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Video Games #3898
Video Games
Her game comes out this month, Sup Forums. Are you excited?
Do you look like any videogame characters, Sup Forums?
G mod 2 announced
What's Sup Forums stance on emulation?
Bethesda appreciation thread. What is your favorite Bethsoft game? Mine is ES3 Morrowind
What did you guys think of this VN? (Shikai-sha o seikō sa seru!)
Why are there so few good dads in video games?
2 days
What did you play today Sup Forums?
Why do I hate this game so much all of a sudden?
First monster hunter game
Why is this such a sausage fest? Every companion I've picked up so far is a dude
Are you excited for A Hat in Time?
Are wise party members the best way to do lore and world rules in games
User calls a game bad by complaining about things that only affect the extremely late 200+ hours section of the game...
Objectively correct ranking of the Souls series
Sup Forums plays: Game Dev Tycoon MONEY MONEY MONEY
Is this guy the greatest video game composer of all time?
What's better Sup Forums, a stable 30fps or a fluctuating 50-60fps?
Steam Key giftin
Want to play vidya
What did he mean by this?
How will whitebois compete against that?
Find a flaw
In what game are you the most Chad?
Sakurai nags you for any advice you can give him on Smash5
This is considered by most people the best fighting game in the market
Why does the west prefer ugly characters?
Why's the multiplayer in this game so fucking shit?
Dragonball FighterZ
Did you ever get bullied while playing a game online Sup Forums?
Are you okay with people cheating that are not good enough?
ITT subtle vidya apparel and accessories
How do we convince Japan not to make these characters?
Join freeplay
Is PoE worth playing?
You have crossed the line Sup Forums
ITT: Games that are better than their predecessors
Its time to admit that the gamecube fanbase is the most obnoxious and delusional fanbase for a console
ITT: Times you bought a game with your dick and didn't regret it
Sensible BotW Disappointment Thread
Video game night
Half-Life 1 - Female Assassin Overview
Law vs. Chaos
Literally artificial difficulty
Bamco confirm an english version of kamen raider climax fighters for asia
Has anyone else played this since the last few updates?
Sup Forums says game is shit
Name a better soundtrack
I live in a metropolis in a first world country and never ever saw somebody use a Switch in public
I just bought a vita, did I fuck up?
Post your hopes,expectations and dreams
49.99+tax for a 6 year old game that will run at 30fps like the PS3/360 version with the same graphics
ITT: things in a game that made you rage quit
What is your favorite video game?
The beta and prototype video games thread
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
We're filing a DMCA takedown of PewDiePie's Firewatch content and any future Campo Santo games
It deserved better
Night in the woods
It has a great look but it just doesnt look like my kind of game there is not nearly enough enemies or projectiles on...
Which of these niche games should I buy Sup Forums?
What if it doesn't live up to the hype?
Dark Souls 3
What does Sup Forums think of Pikmin 3?
User-kun you play and post about video games for 20 hours a day. Please stop being bad at them
Alien Isolation is fucking horrific
A-are you buying me Sup Forums?
Friendly reminder this game was going to be called Clock Blockers
WTF is this shit? Blizzard now mutes people for hurting other's feelings...
Super Mario 64 Online Cont
Stop being shit at competitive
Deus Ex Thread
ITT: We give video games the opposite titles
Dreamhack Montreal Top 8 going down right now. No Armada, no Hbox
Who was in the wrong here ?
Half Life 3's Script
What's so funny about this line?
Desktop thread
Your top underrated gems
Do you think 9S and A2 could be friends after
What games do guys like this enjoy?
Industry still trying to push this VR shit
Will it save gaming?
Sup Forums plays: Game Dev Tycoon
How do you feel about this most likely winning GOTY 2017?
Which one Sup Forums?
Boy I sure love going thru the whole game with noe or two legendary drops until I reach level cap and farm bosses to...
Technology Thread
Nintendo Achievement System in the works
Is it worth the 60 fucking dollars? DeS and DaS are two of my favorite games
What went wrong?
CWC finally got a gf and you don't have a gf yet
Daily reminder that Sup Forums was always a Nod board
It's up
Refunded PUBG a few days ago
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Like my new haircut, user?
They're right
I don't get it, Sup Forums. To me this game, Ape Escape 3, looks like "yet another collecting platformer"...
