It says here you haven't bought Sonic Mania

It says here you haven't bought Sonic Mania.
Care to explain?

No money. Living the neet life right now

Game is garbage, sonic was never good, would pirate it just to put it into my recycle bin

>Care to explain?

I'm not a furfag.

sonic is shitty and Mario will always be the superior platformer, because I am not a furfaggot

You aren't in the game, mistress.

I'm older than 12



I don't have a job or the money for it right now.

look at the lens of her glasses

I don't play shit gayems user

that doesn't look like sonic mania....

And the last horse crosses the line

You can't fool my dick.

I never understand what the fuck is going on.
It's Tails receiving a pawnjob?

Ms Rouge, I can hear your top straining from over here. Are you ok?

it's in the sonic thread on trash.

What is the best Canned furry doujin?

It doesn't run on Mac and I don't have a Switch yet...

I don't want passionate developers to continue to have a stab at the franchise. I'm instead saving my money for the team that clearly needs to take a break instead, so that the suits on Sega's board of directors chooses them to conduct more slave labor, rather than putting the creative tools into the hands of the team that actually has a vested interest in creating new content for us consumers.

But I have & I've played it a lot.