4. While doing the mission, destroy all containers and open all unlocked lockers that you come across and most importantly look for resource caches (unique containers that will give you an amount of the resource guaranteed)
5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 until you have everything you need
6. Craft the weapon (takes 24 hours)
7. Quit for the day
8. Come back after 24 hours and enjoy your new weapon
9. Repeat this process ad nauseam
The shitty "support" frames like Trinity and Equinox are so boring to play as.
Grind. The developers just love the shit out of grind. All of their new game modes and additions are gimmicky bullshit which require grind before you can actually enjoy them. Their entire economy is based on getting the platinum smegma leftovers of other players if you don't want to open your wallet to their Jewish time-gated crafting or things which are 100% essential for equipping decent mods on your weapons and frames.
Trinity used to be good until they nerfed it into the fucking ground
Been playing since Closed beta
Its a really good game. Devs aren't perfect and do stupid shit(though with enough bitching they tend to listen(except when it comes to augment slots)) the community can be cool at times but most of the time they are retarded and want nerfs to things they don't like, though I'm sure that mentality isn't exclusive to warframe. . For this reason I enjoy solo mode, though I do have a group of friends I play with from time to time in our clan (since we are all high level we tend to do our own thing)
At least you can solo this game, which is a huge plus. Plus it has butts. Can't argue that.
Great if i were 13. Nearing 30 now and i'm getting more and more disgusted with spending hours grinding for pixels.
>just open your wallet then goy! :^)
Maybe if the universe was interesting. Kids controlling robots is cool in evangelion not in this piece of boring crap.
PC September
Consoles mid October
Needs More SFM
It's shit.
The enemy, map and objective variation is awful, the grind makes Korean MMOs blush, the devs love to put halfassed shit in and never fix it.
The gunplay is alright, but there really is no balance between all the weapons, some are just strictly superior to others. There is no improvment in sight either, they just keep slapping more frames and shit in, barely change anything about the gameplay and often they just do it for the worse.
The enemy variety is really good though.
Wasted Potential Online - The Grinding - The Experience.
You have some stupid high quality features mixed with completely broken and lazily-designed aspects. It's really weird, and definitely disappointing.
Fun movement system, shit scaling, no endgame that gives any sort of relevant reward unless you count jewing other people out of their premium cash on the trade channel.
Once you get a few weapon mods maxed out, its either school shooting simulator or bullet sponge death-machine enemies that don't die unless you use the handful of weapons that have good end-game stats.
Ironically the best pve oriented f2p due to sheer lack of competition.
Non issue in this game. You have no idea what youre talking about
There's a fun game in but it's buried under it's repetitiveness and grinding. The level design/mission design is terrible. It's just go to x or Eliminate x, or retrieve x, etc within a map made of cut and paste corridors and rooms. Most of the levels can be completed by Palpatine jumping throughout the map, ignoring all the enemies and heading directly for the objective.
The cool thing about warframe was that it was all about growth. No matter what you were doing you were always getting more resources, new prime parts, new arcanes, and these were always a piece of growth. Rivens stood to be the cool thing that could make all those old shit weapons that might have been fun to use but simply not statistically viable anymore suddenly grow to match your strength again after playing so long, but instead they became something that is simply so random that you likely won't ever get what you want in your lifetime. It's a colossal disappointment and it's likely too late to change now because they don't want to anger the people that have spent thousands of plat on rivens. And this isn't coming from some broke nigga who ain't got no plat. I've spent like 400 bucks on the game and I've probably got another like 4-5k plat from playing the market as well, I've got the plat to buy anything I want in the game, I just hate the riven system as it is, it's inherently broken and anti-fun.
The other major issue is that there is no real endgame challenge, once you get to MR ~15 the game is just a collectathon and nothing poses any significant challenge to you. Hopefully we'll see some new challenge in the new open world nighttime phase with the super monsterhunter crazy bosses that are supposed to show up, but I doubt it.
