What war have games not covered but you wished they would cover ?

what war have games not covered but you wished they would cover ?

for me it'd probably have to be the yugoslav war or maybe the troubles(not exactly a war but still a military conflict)

The Emu War

Crimean War

>yugoslav wars

too much moral ambiguity and no clear heroes to project on. not to mention tactics ogre is basically fantasy version of the yugoslav crisis.

american civil

all the civil war games are ancient pc shovelware

didn't the emus win that war ?

>oo much moral ambiguity and no clear heroes to project on
Not every game has to be a Call of Duty. Yugoslav wars would be a nice setting for an RTS or a Jagged Alliance type of shit

war of the Bucket

the football war

Anglo-Zanzibar War

Games were americans are the bad guys

Why not just play urban chaos then?

a game where you play as the KGB/NKVD and fight CIA agents

what war, it was a fucking slaughterhouse and genocide and it ended with no american ground force action just bombing

boring as fuck for a vidya game

What about Ultimate General: Civil War?

Yes. Strange, though, they wrote out of history. I wonder why.

30 years war
In action game, not strategy

>every war game has to have the americans in it

A game where Nazi win and you play as a Nazi

>bosnian here

America was involved, they put troops in the cities with the intention of scaring off the serbs

also america and the UN took our fucking guns away to "ensure peace"

the Iran-Iraq war

Absolutely. There are so many perspectives, scenarios, settings, and dates that could get taken advantage of.

Colonial Warfare

>WW2 without it being the americans at D-day for the nth time
>modern game fighting against isis
>a good WW1 game
>cold war
>anything to do with espionage in any war
>russo-japanese war
>war game where you play as people whom dont speak english
>war game based on invading russia as anycountry but america
>game wher you play as a german in WW2
>italians in WW2
>playing as the japs in WW2
>anything other than a foot soldier like a tank driver or pilot or even the navy

>too much moral ambiguity

Not according to most western media, Serbs tend to be the ones singled out for anything bad happening.

Americans were the good guys in all the wars they were in though.

being fair, we were imperialist assholes in the Spanish American War

The war on the white race going on today.

>western media ever being trustable

i want a really good john le caree style cold war spy game.

I'd like that cancelled fallujah game. I mean I understand why they had to cancel it but wouldn't mind giving it a spin when people start forgetting the conflict

>Serbs tend to be the ones singled out for anything bad happening
It is same in ex Yugolsav countries.
I wonder why...

and iraq

I genuinely wish we were really that fucking monstrous. If all those stories about us were true, there would literally be no one else alive in the Balkans aside from us, the Greeks and Romanians.

serbs always get compared to russians yet they look nothing alike

you might like Insurgency Sandstorm then

>here would literally be no one else alive in the Balkans aside from us
being monstrous and not being shit at war are two different things

korean war from the perspective of communist china and north korea

seems interesting from the trailer but wont it be multiplayer focused?

But that's the thing, you all complain about us killing so many, and yet there's still so many of you well and alive.

It's like all those "Holocaust survivors" and how there's six million of them nowadays.


>Sandstorm will feature a single-player story, in which the player is a female Kurdish freedom fighter.[5] The text and images below are from

whew lad. was expecting to play as a tacticool operator. might b fun though

>caring about the setting and not the gameplay

Fucking retards. Enjoy your Call of Duty Modern Warfare #45 with new skins.

Setting can influence gameplay development, user-kun.

All of the things you've mentioned have already been done, because it's basically just different skins for games.
Then you also mention a requirement which renders itself impossible (the last one).
You are one big idiot.

Do you really think the American media would unironically portray how corrupt south korea was until the 1990s? Or that time those americans troops marched in to seoul to restore """"order"""".

I'm sorry, but which platoon were you a member of?

When everyone but "your people" call you out and blame you for something, you have to consider that they're right and there's not a conspiracy against "you". When more than 1 person calls you an asshole, you have to consider that you actually might be one.

Not in this sense. All of these idiots just want the aforementioned hold W and left click until enemies die, but with slightly different skins.
The only thing that's worse is when some retard writes down a story which he would like to see in a game and it's just cut-scene with QTEs: the game.

The fact that they're oblivious to their retardation is very sad.

>south korea corrupt until the 90s
>implying south korea still isn't corrupt

Any war kikes of the media seem fit, you won't see a war game thats touchy with modern media, killing nazis is the main agenda for war games for a reason.
But its not like any fps war game will be historically correct, you could have a game played as a nazi... but that doesnt mean they won't twist it in some sense with suspicious motive

Yes, well, maybe if you killed more enemy soldiers and less unarmed women, children, old and wounded people in hospitals, you would stand a chance.

a game about the mexican civil war

>complains about historical inaccuracy
>means his retarded pol opinions by it, which is completely irrelevant to a videogame
>doesn't mean the fact that you have people shooting at each other from 3 meters and being bullet sponges while running in the open

Kill yourself you fucking retard. Go back to your echo chambers where like-minded idiots display their retardation and stop wasting precious vertical space in this thread with your retarded drivel.

it would be boring as fuck at least on the unit variety. All the nations had the same shit. I don't want to play a game where both sides have the same tanks and guns.