Cool vidya tattoos
Original Yennifer was better looking
Monster Hunter Stories
Why is she so perfect like this?
It's up
Everything he says about video games and the industry is true and his personal life choices do not affect or change...
/kotor/ woes
Finishing this. Holy fuck, this is a master piece. Why Sup Forums does not praise this game?
Who /florida/ here? What video games are you playing during the hurricane?
Post your death animation
3x3 thread
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
What kinda Borderlands ripoff you want?
What is the most overrated horror game?
Female character
Did you ever stay over at your friend's house and play video games all night long when you were a child, Sup Forums?
Why aren't women weaker in games like Dark Souls?
Is Vita the best handheld of all time?
Who are your favorite video game music composers?
What's your favorite Pokemon type? Mines are Dragons!
Almost finished with this shit
What's your price?
Was he a good final boss for the series?
Upcoming western RPGs
Kirby thread
Have you stayed subbed from 4.0 and still waiting for 4.1? If so what have you been doing?
Use Mercari
Risk of Rain
ITT: Post your idle animation
What did Bethesda mean by this?
Be female
Friend picks Yoshi, they turn out to be weird as fug or gay
This motherfucker kicks in your door and tells you tell grab a MA5B because youre going with him to kick Covie ass...
ITT: Casual filters
ITT obscure Turkish games
Where the fuck do I find Stanislav Rubin? He's supposed to show up at Georgiys at 11pm but he never shows up...
Would a fighting game using game-developers as characters work?
The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh
Show me a more iconic vidya duo
What the FUCK was Notch thinking?
*slams book on table*
Game Journalist Meme thread
Resident Evil
Pokemon Sun/Moon was the best-selling game in 2017
People falling for the artificial scarcity meme
Dangan Ronpa
Start playing a new game
Does anyone here remember the Ad/v/ance Wars threads? I haven't seen one in a long time...
Should more video games feature yuri relationships, like the pictured video game does?
You will never play mw2 again with a brazilian, russian and german on your team and have fun again
Review embargo lifts on Tuesday
So Netherrealm are totally working on that Horror crossover fighting game by now, right...
I've got $24.89 in steam store credit. What do I buy?
Am I retarded or can you just not use the elemental shields with Knuckles and Tails?
Fuck me please
Post your favorite vidya music. I'll start
Thoughts on the new konosuba game?
Try it out on the WiiU
Shenmue 1&2 pack for PS4 and Xbone
I spent 2800 hours playing lol
Darkest Dungeon
Will Rockstar ever finish this?
Do you like riddles/puzzles in video games?
Is this the best controller Nintendo has ever put out?
Did you fall for the "Sonic was never good" meme that circulated for the last couple of years?
Yes, its a meme beaten into the ground, but seriously here: what DID he mean by this??
What the fuck happened to Overwatch?
These people are allowed to post here
Has the ship sailed on playing this for the first time? Will i enjoy it, or be turned off by the aged controls etc?
Fuck you mods you guys suck ass and dick
Why do Asian developers always portrait their women as White people?
Can we get a battle station thread going?
Wooah.. really make you think
Reminder that it was a good game
It's up
Let's have a Bethesda Hate Thread
What's a reasonable price I should expect to pay for a solid gaming PC...
Is this degeneracy worth buying for $10?
If you could rewrite her, how would you do her personality?
About to move out
Peach, Link, Amy
Filename thread
Microsoft looking to hire [mid-to-large size] independent studios
4gb ram
What does Sup Forums think about Sadayo "Fuck Me in the Ass so You Can Skip Class" Kawakami?
What was the best stealth game? Was Chaos Theory really the pinnacle? that fucking game is almost 10 years old
How are my Florida bros doing? What games are you playing?
You're gonna have to switch sooner or later, you know
Anyone else getting pissed off by the journalists supporting Dean Takahashi?
ITT: Times you went full DSP
Destiny 2
Female character fights with a whip
Friendly reminder to make characters for the upcoming Illusion game
Were you a part of the phenomenon?
Dude just shoot the weakpoint
Hello, fellow /fl/ fags. How are you spending the next couple of days while Irma obliterates half of Florida?
Classic filename thread
ITT: Sup Forums makes a vault, and all posts ending in 5 add to the lore...
