My only complaint is no gaems

My only complaint is no gaems

Try looking at the eShop.

Great thread

My only complaint is you are a fag, yet my dick ain't being sucked right now

I'd really like it if it wasn't shit. I simply cannot imagine buying one with all the build quality issues, the dock scratching the screen etc.
Friend got a 2DS a few days ago and he's real happy with it.

>whats a nuntendi

>I simply cannot imagine buying one with all the build quality issues
Build quality issues are a meme as long as you're not autistic

but I've seen so many videos

>Dock scratching the screen

Literally nobody has seen or mentioned this since the first week of relesse

Juat wait till december. Jesus christ te line up is barren.

>third parties won't take advantage of the dual joycon set up for two players
>every game requires a second stick and additional triggers
>only ones who will take advantage will be indie devs
>they'll just make uninspired pixel shovelware as usual

yeah but has there been a redesign? at launch it seemed like the very concept was faulty.

Any progress on exploits for the switch? If I can emulate old games on this I'd buy it right quick

>Already beat BotW and wanted to save the cooler side content until winter when the second dlc comes out
>Started playing Splatoon 2 this week which is fun but doesn't captivate nearly as much as BotW and can only play it 1 and a half to 2 hours before getting bored
>Odyssey doesn't come for another 6 weeks

October 27 can't come soon enough. Are there any cheap single player eshop games that are fun and can last awhile?

My switch literally has wiggle room when it's in the dock and I got it in july.

the thing literally has no games but botw and splatoon 2. and who cares about splatoon 2 when it's a mediocre kiddie shooter that requires paid online (lol) which will be dead before you know it anyway.

It's supposed to wiggle so you don't snap off the USB part off if it was rigid.

No, it was memery from the start and people fell for it.

>buying any gaming rig that does not support keyboard and mouse.
Its like you want to waste money and have buyers regret.

Spend the $5 on a tempered glass screen protector. It will feel better to touch than the plastic screen all while protecting it.

>no gaems

How many does the Switch need for people to stop saying this?

amazing library there

Mario Rabbids, Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2

That's 5. It took PS4 2 years to get 1 game worth playing.

a crappy rabbids game and 2 games that aren't even out. simply amazing.

i don't use a screen protector, and i place the switch in the dock often. no scratches. i also don't throw it around like a fuckin' gorilla though. there's a small piece of rubber at the bottom at the bottom of the plastic rails in the dock. keeps it from rubbing if it touches. if you shove the switch in like an idiot, you can probably scratch it eventually.

How is it a crappy rabbids game. And yes those are games coming out this year.

you know you're desperate when you mention games not even out as great, as if you magically know how good they are already, and list rabbids shit. Even so, 5 games is pathetic.

I don't give a fuck about those games, I only care for note and some upcoming games like nmh3, shin megami tensei, monster hunter and others I don't remember right now. Hoping for a new first person metroid.

I only care for breath of the wild*

I'm waiting for the more powerful non-portable home console revision. It makes too much sense since it'd be cheaper to make since it wont need the screen and battery which are the bulk of the cost.

5 notable exclusives for a consoles first year is quite an accomplishment.