Your honest thoughts on Warframe?

It's fun but it's clear the best thing you can do with it is reaching a certain point you're satisfied with and never come back. There's not much to do in the end.

Still it will last a fair amount of time.

nothing to do with ninjas, no stealth to speak of, no endgame, no meaningful progression, just grind and grind and grind so you can grind some more, with a background of great movement system and wasted potential dipped in sleek coding; not worth playing

warbros #1

if only the aesthetic wasn't so disgusting
every character looks like the insides of someone's intestines, colored black and filled with metal shavings

fat fuck ruined everything

>want to try that music warfare
>play the same god Damn mission over and over to drop a part
>give up and wait for a 75% off coupon to pop up so I can shell out a few dollars
>it's been 4 months

I dont know what's worse. Getting Ivara or Mesa.

Why is everyone ITT saying it's ruined? I admit I started playing last year and haven't picked it up since March but I liked it. Are you honestly saying it could be better?

Which Warframe is the most useless
pic related

fun game, horrible progression, terrible for new players, especially since a good chunk of content is stuck "vaulted" (why they didn't just put vaulted shit in the derelict I'll never know)
Relic system sucks ass compared to keys
Rivens are the stupidest shit ever
Archwing still isn't fun

The thing is that it's always fun to just hop in and shoot shit, the core gameplay loop is absolutely fantastic, the issue is I have no drive to progress anymore because powercreep makes everything useless in 3 months, and trying to earn rivens is a waste of time because there's no guaranteed way to work towards what you want like there is with just about every other element in the game.

Grinding the game no content just new forms of grinding.

So it's ok when monster hunter does it.