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Video Games #3900
Video Games
Americans are asleep. Let's talk Suikoden
Come home from work
MH World
ITT: We post vidya characters that personify a Sup Forums board
Nintendo direct is tommorow
So, how DO you pronounce their names?
Nack the Weasel is a better name than Fang the Sniper...
2nd year
What makes an open world game good?
What went wrong?
Rich gamers thread
Destiny 2's launch week sales were down 58% over the original
Monster Hunter Stories thread
Switch Game Code Sharing Thread (Anybody got Setsuna? I got Mania)
Honest question
Shield Thread
Well Sup Forums?
Videogame tries to be funny
Would the videogame market be a better place if poor and ugly people like pic-related were banned from playing games?
Where should Subtitles go in the Options Menu?
Alright boys its time to stop lying to ourselves these games are fucking awful
Reminder that if you're even a casual movie watcher there's zero (0) reason to buy an Xbox over this
So now that the dust has settled and Reach has been destroyed
Open world
What do you think Sup Forums?
*sigh* it's over boys
Who is your favorite vidya voice actor? Mine is Kadowaki Mai
Will best girl appear in the anime/dancing star light ?
I uploaded an image to the hyper mania art board, comparing the art styles and censorship...
RUNE - Ragnarök
When you fuck up big time
Post 'em
Something about a game gives you a new fetish
So who did you choose in the end?
Here it is a small sample of upcoming PS4 games
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider
Whats the scariest?
What are some good rougelike/rougelite games?
Good character design
Switch is selling like hotcakes
What's taking so long?
Hype Thread
Steam Client WebHelper
Filename thread
He was playing this Tomb Raider game where he was a girl
What's the game you remember being most disappointed by...
*pew pew*
45 minutes
Kinda sucks they scraped the cat hair
WTF happened to WoW?
Most adventurous games ever
This is my first Street Fighter game ever and I'm enjoying it very much
Budget Fight Sticks
So this just came with my GPU
Why does the success of the PS4 make Sup Forumsangry?
Welcome to Camp Navarro. So, you're the replacement. What's your name, private?
Is it just me or is there a LOT more of just walking from one town to another and talking to people in Stormblood as...
Divinity Original Sin 2
I Got a fuckin +hp -atk Luci what should I do with her?
Who should direct the next Smash Bros. game?
Listen, if you have less than 50 platinum trophies you're a fucking casual and should kill yourself
Female protagonist isn't a huge breasted anime girl that panders to me
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
How is he always 2 steps ahead?
Comfy autumn thread
What phone games you play?
Joined teh master race
Top: Online games in 2007
Is pic related worth playing as a Berserk fan?
What do you wear when playing vidya?
*honk honk*
Kek Armor Destiny
Play Banjo-Kazooie
Why does no one ever talk about the best platformer of all time?
Kino weapons you like but no one else does
Are you going to buy Sakura's game?
"Villains" who did nothing wrong
What is your Sup Forumsidya secret?
This is the immense 3D power.....of the Playstation One.....bombastic
FPS forces you to use stealth in a mission
Are pirates the dumbest people online?
Oh don't mind me, I'm just a modern masterpiece that got overlooked by everyone
Are girls intrinsically bad at Vidya?
Why did it fail so hard?
Gamer cringe thread
Why are the games from here so damn good? Is it because Japanese are smart as fuck?
Is she black?
Star Wars Battlefront
What am I in for? Does it still hold up?
Do you miss manuals?
You have no reason not to own a Switch if you like video games
Seinfeld Online
When you are good at vidya
What is the most subhuman race in TES lore and why is it Argonians?
New The Evil Within 2 trailer
Can we have oldfags thread?
Dbz Dokkan
This is Chloe
Abrahamic themed enemies/bosses?
Are you excited for A Hat in Time?
Nintendo Direct starts
Reminder that Huey did nothing wrong
About to enter the 4th dungeon and I honestly don't get the hate...
I just finished Night in the Woods, and my life feels empty after it. Are there any other games like it (artstyle...
What does Sup Forums think about Monster Girls?