ITT we talk about Nintendo Switch leaks and rumors
3D models
Why does literally everyone on Sup Forums have such awful, awful tastes? I feel a raw...
Are wise party members the best way to do lore and world rules in games
Is there really any way to defend this?
Graphics and fan-service are unironically more important than gameplay to nu-Sup Forums
Pennywise is going to be in the next Mortal Kombat right?
Which should I get Sup Forums
Why are game journalists as a whole so defensive about the idea that publications displaying gameplay footage should...
What are some games with good gore?
It's up
What fun superheroes are you going to make in south park fractured but whole?
What is the blue pill and red pill of video games?
What's the appeal?
Is 2017 one of the best years in vidya?
Peach, Rosalina or Daisy?
Games that are said to be good but actually suck
Who are you maining in Fire Emblem Warriors?
So this mother fucker was King and Oracle at the same time or what?
Do people find characters Sakura Kinomoto and Yayoi Takatsuki hot?
Mysterious stuff in vidya
Why is pedophilia so easily accepted in Japanese games but shunned in western games?
Was KOTOR ahead of its time?
How do I get good? I'm playing on commander...
Why are there retards calling this game shit when we've literally only seen the early game levels?
SNES Classic Edition
So what ever happened to Terraria 2 and Otherworld?
What is v's favourite school of magic?
Eh, dare I say, this was quite worth a LOL
What headphones do you use for vidya, Sup Forums?
Why are old horror games way more scary than modern ones?
So, i playing the uncharted collections
Do any of you still play TF2?
Divinity: Original Sin 2
This has got to be the holy trinity of overrated fucking games. They're boring and control like shit...
Did Gust make this extra ending just to stop the death threats they got from the fans?
Wow this game is garbage. Who thought it would be a good idea to use such a garbage time limit system
Yfw we will have to wait for Cyberpunk 2077 for a better RPG
Just beat Furi. Why was The Beat so weak?
Are Princess in gaming too oversaturated?
What is that's so magical about the prospect of these obscure secrets?
Getting excited over game releases
Why are the ultra settings almost the same as low nowadays...
Morrowind is infinitely better than Skyrim
Would you play a horror game centered around a Werewolf?
ITT: Games where you play as the bad guy
Is there an objective top 5 games of all time?
Will this save the series, Sup Forums?
Final Fantasy VII Remake will introduce the latest technology that will surpass FFXV, says Yoshinori Kitase
Now that we finally got a good Sonic game again after over 20 years, where do you like the franchise to go next?
Which bad sequel was the best?
Trails/Kiseki thread
Japanese level
American boss
Adds a token black character just because every other developer was doing it and not adding anything new to the table
ITT: Sup Forums creates the worst videogame ever, one idea at a time
Tfw friend says I look like Quiet
First Time Top Down RPG
What are some gameos that contain eldritch abominations?
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider
Bing, not even once
Not sure if this is a Sup Forums or a Sup Forums question
Make room! Move!
Its that kind of thread
ITT: proof that videogames can be art
ITT: Books (or things), that need to be made into a game
You know she'll get an expanded moveset in DOA6 with a more unique style, right? I'll admit...
Hey, where do you think you're going?
Who else here refuses to buy the Switch until Capcom and Rockstar releases Resident Evil 7 a GTA and Red Dead...
Kickstarter scams & co
BRING ME TO MY Total Warhammer thread
Owo what's this?!
How do you feel about class identities in MMOs?
You have 5 seconds to name your favorite game or I won't let you throat fuck me! Hurry up faggots!
Paladins thread
Recommend me a good dorifto racing game
What is Sup Forumss opinion on the high elves
Should I buy a PS4?
So this happened. It was inevitable since they put so much work in to the PC ports...
Visual novel suggestions?
Is splatoon a gud gaem?
So wait, I'm confused. Has war changed or does war never change?
Now that's been confirmed you do not need the amiibo to unlock Fusion Mode...
Man these 2 game cube games kinda sucked
Why does Final Fantasy VII get all the attention of Square-Enix when a remake of VI would likely be a lot more...
Make thread about a game with positive comment
Why only few games make decent water?
Games Getting Passes
Is there an excuse for the 2007 level console graphics?
Just like my R*ddit super heroes
What are some decent games for the Xbox One?
