Hey Sup Forums
As of late i haven't been able to properly start up a game.
Not even 10 minutes in and i already start feeling bored and have to basically force myself to pay attention to the game.
I just can't find any enjoyment in it and it saddens me greatly, because gaming has always been a huge part of my life.
After clocking in 2000+ hours playing everyday whenever i have time(mainly fighting games and MMOs)i've finally reached a point where i see gaming as just another chore.
How do i get myself out of this mentality? Should i just move on from it all?
How did you guys deal with it, since i'm sure some of you have experienced these same feelings.
Am i just tired of vidya?
this is completely normal, don't fuss.
just take breaks. it might seem hard to take a long break, but that just means you're in your comfort zone. pick up other hobbies that you've had interest in, or find a new one completely. after a while, the want to play vidya kicks in again. or, you just have to find a different game to play, genre/type altogether. even if it's """"casual"""", if you have fun playing it, play it. you don't need to be a fancy patrician. friends also influence what you like and play, so if you're comfortable enough to join public servers and make friends, you might make a good deal of new friends with new tastes. good luck on your journey.
with intense schooling, i'm forced to take breaks, and it works. in the summers i just turn into a lazy shithole.
Either find some other hobby, like making shit DIY, reading, travelling / doing outdoor shit, literally anything.
Give a break, like a week or so, and try NEW games; not "this game came out two days ago", instead "I've never tried a game in this genre before"
The second one worked for me; took a 1 week holiday to spend with family and relax, didn't play any vidya, didn't even use internet. Came back, bought new games, still having fun.
May be you should change your taste or selection in games. Your limiting yourself to too much online competitive garbage and that normally burns anyone out.
If I don't feel like playing a certain game I just drop it and look for something else that is more fun. If i don't feel like gaming at a specific moment then I just go on Netflix and cool my mind. I sometimes watch podcasts while playing boring games to keep me focused.
>maybe you should just watch a Sony movie!
Fuck off.
Something along the lines happen to me, first I stopped buying games on day one releases, then stopped buying them at all, Its been 3 or 4 years since I've played straight for more than 6 hours for two days.
I became interested in MTB and with the money I saved up that was intended for games I bought a middle end bike, no regrets whatsoever (stopped beeing a fat fucc too).
I just realized, as of late, the only time i ever used a ps4 controller is to play PC games, kek.
Time to fire up that '4
When I got my real job and started doing 55 hour weeks I lost all desire for vidya when I'd get home. Now I just want to work more because I find it enjoyable, satisfying, and fun.
No, you are just tired of a shitty console with literally only bad games.
Clean it and sell it problem solved.
>tfw 40+ games on P$4 but nothing seems to give me fun
I took a hiatus from gaming for like half of the summer.
Watching the complete series of prison break and breaking bad kinda brought back my interest and imagination in gaming. Different things work out for everybody. Op just needs to stop making gaming a mandatory task and keep it a hobby.
try some obscure games, or some bad games. i watch lots of youtube/twitch creators play hilariously bad things, and it reminds me of the essential parts of playing video games. a game can be objectively bad, but your experience is what matters. and hey, don't just play for the gameplay, i really enjoy hearing the great compositions of video games. dark souls, legend of zelda, etc etc etc, lots of games have another factor that really captivates you. i couldn't beat Gwyn, Lord of Cinder because i kept crying with the music, and the tone of it, yet i still kept going.
Try playing lesser known games instead of mainstream garbage.
Already tried venturing out to other genres but it didn't work.
Spending some time with my family away from games and the internet seems like a great though.
>my controller after upgrading to an evga gtx 1070 sc
>my controller after upgrading to your mom
top kek m8 gr8 b8
post it on your blog you fucking faggot
I find that I can only be engaged in video games when I'm actually playing one. By being engaged, I mean that state where you're just so into the game that you can hardly bring yourself to get up to take a piss. I don't know about you, but I still experience that. But it only happens after I launch the game, and spend however much time it takes for the game to start gripping me.
When I'm just thinking about whether I feel motivated to play it, I don't feel that grip at all, so I can't even imagine how I'd bring myself to get through it... until I actually start playing and it just happens. Unless the game takes so long to get into that I just never get to the point where I want to keep playing, which either needs I need to use some willpower to get going with it (particularly with games I enjoyed at first, but fell out of after putting it on hold), or just drop it instead of feeling bad for not enjoying something I thought I should be enjoying.
But if you can't relate to this at all and you never experience being engaged in a video game anymore, then yeah, you're either tired of video games or suffering from depression.
what kinda job
willing to bet money.