Hey Sup Forumsirgins, Sup Forums here
Eruns > Dorafs > Humans > Harvins
Where were you when the naysayers were silenced?
ITT: The Top 5 Nintendo games (Nintendo IP only, no third party) of the past decade: (2007-2017)
Today Is My Birthday
What did they mean by this?
He plays as elves in games
Overall this game is somewhat short clocking in at only 30 hours
Should Bethesda remove Super Mutants from all future Fallout games?
30 bosses
Anita defends Pewdiepie
Was it good?
What will she do when all the SEES members die of old age? As a matter of fact...
You can show zelda the masks in OoT to get unique reactions
How did they make such an awesome game when the original books are so boring and badly written?
Sonic Forces
What are some good Disney games?
So what do we think of this Bundle? Is it worth it to grab one of the tiers?
Discuss video game piracy
Do Japanese game devs purposely make male video game characters look feminine in order to turn straight gamers gay?
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
Should Steam ban modern games that look like this?
Lmao dude let's pretend that I am fucking crazy because I was too dumb to properly introduce myself to a blind girl
I'm about to pick up a Switch and BOTW, but what other games do you recommend for the Switch?
Why haven't you fags made a Sup Forums sings of Persona 5?
New South Park uses Denuvo
How many steam friends does Sup Forums have? You do have steam friends right?
How did i do, Sup Forums?
You have been kicked from the server for the following reason: racism
If Arcane Dimensions were released today as a commercial game, what would Sup Forums say about it?
This is Jack Frost!
This is your average PUBG player. Around 95% of the playerbase is chinese
Who won?
[Muffled KIRYU CHAN in the distance]
When your company is so ass backwards that even Polygon makes more sense
FighterZ thread
OpenXCOM Thread
Waluigi Lore
Metroid Samus Returns
What's the best combat in any game? Meme answers need not be posted
What does Sup Forums think about this game?
ITT: Screenshots from aesthetically pleasing games
Can we get a KEK 2 thread
Need a game for my group of friends
Fps give way to mmos
Vidya Collections
Did Inafune ever give a fuck about anything?
Mystik Belle
Hey it's Geoff from the Overwatch team
Want to buy a game on steam
ITT: music that kicks in and you immediately know it's do or die
Which Paladin is your favourite?
Dragon 4ge when?
ITT: parts where you dropped a game immediately
Season pass is FREE
I'm starting my Video Game Development journey, anybody want to work with me? Heads Up...
Guest stars on South Park, a show known for over-the-top violence, sexual innuendos, and use of racial slurs
So, jrpg or wrpg?
So Bungie are removing a set of gauntlets from Destiny 2 because they resemble the Kekistan flag. Top lul
Do you miss the late 90's/early 00's aesthetic for PC FPS games?
Reminder he soloed Ornstein and Smough on first try
Why is South America so obsessed with this game?
Apple Exclusives
Honest thoughts on Mercy from Overwatch?
Gravity Rush 2
Divinity Original Sin 2
Direct tomorrow, what are your hopes/expectations?
The worst critic of all time
We did it guys
User first MMORPG
Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?
Videogame Culture Needs to Stop Fetishizing Skill
What are some games where the antagonist was right in front of you the whole time?
Caps B
Get a weird problem with a game
Do these games hold up?
At Paris Games Week, Sony will announce the successor to PlayStation All-Stars in a CG reveal trailer
Metal Gear Solid 2
What did Bungie mean by this?
Really? really
Instances of a '100' score on Metacritic per medium
No Denuvo
Convince me to not install this please
Unironically playing PUBG and Minecraft now
What are some games that endorse hate symbols?
Video games aren't real
You're going to pre-order Neppy's limited edition, right? Sales just started today
*blocks your path*
What's the difference between trolling and griefing?
Tell me the last video game you played or I shoot her!
Mis seen pixels thread
He retweeted the Nintendo Direct announcement
Paid online
This fucking game man
Was it really that bad?
The new Dishonored comes out in three days. I'm buying it
Why arent there any games about scary clowns?
Help me Sup Forums
It's been two years now. What is your honest opinion of V?