Look for fix for bug in game
What was her endgame?
Play Skyrim
Just got some new PS4 games
Anyone have the character roll? Can't find it and I'm in the mood for some Oblivion
Design a vore game
Those are upcoming racing games
Where did we go wrong?
Are video games still a medium only for white males or have we finally moved passed this and are now making video games...
*muffled mario sounds*
Kino Online
Next Nioh DLC you have to fight Lady chacha and possibly resurrected Hideyoshi himself
What mousepad do you use, Sup Forums?
Simple, fun, casual happy game
TGS 2017
HL3 died for this
ITT: Post webm or pic, others recommend the game
Bahahaahaha they literally changed nothing
This is the ultimate controller
Besides The Witcher series and Geralt, what are some other games where I can play a Mary Sue?
Die in a mp game
So, re: [possibly the best turned based RPG of the seventh gen, still disputed]...
I will NOT add private profiles
Who is the strongest male video game character?
Monster hunter stories
Is this meme game really good or are they just farming crates? when is it going to die?
Interaction Design
This is the best video game opening in the history of video games
Mom says i have to buy present for sister for her birthday
Autism: The Thread
Why are there no good deep sea exploration games?
Sonic Mania
What upcoming games are you unironically hyped about?
Vidya confessions thread
C-Can you take this Visual Novel survey for me?
What video game is this from?
Graphics thread?
Why is no one talking about this?
Which game cu-cked you the most?
What are your hopes for this?
What does Sup Forums think of Sleeping Dogs?
Dragonball FighterZ bread
How can the other Nintendo girls compete with Lola Pop?
What does Sup Forums think of this game?
Who was the best?
You consider a particular game pretty great and enjoyable with no outside influence
Has sonic boom finally jumped the shark with the newest episode
What do you want from the Switch 2/Switch 2020/Switch +/Whatever they call the hardware revision
This is the favorite Castlevania game of people who don't really like Castlevania that much
Why don't you talk about it anymore Sup Forums? Is it that bad...
Should game journalists be strung up on lampposts?
ITT: Opinions that would get you crucified on Sup Forums and possibly other places
Hurr durr eSports are so lame, rite goys?
This is Dropsy. Say something nice about him
Zelda Switch
You will never get another wu tang fighter
When's it coming to ps4 and whats the issue ?
This is the best ending...right?
ITT: one of these
How to get forever stuck on pokemon?
ITT: homosexuals in vidya
I am unironically looking forward to enjoying the plot and music of this game ironically
Will it be the game that makes AssCreed relevant again?
Can you imagine a world without Dark Souls
How do you play a game like this? In every mission, sometimes you're bound to alert an enemy...
Just installed this and I spent the entire white orchard repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes...
It's up
Post a picture. Other users recommend you a game based on it
Games that only you have played
What games let me transcend my own mortality and become an all-powerful lich?
There are people out there that only consume video game media and nothing else. No movies, no shows, no music...
Tfw playing games I like makes me very happy and Sup Forums very mad
It says here you haven't bought Sonic Mania
Are there any other games like odin sphere leifthrasir for ps4...
The Spyro series turns 19 today, let's have a Spyro thread to celebrate
What's the first example of this that comes to mind?
I love seeing Yakuza (voice) actors actually shown in real life just to show how close the game(s) gets to their...
That's a nice drone you got there, mind if I jam it?
Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that Persona 5 was a huge let down?
ITT: What were they thinking?
Which video game universe/planet/map/world would you live in if you could?
I think I already know why this game isn't as much fun as med2. Shorter, railroaded campaigns...
Is it worth getting the STALKER games? I hear clear sky was bad
Can we all agree that curing cancer was the best choice?
What are your thoughts on Fahrenheit?
Naoto is an acceptable second, Rise fags just don't get it
Make female character
What went wrong?
Friendly reminder that this piece of shit game is in open beta
Do you prefer fat or slim Mei?
What does Sup Forums think about Nier Automata?
Y-you still like me, right Sup Forums?
Sci-fi/cyberpunk game
Which one to play?
Let's make a compilation of the worst sonic games
Who here also misses Fatal Frame?
What are some games where the best girl is understated?
Creation club isn't paid mods
About Dragon Age Inquisition SJW stuff
Best team in my opinion:
Well, Sup Forums?