I can absolutely relate with this. If I get in the "zone" with a game, I can play it as long as I can stay awake, but actually getting there always seems to be difficult, and it has got even worse recently. It's still easy-ish to play multiplayer games with friends, but actually starting singleplayer games and staying focused on them for the necessary time seems to be a insurmountable obstacle most of the time.
At least I'm getting a lot of other shit to do the upcoming months, so perhaps it will give me more of a drive to play vidya after it.
If you try to play vidya and can't stay focused on it, what will you do after closing the game? If the answer is "come to Sup Forums" 90% of the time, then it's likely less about not enjoying vidya and more about being an internet addict. Really, spend less time in here.
But then again, it could just be that you have spent too much time with vidya recently. If forcing yourself to play vidya instead of shitposting doesn't seem to work, then completely take a break from games and return only when you *really* want to play something. Nothing is worse than trying to play vidya because you feel like you're "supposed to".
not just games but the internet and technology in general
I don't think people choose to come here instead of playing video games because they prefer browsing Sup Forums. It's just easier, it's instantly rewarding with next to no personal investment.
Play games that are new to you, diversify what you do for fun. Get some fresh experiences. Maybe drop the genre's that is literally chores.
On the same boat. I have a dozen of PC games that I bought in the last 12 months that I barely touched. Tried to emulate games on my phone and also stopped quickly. Getting started in anything feels like a hassle.
>watch a campy horror movie instead
wew lad
I feel like you need to go on a website or board with other jaded grandpa's to talk about this shit with. I don't give a fuck. The majority of people here don't give a fuck. We wanna talk about games, not how you don't want to play them.
Well yeah, that's why imageboards are so addictive and even harmful. Obviously time spent on them isn't productive, but the real problem is that it doesn't even rank up that high on fun department either. Hell, even movies and vidya have moments that you will remember for decades, but time spent in Sup Forums just becomes a one big blur in your mind, there's nothing to gain or remember 99,9% of time.
Yet still I'm stuck here.
Play breath of the wild. Same thing with me. Botw reignited my love for video games. Can't wait to see what nintendo does next with that engine.
Beats tree planting. Probably less fun though.
>fighting games and mmo's
have you finished an rpg ever?
maybe youre not a gamer but like a socialite who gravitates towards the next fad.
This desu.
I went into the game super fucking jaded (partially because the tutorial is fucking shit) expecting to be disappointed. Every open world game has a moment that the smoke and mirrors disappears at and I went through and entire divine best expecting it to happen at any moment.
But it didn't happen during or after the first divine beast. And I realized that I could have gone to any of them first, and that the rest of the game was gonna be like that. I spent 160 something hours in that game and it was a fucking blast.
Forgot to mention. I've beaten something like 20 or so games since that point. I beat maybe 4 during all of 2016 and at least two of them were replays.
>off-roading 20,000 kg machines all day
>less fun than planting trees
Err I meant the people mostly. Looks like fun though.
I'm tired of the lack of quality in games. Same with movies, comics and even fucking figures. Everyone just phones it in and nobody seems to have any eye for detail and it frustrates me.
I may as well not even bother. Hobbies just upset me.
>Err I meant the people mostly
what do you mean?
As in the people are fun to be around.
Whats wrong with a campy horror movie you giant faggot
>doing one thing over an over again gets boring
get a job
Kek! How dumb to you have to be that you need to cut wood to make your money
Drove past tree planters a few times and they always look like a bunch of dirty hippy college kids. The majority of the guys I work with are hard workers and good jokers.
I have a job and I hate it.
play new genres
Nobody is impressed by your manual labor job and nobody cares about the Pedros and Hectors that you work with.
You sound like a 20 year old who tries to act like an old man
>tfw no fun space games
>tfw no new third person anime shooters
When will this stop hurting? lads
No idea on space games but isn't peach beach splash coming out soon
Just don't force yourself. I started a couple of games but now I've been binge watching Twin Peaks for a couple of days. Some time vidya will grab you again.
>driving a machine
>manual labor
American detected
dirty tree planter detected
tired of waiting and not sure if swimsuits will suffice
Sounds like you burned yourself out, take a extended break and you will find passion in the act again, playing vidya too often is like overmasturbating. You could also get a job and a wife, that shit really made me miss gaming.
maybe except this isn't a real thing, you must just be gay
I was a VERY sexually frustrated child.
You don't want to hear this, but you need to stop playing video games until you find a job you enjoy and want to do. You won't enjoy your life otherwise.
You can use a whole life time and not be able to find it. Then again, it doesn't sound so bad if that means no more distractions from games.