It goes to show what people were afraid of is completely true: Warframe is a complete fluke and DE managed to make something that is somehow super fun and enjoyable to play, but they have absolutely no idea why this is the case.
>enemy variety is bad
The enemy factions are actually one of the most interesting aspects of the game.
You have evil marine clones, space jews, space zombies and evil robots.
this, the game is one of the only true f2p titles out there I spent around the same amount and was able to get the majority of weapons, the void rework is absolute shit though
Why are /wfg/ faggots coming to Sup Forums seeking comfort in knowing they're addicted to a shit game made by canadians
You have no idea wtf youre talking about lmao
Its really shit. If you enjoy playing games that pretend to be free but then spend 48 hours waiting to get a simple item so that you can wait 48 hours to make a component to wait 48 hours to make a module to wait 48 hours to finally make the weapon you or just give them 10 bucks you cuck.
it's fun on the first few missions to jump around and fool around then it becomes as described above
Warframe is one of the only games I can think of that has fucking religious, evangelizing robots condemning you to oblivion because you do not praise their chosen God.
>calling atlas useless
Someone hasn't plowed through a room of lvl 80-100's with just his fists have they? He's not invincible but god dammit is he fun to fuck everything up with
I do wish coptering was still a thing but you do move crazy distances now once you get used to it
>spending money on a MMO that barely adds any thing fun
>spending money on a MMO
This is wrong and overstated
>giving up
smart man
The waiting mechanic when building shit works fine for someone who isn't a NEET and has a job/life outside their computer.
that fucking webm didn't know you could kill with your jump kicks thought they just knocked down/did a very minimal amount
Either youre brainless or have the patience of a saint, but you shitpost on Sup Forums so which one is more likely
Even if youre a neet the waiting is fine although i think frame times should be reduced
agreed that shit is long, only thing you can do is play something else or work on other weapons you have
No fun allowed
I'm sure it does but it's one of those mechanics that's just there to justify microtransactions. It doesn't need to be there in the first place. Just make it that you can craft items on the spot.
You literally dont have to spend a dime on this game. People are just fucking lazy entitled brats who cry when they have to wait or put any effort into anything. Fuck off faggot
I actually don't mind the wait times, I actually rushed like a three things in my time playing cause I was excited to try them out and it was worth it.
Gook grind tier
Its shitty f2p p2w phone app trash: the computer game.
Putting all the fun this game has to offer behind a wall of waiting and grinding is its downfall, and it will always be trash because of its f2p model.
You can, if you have platinum. And you do not need to spend a single cent to get platinum.
They originally said September, but considering Steve's still fucking about with optimization as of today (his twitter), I doubt it.
I've been playing this shit for 2-3 years now. Never spent a dime. I just get something, pop it in, and go on with my life. When I get back I have a pleasant surprise waiting for me.
To me Warframe is supplemental, but some fucks want to play it as their sole gaming experience.
Yeah, I take it you only played like 2 hours of the game. Once you start farming for prime parts, you start getting weapons and frames very easily, the waiting literally won't matter because you'll have more shit than you can use. And plat is very easy to come by if you're not a complete idiot.
You seem really butt hurt about something more than just micro transactions. Its okay user let it out
5 platinum has been deposited in your warframe account
I honestly can't fault him optimizing the game constantly since Warframe is one of the few games I can point out where the devs actually fucking tried to do that this gen.
Reminders that he uses a 10 year old laptop to see whether it can run on the slowest possible hardware acceptably.
The reason why I play Warframe? It has a level of mobility that I can't find anywhere else in addition to some seriously cool warframe/weapon abilities and designs.
That Arca Plasmor is fucking badass, and something I wish was in Doom 2016.
You can still go that fast (faster), and it's no longer tied to weapon choice. Git gud. Learn to midair aimglide-slide-roll son.
Fuck Voidfags trying to empty my brain and bank account
Fuck Hunhowfags, Stalkerfags and his cult groupies. Some fucking space abomination teamed up with the Charles Manson family.