Tfw no one likes A2 because she's gay
ITT: vidya characters you look like
Why are the Manhunt games still banned in so many countries worldwide when the graphics and the violent scenes look old...
What announcement would you be more disappointed with
I have never in my life walked into a video game store...
Cutscene logic
PC gaming
Why didn't Kojima rip off the sex scenes?
Splatoon 2
This kills the Crysis
It’s come to our attention that a gauntlet in Destiny 2 shares elements with a hate symbol
Do you have any videogame figures Sup Forums ?
Kain is deified
ITT; Best of Sup Forums
Fucking fire emblem 2 got a 3DS remake and it's great
Nintendo Direct
What's your opinion on Atelier series?
Name your list of demands for the sequel including the title name
Will there ever be a better well kept secret than him?
Gamer fuel thread
Oh yeah, that happened
Modern JRPG hate thread
Is this game good?
"Loading takes 3x more than the PS3 version''
Golly gee willakers fellow gamers! It's National Video Games Day! What will you play to celebrate?
Mega Hitler appears
How do you guys get your bf to play with you?
What the hell is the appeal of MMOs?
I have 60 dollars, should I get Skyrim or GTA 5?
Party member turns against you during the boss battle
What the fuck is her problem?
Pokemon USUM
Not in EVO
Final boss is a sentient piece of food
ITT : Disturbing info you didnt find out about a game till much later
Humble Bundle Thread
Is this the best game in its own franchise?
Heya bucko
What's the best Total War, Sup Forums?
Censor game to make it safe for a specific group of people
Was this a good game?
Singlehandedly carries youtube to being a successful platform for individual creators instead of a cesspit for music...
Hailed as one of the greatest games ever
Graphics Thread
Is Capcom secretly pandering to neckbeards to revive the game?
Redpill me on WoW
Please be good
Yfw you found out that World of Warcraft originally started as an RTS series, and not an MMO
Okami remaster for PS4 confirmed
Are you excited for Pathologic 2: Plague Reckoning Redemption?
And here I was thinking that Sup Forums users were too friendless and autistic to use facebook
Which one, Sup Forums?
To whom these kind of games appeal?
This is a Japanese RPG mage. How come western gaming hasn't closed the gap in character design?
What the FUCK is wrong with Mike Matei?
What does Sup Forums think of Sean Vanaman the developer behind Firewatch?
Uh oh, not great news for the Switch version of Rayman Legends
Just bought this online
Buy gal gun for $10
Your honest opinion on RPG Maker games?
This game is absolutely fantastic
What went wrong?
What is wrong with video game streamers?
Post top tier racing games
What is the Legend of the Galactic Heroes of video games?
Who here ready for /comfy/ seasons?
Why don't you own a Switch?
You like isometric RPGs, Sup Forums?
Please recommend me some games
Flow is the most important aspect of the game design and this includes the booting time. Once I see the logos...
Your "Freedom" of speech on Steam
Goddamnit, Sega
Another one is coming, maybe not soon but it's on the way, what time period should the next one be set in?
How the FUCK did cliffy B get this woman as his wife
Sup Forums: Skyrim is a bad game, because it's only playable with mods
So what other hobbies does Sup Forums have besides playing vidya?
ITT: shitty boss cliches
Guess it's time to preorder the third version from a company that still puts in even a tiny amount of effort
I never fucking understood why there are "Support" classes in video games
Games for people who have high IQ
Look up an upcoming early access indie game on steam
Mary Sues in Video Games
Nintendo Switch
Mfw he only plays PUBG, and Rocket League and browses reddit everyday
Fortnite Battle Royale
Why are female characters in Japanese games almost exclusively White looking regardless of their supposed race?
Who made the best 90s cyberpunk masterpiece, Sup Forums, Sup Forums or Sup Forums?
3 more fucking hours!
MVC: Infinite
What is Visceral's upcoming Star Wars game? What are your predictions?