Fuck off faggot, go back to your safe-space.

Rhodesian Bush war or a game where you play as Kurdish fighters / Iranians against ISIS.

And to anyone in the thread BUY WARGAME RED DRAGON.

Ever played Death to Spies?

>this is how I cleric

a game about the revolutions/civil wars that happened from 1910-1939

Because western media never really understood the Yugoslav conflict. It was just a bunch of tribes inexplicably fighting each other to them.

>buying a dead game
fuck off

>all the things have been done
go ahead list them
>you're a big idiot
shut up idort befo i beat yo ass

The one mistake from the Civil War was not hanging all the leaders and breaking the will of the Southerns by making them give up their way of life .

>Mum Lincoln's dream for peace!
Look at how much of a farce reconstruction was, with how the southern fags acted like they did nothing wrong and basically reinstituted slavery in everything but name under the black code laws.

We deserve a game where the North finishes the job in hunting down everyone who supported the Confederacy and fighting the inevitable guerrilla war campaign that would come out of it with the objective to break the South for good.

russian civil war game that's a sandbox game similar to red dead redemption but russian and riding with angry anarchists

>WW2 without it being the americans at D-day for the nth time
Every WW2 themed game, except for Brothers in Arms.

>modern game fighting against isis
Any "modern" shooter, just imagine the generic enemy is ISIS.

>a good WW1 game
That one Blitzkrieg engine spin-off.

There's a map in Project Reality.

>cold war
Operation Flashpoint CWC

>anything to do with espionage in any war
Death to Spies.

>russo-japanese war
BF 1942 mods.

>war game where you play as people whom dont speak english
Most games. Shitty irrelevant gimmick.

>war game based on invading russia as anycountry but america
Shitty irrelevant gimmick.

>game wher you play as a german in WW2
Every WW2 game.

>italians in WW2
Most WW2 games (Forgotten Hope 2, Medal of Honor Allied Assault)

>playing as the japs in WW2
Lots of games (Forgotten Hope 2, Battlefield 1942, Medla of Honor Rising Sun)

>anything other than a foot soldier like a tank driver or pilot or even the navy
There are no games where you sit behind a desk and sign papers.

You fucking idiot.

I can't think of a Vietnam game

A game where you play as an Emu against human soldiers. Could be a fun, specially if you go for the comedy angle.

Then you're an idiot.
Vietcong, Battlefield Vietnam. There are also other shit Vietnam themed games.

Iran-Iraq War. Its WW1 with modern weapons.

Obscure War nobody actually gives two shits about

I'm a Balkanigger and it would rustle some jimmies. But the setting could be good for small squad tactics in difficult terrain. Talking about Bosnia now. Most of the engagements were rather small without much armor. The terrain is mostly mountains. No planes anyway because of the no fly zone. Small squad tactics with a lot of arty for the Serbs.

Godamn it, why are there no more games like Jagged Alliance. X-com comes close but I just want to have mercs/soldiers fighting in a real environment with real weaponry.

Vietcong...fuck those tunnels

Yes its pretty shameful now but back then SK was even worse. So poorly run that NK managed to fucking overtake them for a time, its a joke.

>ywn slay roaches in the name of Tsar

I don't know how it would've turned out but from what I've seen, I think it would've just been a generic military shooter that's based on a recent event, to the point where anyone unfamiliar with that operation would just assume it was a made up conflict.

Buy game no one plays anymore!

Your people did assassinate ArchDuke Franz Ferdinand.

im always bothered by one thing in these pictures

why don't they give their soldiers a nice comfy pair of mittens or gloves?

Vietnam single player game that's actually in Vietnam
where you're just "GI #583" and not Chad Thundercock
maybe show some Operation Wandering Soul

>Was done by 1 dude
>Your people

Also if you were into history, he was the todays liberal fag.

>and not Chad Thundercock

Invariably any game with large amounts of action (i.e. Not a shit game) would devolve into you being Chad Thundercock.

Unless your dream Vietnam game is sitting around in a tent in the jungle making sure supplies are maintained.

Check out the first Vietcong game my man.

nah I mean like you're some lanky private that ends up going nuts
real apoc now type shit just without all the pseud crap
will do

Damm.... BTFO fo sho........never knew i played as a german in every ww2 game or even one map counts as an entire game
>most WW2 games dont have americans and d-day
supreme bait 9/10, interrupted my dinner