I absolutely adore Aerith! I could go on forever about how much I love her! She is my favorite video game character...

I absolutely adore Aerith! I could go on forever about how much I love her! She is my favorite video game character, and DEFINITELY my favorite girl video game character! Here are just 5 of the many cute reasons I love Aerith!:

1) She's nice and a sweetheart!
2) She has pretty hair that would be fun to run your fingers through!
3) She's cute!
4) I love Aerith!

She's just so cute!

Tell me, Sup Forums, do you like Aerith? And who is your favorite video game girl?

She's a whore.

I love Reisen!

No, she is pure!

The wrong girl died. Should have been Yuffie.

Flat as a board.


That's only four reasons.

Zack should have chosen Cissnei

>he doesnt like flat girls with big hips and asses


She aint flat.

Kanny is kawaii!

5) She literally can't stop sucking dicks

what is this heart boob meme i keep seeing

always weebtrash


Bring back Tifa thread

Once you impregnate her they'll get bigger.

What do you do for a living, Reisenfag

Please don't bring back those memories..

But a classy one.

He loves Reisen!

Clearly they are paid to post Reisen in waifu threads.

I love my mom, when she dies I don't know what I'll do with my life...


This. Total slut. Even more of a slut then the girl who dresses like one.

That only turns me on more desu

I assume you mean Tifa. Tifa dresses like that to get more tips from horny guys, probably, but also because it doesn't restrict her movement much, if at all, seeing as she's a martial artist.

>seeing as she's a martial artist.
a bad one

I always preferred Aeristh because she actually had a personality. Maybe it's because I didn't play FF7 till I was older, but Tifa was mostly your dime-a-dozen sweet childhood friend love interest, which I have LONG been over. Meanwhile Aeristh actually had a sense of humor and adventure, as well as being outgoing but still fairly mature.

Why do people always say this?
She seemed like the pure girl.

It's common knowledge that Aeri didn't make her money selling flowers, the flowers were just the front operation, she was really selling handies, blowies, and brownies. She saved the pink for Zack (or anyone willing to pay the Zack tax).


Actually considering the state of Midgar, I could believe some people would pay a lot of money for flowers.


Aerith sure is pale. Almost, pale as death!

She can suplex buildings so she must be doing something right.

Nope. Square Enix better take some ques from Capcom Street Fighter ladies when the render Tifa.

What kind of faggot thread is this? A good thread might have been removed off the catalog because of this

Where did her tits go?

This escalated beautifully

where her tiddies at

The whole point of the Aeris and Tifa dynamic is the role reversal of the typical RPG classes. Aeris, the conservatively dressed white mage is street smart and flirtatious while Tifa, the lightly dressed fist fighter is more shy and sweet. At least that's how the games actually intended it, but because most people that pretend to like FFVII haven't actually played it it passed from common knowledge.
It makes for some impressive doujin material, but it's actually not really the case, it's just a play on words since Japan loves that and another subversion. Flowers rarely if ever grow in the slums, and she sells them for ridiculous prices when she gets the opportunity.

She is in the slums. People in slums don't buy flowers...

But whores are cool now.

So sayeth me

if a good thread reaches page 10 then either it wasn't good or the discussion has already concluded. In all likelihood what got bumped off of the catalog was something like a thread with a picture of a dick and an unrelated vague question about video games.

>flowers are ubiquitously symbolic with purity
>ubiquitous means fucking everywhere
>jaded virgin autists still cling to their headcanon that they outsmarted basic elementary school level symbolism

And that's why I always preferred Aeris. She was that cool older chick who I always wanted to fuck instead of the sweet main girl, but never could because she wasn't the pure princess/white mage. Unfortunately personality matters more here, so you still can't fuck her and end up with the pure princess/white mage who is a monk this time.

they're most likely just Tifafags trying to draw attention away from the fact that she literally cucks Cloud with Johnny.

Johnny and Tifa's encounter in Costa del Sol only happens if Tifa isn't in your party

that oughta learn you somethin bout women today boy

why is she so flat

That if you deny your woman her regularly scheduled vitamin D injection she'll get it elsewhere?

This is now canon for me

>flowers are ubiquitously symbolic with purity
>flowers are given to your girlfriend or wife
>girlfriends and wives are people that get the d
>getting the d is pure
Well I guess you just confirmed she is a whore since she is pure.

I ask the same thing. Why are threads that get this bad allowed to live? The stupid OP is even fapbait.

Because Tifa is the designated titty monster.

>flowers are ubiquitously symbolic with purity
>she's selling her flowers
>she's selling her purity
Really makes you think

We get threads like this all of the time though. Hell we get a lot of Tifa threads like this.

Yeah but isn't the OP stupidly obvious?

Except in this game where she literally is a flower girl and not what Japan referred to as "flower girls". That's the joke, she's slutty but not to that extent. Also you buy a flower yourself and talk to people who bought them.

>the eternal butthurt of nostalgiafags


did mommy get mad at you for looking up naughty cartoon pictures on the internet?

You aren't a very smart person.

There's an almost identical OP but with Lucina, but a thread's OP doesn't always have to dictate the entirety of the thread. A thread someone made to shitpost about something dumb can be salvaged, and this thread can evolve into a fairly comfy FFVII thread.

>waaah OP posted a picture that made my peepee tingle why is this allowed!
and you evidently haven't hit puberty yet

Cucks BTFO

fapbait in an op can't be saved on Sup Forums. or any board. Anyone that's been here for more than a few months should know that

It's been done before, and often in fact.

but if mom sees these I'll be grounded for a week!

>flower language isn't a thing

t. white knight cuck

I think I know why Sup Forums is so bad now.

But then no one would feel bad.

>But then no one would feel good.

No thanks. Most SF girls are muscly "thicc" dykes now

I love Reisen!

>that unpure image
You want to know how I know you're not the real one?

Shit there was this one girl? I pulled like...seven demons outta her.

Tifa never gave two shits about Joney. Joney was always jealous that Tifa only got wet for one blond derpy virgin turned batshit mako solder.

That's not very nice, my love is not a meme!

Oh yeah, she just met up with a man from her past at a beach resort and told her fuccboi to sit this one out in the cuckshed because she wanted to talk. Johnny pounded that bar wench pussy all night and you know it.

My wife of course

thats just a boy!

your all autistic retards

le quentin post

mum im saving vee!

I want to go on a date with Aerith!

>gay of thrones

not an arguement

I wanna go on a date with Barrett!

That's some great headcanon there pal. Make a doujinshi.

Tifa and Aerith have shit dates. Yuffie was the only one with the nerve to actually kiss the guy.

it's literally what happened

Childhood is liking Tifa.
Adulthood is liking Aeris(th).
Godhood is realizing Yuffie da bes.

I'm sure it happened in your head.

my little Tifafag can't possibly be this deluded

The asspain from you Aerithfags is delicious. Not a single person mentioned Tifa being better then Aerith until you started fucking sperging and fagging up the thread with you're shitty fanfiction headcanon.

Her head is catching aer with how long that neck is.

>implying I'm an Aerithfag
look man, Tifa is a slut. That's all there is to it. You can still love her.

my little Aerithfag can't possibly be this butthurt