That franchise you love but is well and truly dead
Roll for your demon bro, Sup Forums
>Call of Duty is an RPG, you play as the role of a soldier
Play fantasy game where LITERAL Gods and magic exists
This is a prime example as to why it's impossible to roleplay in Skyrim, fucking shit like this keeps happening...
Ok or even games that got blown out of proportion by media to be the worst shit ever
What is the best zombie game ever and why is it dying light?
Can you give me some tips on Ornstein and Smough? Should i lock on or not for example...
Sup Forums was wrong yet again
Webm thread. Post webms
Specifically what is it about Sonic in particular that appeals so strongly to internet oddities like Christian Weston...
How can human boys even compete?
How are you holding up, Sup Forums?
Game has birbs
What's the best MMO in the market right now, Sup Forums?
100% orange juice
Little sister deletes your save file
Divinity Original Sin 2
They just need some time to set up, guys
ITT post an image and anons give you a game to go with it
Licensed anime game makes all the best girls playable
Did social media ruin videogames?
ITT Your worst Gamestop experience stories
Can Sup Forums please wish the best girl a very happy birthday?
All the main characters die in the end
Filename thread
ITT: We suggest our ideas for Fallout 5
When the game exceeds the hype
Why don't we have games about qt tomboy MCs?
ITT: confusing videogame logos
Do you know a person that resemblance a video game character...
"Turn based combat is so fucking boring, I don't understand why people like it."
Why is ASMR so popular among the video game community?
Cool setting that is rarely used
Largest known heist in EVE online history just happened
Accel World vs SAO
Come on dude you gotta get a PS4
It was not supposed to go like this bros
Just pirated this game. What am I in for?
Dragonball FighterZ
How does the franchise need to improve to get your attention?
What games have the best character creators?
Any Blue Sphere maps ripped from Sonic Mania yet...
Console-tan tuesday: wet hot september edition
Nu-Lara doesn't have big bo-
Jrpg or wrpg?
Dark Souls 3
Protagonist dies in the sequel
Why do girls pretend to like video games?
How does Sup Forums feel about characters with this body type?
ITT video game characters you would like to be bros with
Metroid: Samus Returns
Take a famous vidya line and Gearboxify it
Sup Forums what is the best sims game in your opinion?
Rising Storm 2
About to fight Blaine, r8 muh team
Priest heals people
Morrowind is still the handcrafted game that gave player most freedom. Not just in gameplay options...
What exactly is wrong about sexualizing fictional characters?
Game has 2 wikis
You got your Star Guardian skins, right Sup Forums?
Don't mind me guys,just posting best girl of the entire final fantasy franchise
Do you play mobile games user?
This game is a joke
How the fuck do I escape the sludge factory?
Miss me yet?
New party member joins
How is this guy so cute?
Switch will get third party suppor-
What's the point of modding games?
Metroid Samus Returns
Let's see em Sup Forums
I don't know why you still don't understand that you can drop thousands into your rig but it will never legitimize you...
When will Sup Forums stop being so racist? It drags the board quality down and is overall just offensive
Name a more kino moment in video game history
I've got serious anger issues. Please suggest me a video game for anger management and emotional control
Ur underage Hat Kid stoppp
Not being PC, PS4, Switch masterrace
Name FIVE Xbox One exclusives
What is the appeal of this character?
What happened?
Any recommendations on racing wheels?
You're that ninja
The new Dishonored comes out this week. Anyone else care?
Perfect women don't exi-
How the fuck do you even own the games you buy
Her own game when?
Can we have proper discussion?
How come you guys dont raid anymore?
Name a better FPS campaign
Sucks that we can't like this game anymore
Difficulty: Difficult
Which vidya god or equivalent being would you pledge yourself to?
Itt: shit tier characters
Some parts of this game may be considered violent or cruel
It's been four years since I bought this piece of shit at launch. Where the fuck are the games? Sony promised me games
Are you playing War of the Chosen, Sup Forums?
Open World Meme
This game is so fucking trash and really did age like milk. You are punished in every way by the most artificial crap...
Keyboard and mouse is "superior"
Take a screenshot of your recommanded Youtube videos
Did you ever cheat to get Achievements?