What war have games not covered but you wished they would cover ?
Game has forced diversity
Ice boss
Just borrowed some PS4 games
Anybody else prefer consoles?
Sonic CD is the most overrated game in the entire series
I'm gonna buy a 3DS because Metroid is coming. What are the best 3DS games?
Your gaming addiction is so severe that you sacrifice study time to play vidya and your grades are absolute shit
I understand it's innovating, interesting and has a lot of technical competence. But is it fun to play...
What did you play today?
You sleep rather soundly for a pirate
Why is Fallout 3 hated so much?
Objective: RUN
Looking to have some WoW nostalgia...
PS Vita Launch Titles/Launch Window Titles VS Switch
Once again Sup Forums was wrong
Now that the dust has settled, what did you think? Was it worth playing?
Triggered yet, Sup Forums?
Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Spotlight: Origin Stories - Beast
I just got a new video game in the mail bros
Finally got around to playing this game and it was fun. The fights against random mooks was annoying...
Anybody else prefer consoles?
44 days left till PC release
Stu? It's 4 in the morning. Why are you making pudding?
Why japs cant write a decent story?
Who else /neet/ here?
ITT: Games women will never understand
Etrian Odyssey Thread
Why are vidya girls so flat now? They used to be so busty in the 90s, now it's just Japan doing it
You abandoned your family, and Hoshido. Now, pay for your betrayal!
Destiny 2: is it just marketing and hype culture, or is the game actually good? With 60$ worth of content...
This is your 2017 GOTY. Say something nice about it
Should I get a 3ds or a switch ?
So bad it's good?
Game has permadeath and random crits
Thinking of buying this. Is it worth the 30 euro's?
Just finished this, what order do I play the rest of the games?
Space Games Thread
JRPG thread
ITT: Sup Forums makes a vault, and all posts ending in 5 add to the lore...
Let's go kill some things
Stop this shit
Splatfest results any minute now
WebM thread
This guy is now the main character in the last game you played
My only complaint is no gaems
Whats the best vidya pupper?
NexonNA fucks over korean version
What are some games where the devs show clear favoritism over their character, army or side?
Why do people actually buy these games?
Ok so basically GOTY contestants are Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey...
Did you guys read the patch notes for tomorrow's update?
I seriously love Haruka you guys
Why Tactical shooters died? I'm not talking about shitty pretendo CS clones like Siege...
Vidya confession thread
Did you get any 1CCs yesterday on National Cirno Day?
How's that city going?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Sleeping Dogs
Playing games when you can just watch the entire thing on youtube
Why is this game so awful, like a horrible nightmare that doesn't stop?
Why would anyone still play DBD when F13 is superior in EVERY way conceivable?
In the end, we can all agree that Dragon Age Origins is much better than Witcher 3: The Wild Downgrade right?
Name ONE game that does fishing right
Why don't you like ssbm?
Why does Sup Forums hate Assassin's Creed? First game was pretty good
Is this the best FPS of all time?
Do you ever take notes when playing games? If so, post them
Why are white people so mean in online games?
What the fuck happened to her game?
Games journalism in the 90s
ITT it is Sup Forums 1000 AD
Filename thread
Is it possible to emualte PS2 games at 60 fps with a gtx 1050?
How would you rank these series?
Play game
Hi Ahoy!
Do you enjoy it when you're able to play as a woman in a game?
I've seen some really shitty opinions on this board so let's settle this shit once and for all...
What's the best FF and why is it 7?
Which is the better game?
How does a species that is born with a fucking chest in it's body exist?
Dokkan battle thread
This one is easy
I absolutely adore Aerith! I could go on forever about how much I love her! She is my favorite video game character...
I like this series better than the Genesis games. They're better games
You little shits. You think it's funny to shit on Bioshock Infinite because "LOL THE CARD" well fuck you...
Preorders are closed
Name 1 (one) objectively good game
More Old Testament stuff
Danganronpa V3
Machines and undead are actually affected by poison just like in real life
Most powerful grab in the game
None of your sweet talk now! You're going to have to say you love me 100 times!
Why won't Sega just do it?
He couldn't figure this out on his own
Nintendo won
What's the best stealth game, was Chaos Theory really the pinnacle?
Go on fighting game
What video game series is ranked like this?
