This one is easy

This one is easy.

Sly Cooper



Dark Souls.



Dead space


mortal kombat

>Hurr durr, I just described 1/6th of all franchises that have at least 3 games
fuck off

Dark Souls

resident evil

Mass Effect


Obvious answer

When we finally get it?

Kingdom Hearts


Please, the second game is always statistically more likely to be better than the first.

It's Crash Bandicoot.

This guy gets it.

A winrar is you

Fuck you.

Mass Effect
Resident Evil

Diablo 3 in its current state is significantly better than Diablo 1 and as good as 2 if you take the nostalgia goggles off


Donkey Kong Country


Metroid Prime


2 is the worst and 3 is the best tho

Crash Bandicoot

Search your feelings, you know it to be true!

But you have shit taste tho

Sure, if you're a filthy casual who likes artificial difficulty

Red Alert.

Not an argument

every fucking thread, doesn't even matter what order the numbers are.


This applies to most video game trilogies. It would be weirder if 3 the best.

Not at all.

Really? Because I actually gave a reason why 3 is worse while you just stated it without any reasoning.

Spyro is objectively the correct answer



Paper Mario in my opinion

the user who made gamesfield was a legend


Donkey Kong Country
Some obvious ones.

>better than SS and FL
You can hate Delsin but come on man

It's surprising how many franchises this applies to

You spouted buzzwords like a child

Glad to see nobody has posted Halo, since Halo is 2 > 3 > 1

If you think about it it makes sense. With the first entry you're just getting your feet wet. With the second you have oppurtunities to refine things about the first and use ideas that were cut. By the third you're burnt out.


Ar Tonelico

mass effect


It's pretty hilarious.

3>2>1 Objectively.

Ratchet and Clank

Devil May Cry

Dark Souls?

hitman barring codename

age of empires

Sonic 2 is good, but its not better than 3.

Second Son is infinitely better than the first game and did a few things better that 2. Sit down, son.


Assassin's creed

Jak and Daxter?

>second son is infinitely better than the first game

Gears of war. I'd say the 3rd one was better than the first 2


>Metal Gear Solid 2 is better than 3

Going from 2 to 3 was such a disconnect. When you first encounter enemies they move so slow. If I never played them before I'd swear 3 came before 2, with all the BS it did wrong.

Fucking this.

3 had some good songs but that was it. Literally every other aspect of the game was inferior to 2 or 1.

Infamous was a boring first party display. 2 had better game mechanics and I cried a little inside when I had to kill Zeke.

Second Son perfects the core mechanics and I was in shock when Delsin killed his grandmother.


The different powers were mostly a different particle filter, Delsin was unbearably annoying, the gimmicks were boring. FS is really only better in the mobility department and that it has Reggie
Despite repetitive side missions in the first game, I still hold it over FS


Pikmin, though all 3 are quite good.

Dawn of War

Metal Gear Solid


Deus Ex.


Back to the Future

>Uncharted 1
>Better than anything
Even Final Fantasy XV is better than Uncharted 1, do I need to remind you of the jet ski levels at the end?


Shin Megami Tensei

P5 > P4 > P3

Fuck off. 2 was shit with its dolphins and octopusses

Saint's Row.

ratchet and clank


Kill yourself. Not even joking or trying to be edgy, unironically and literally end your fucking lives.

Silent Hill

Can you explain, to someone who hanst played either game, why is 2 better than 3? Is 3 even worth playing or nah?

>control F golden sun
>no results
Literally the best possible example


By the faggot way you write, I bet you're the autist from yesterdays RE thread with the best girls. I told you yesterday, I'll tell you again today - off yourself scum

By the retarded way you write, I bet you're one of the people I just quoted. I told you nine minutes to fucking kill yourself and you still haven't so I'll tell you again now - fix that, you fucking retarded sack of shit.

Nah the itemization alone is what makes Diablo 3 fucking trash mate.
