How does a species that is born with a fucking chest in it's body exist?

How does a species that is born with a fucking chest in it's body exist?

think about oysters

There are insects that have evolved to look nearly identical to leaves and twigs.

How does a knight live to the end of time?

How does Sif stand up, let alone jump, when his weight would cripple his legs?

how can op post anything when his hands are full of cock?

How can you swing a sword with 16 strength and only 10 dex?

its not a species

typically they were some long gone wizard's attempt at home security that got into the wild.

it's obviously a magic spell/curse placed on a chest by its owner to protect important treasure, rather than a creature that happens to be born with a treasure chest for a head.

Leaves and twigs are very simple shapes. The amount of stages of evolution with no survival benefit required to reach the point where a mimic starts looking like a chest is completely unrealistic.

Like many japanese mythological creatures that are born from old objects that after many years gathering dust become alive
Or this

wizards live longer than a normal man and never get laid, you would make treasure chest monsters to fuck with people too if you were a 230 year old virgin

I wonder what would happen if you put your dick in it ha ha

how does he not chomp on his own arms when he holds you down?

Because he was a undead with a curse and a purpose to look for the blood of the dark soul. As Long as you're motivated on a purpose in life while undead, you won't go hollow


>Dark Souls
>based in Japanese mythology

But these are one of the least threatening enemies in the game.

>chest in dangerous area.
>weak and spiteful losers die in dangerous areas in pursuit of treasure
>their souls and regrets float their way to the treasure eventually
>coalesces into a monster who yet contains the treasure within it.

Is my headcanon.

They were a race of people who were really fucking greedy so a god cursed them to be Mimics. I don't remember the details, but this is the canon answer.

man fuck those things the way they move is unsettling as fuck

now i want to go see if i can find them in the art book..


Read the fucking item description holy shit

"Monster head resembling a treasure chest. Once an ancient god, it is said this is the symbol of shame imposed on a long lost clan, exiled for the sin of avarice. Wearing this slightly raises soul absorption and item discovery, but also affects its wearer with the curse of the branded."

These guys bleed easily, just whip out your bandit knife

>why does magic beings exist in a magical universe?!?!?!


>mfw using warden winblades on these things
melts em like butter

>caring about evolution in a game where the dead get up and walk about.
you don't understand suspension of disbelief.

god, there where way too many mimicks in dark cloud
it felt like every big chest only had like 10% chance of actually being a chest

found it

Is there an english version of this yet?

also I just realized we STILL don't have english scans of either 1 or 2's artbooks

It's mostly about suspension of disbelief than just "why does magical stuff happens".
Mimics are more of a game mechanic than a sensible or interesting lore concept, which is why they can clash with a lore heavy game like dark souls. Stuff like is usually all that's needed to explain something like that

>all this "speculation" when there's literally a canon explanation

idk i'm snobby and just buy the jp versions as they're released

who cares? they were forced in at the last minute to guarantee every player would die at least once

Guys why is fantasy so unrealistic? I can't figure it out!

Sellsword set looks so much better in the concept art

wish it didn't have that skirt

but dark cloud had different looking chests
seems like mimics adapted to them just as easy

>No Wanderer set in DaS3.
How do you fuck up that bad?

>pass me the controller brah


dark souls incorporates Japanese and European mythology/fantasy to my understanding


It doesn't


it's a video game fag. No need for logic.

He's magically strong.

for once, that is actually bullshit

dex is for faggots

explain how

Somebody post the Oreo/coin spider

Where does a creature with a chest as a body learn Kung Fu?

What's the science behind The Four Kings?

It's not born with a chest, it's like a hermit crab that takes over a real chest.