Start game
Shit guys... am I retarded for staying in southwest Florida? They all said it was gonna go east...
This is a robbery, pal! Give me your favorite video game ever. You will get shot if it's a bad game!
What am I in for?
Best girl
Finally, I will have my Red Dead Redemption
What games let you protect the ones that you love?
Could i enjoy this game if i find UC 4 boring?
What is your honest opinion on Shadowverse?
How to spot Dark Souls casual
The princess has been captured! Use your enriched vidya knowledge to save her!
How do you those of you who have been playing vidya for 20+ years rationalize being mediocre at best...
How do you think Anthony feels right now?
A sci-fi FPS with RPG elements that places a heavy emphasis on player teamwork like an MMO is pretty much one of the...
Should I get Dark Messiah or Dishonored Sup Forums?
Timed missions in XCOM 2 aren't that ba-
ITT post games that are embarassing to play
Nintendo is (possibly) making an achievement system for Switch
When does this game start being fun?
Was he autistic?
How hype are you for the new paper-mario-like steven universe game, Sup Forums? its releasing this fall
What went wrong?
Why haven't you played Sengoku Rance yet?
Moments in games that give you gooseflesh
Was this intentional? Because Nintendo is really subtle at this kind of stuff if it was
What are the most depressing games you've ever played?
What do you want to see in King of Fighters XV?
90% of bosses are the same shit
Tokyo Game Show Thread
Everyone on Sup Forums always argues over which Dark Souls game is better
So I was playing Civ 6 online as Pericles. I planned no going for a peaceful, cultural victory...
ITT : Games that'll never happen but should
Every PC gamer alive is playing this
Suddenly Sup Forums hates halo 2
I absolutely adore Lucina! I could go on forever about how much I love her! She is my favorite video game character...
What sound do these things make again?
So after having it in my backlog for almost a year I've finally decided to start pic-related. Downloading now
It's okay when Japan does it
This is Zhong Kui. He only has two skins and hasn't had a new one in two years. Say something nice to him
Why does Ryu ignore her?
Being Hollow doesn't affect you at all in Ds1 apart from not being able to summon so why is it made such a big deal in...
MVC Infinite
Would you buy Neon Genesis Evangelion (1999, Ban Dai, Nintendo 64) if it was released on the Virtual Console for $10?
What is the best Kirby game?
Which is best
Some cop
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Knack 2 flop
Does Sup Forums just hate this game because it's popular? I think it's absolutely fantastic
What are some good translated VNs with cute girls?
Why are Bethesda cities, or even their entire games becoming smaller with each iteration...
Is this game dead?
Does anyone know much about this?
Sup Forums doesn't actually give a shit about the "morals" of censorship...
Fallout 3 is a bad ga-
Filename Thread
Games that delivered on their hype and helped to restore your faith in gaming?
What are your hopes for Devil Survivor 3?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumskend
Is Karin the best designed SF character ever?
3x3 Thread
ITT, Characters who should neck themselves
ITT: Vidya women will never understand
#FrankIsBack BAABBBYYYY!!!!!!
Fallout 3 is trash, New Vegas is so much b-
Fuck it, I'm done
ITT: Long ass stages
Give me your best videogame idea Sup Forums
What's wrong with current f2p games? Is there a single good one?
Best vidya trailers
Where should Fallout 5 take place?
Fable 3 was trash but not so terrible that they could have learned from their mistakes
I'm glad that the new south park game will allow you to select non-binary as a gender option
Final boss gives a long monologue
ITT: games only you think is the best in the series
Proper Big Titty RPG
Is there a bigger bitch in esports right now?
At least this confirms Winter Soldier for DLC
What are some good mario kart clones out there?
Name My P5 MC
So this is the best Zelda game right?
There are people who think Halo Reach had the best campaign
You did buy her game, right user-kun?
Sup Forums plays: Game Dev Tycoon even more despair
Videogame culture needs to stop fetishizing skill
You're buying Cordelia's game... aren't you?
How would you make an Old Testament themed video game?
Worst castlemania
No gods
Lets release the definitive version of the game on a handheld with no prior releases from the series
What do you think is the most important aspect of character design in video games?
Any video games where
Nintendo making an Achievment system for Switch
ITT today's topic
Wtf banned for hurtings someones feelings? Fucking shitty ass game
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...