Nightmare mode
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Post SMT and Persona reaction images. I need more
He's so fucking cheap he sells his video games and consoles for fucking chump change, even if he liked the games
Have you solved the riddle Sup Forums?
Bi-weekly reminder. Keep programming in C Sup Forums. Ganbate desu
Villains that did nothing wrong
ITT: Famous vidya outfits
Why does everyone hate this line?
Remember to buy Asuka's game fro the Switch
Why isn't Moonlight sword considered the best or one of the best weapons when talking about Soulsborne...
Let's talk about your Nintendo Direct Prediction/Hopes :)
Problems with destiny (without buzzwords)
ITT: Games only you find underrated
Now that Souls series it's pretty much dead, what's he up to?
Why do people cheat competitively? Do you cheat, Sup Forums? If you do, tell me why
I'm thinking of buying a Switch
Gaming is better at 1280 x 1024 on a crt , you cannot prove me wrong here there is literally no way
Now that Keiji Inafune has been proven to be a fraud...
Everyone says how good the Switch is
Do you like the art of modern 2d games?
Can charm unlimited mega elixirs
Be honest Sup Forums, how do you feel about non-game media having game references or allusions?
Have you thanked Gundham Tanaka, The Supreme Overlord of Ice, for saving your worthless life yet?
Have you considered fapping to a video game character before?
Is Armored Core good and successful series...
What's your favorite Pokemon type? Mine is ghost type!
Did you side with the righteous Templars or the filthy Blood Mages?
Is this the Dark Souls of roguelikes?
A remake of this with improved cameras and inventory would be nice
Game takes place where you're from
Fallout: Lone Star (Texas)
When did you go back to console?
I still can't believe that we'll get another Xenoblade game only two years after phenomenal XCX
Which is the best Sonic game?
Density 2 dumb ass trailer
What is Uncharted?
Demo day 16 submissions from /agdg/ are up:
It's good because it's old
Why did this game flame out so fast? Even Battleborn had a comfy playerbase the first few weeks
Enough with the cynical bullshit Sup Forums, what are your favorite video games?
Sony Tokyo Game Show lineup announced
It's shit
Advertised as fast platformer
What's the Sup Forumserdict? Is this game fun?
Would you buy a PS2 mini classic (available in the original and slim design considerably smaller than the original...
What games let me play as a cute shota?
What games introduces a new sexy black character this is best girl?
So much for Free Speech, Steam
What could it be???
Find me ONE fucking flaw
Are you guys ready for NEW VEGAS 2?
No hype for this game?
You guys will argue over anything
What happened with Nioh? I remember it coming out, there was a day of threads and then I heard nothing. Is it bad...
BANG! PUBG thread outta nowhere!
What's your favorite genres? What are your big no--nos as far as genres go?
What is this a graph of?
Since mods are as scared of the "N-word" as the media, let's try this again...
Hack n slash is dea-
Is this the hardest game of all time?
Raise romance points with cute male character just to see what happens
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Can games be considered "too hard"?
Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, user?
Samus Returns hype thread
Why both neogaf and Sup Forums hate Idea Factory/CH games?
Epic Mafia
Which one is it?
Your favorite chosen
Is this a true depiction of indie developers?
Was this a good twist?
He doesn't play fighting games
ITT: Vidya-related shames
-Kui!- Nē, watashitachi no gēmu o kau!
Half life 3
What's even the point of this light?
Is Xbox the only good console at this point?
Why does Playstation get the best girls?
Uncanny Valley about to be overcome
ITT We post the worst game in a series. Pic related
Anyone else is excited for Dishonored?
ITT: Bad games that you enjoyed
Was Solidus Snake the weakest in the "family"?
What games do white middle class women play?
Hu? Tails is a BOY you know?
Whats your expierience with gaming mouses having side buttons? a meme? dont they break after a year?
Anyone kind of wish handheld systems didn't exist anymore?
Wish I could have been there to see Caesar die, what an asshole
Heroes of the Storm
I need new material Sup Forums for Comedy Night. Give me your best
Fox n Forest: Pixel thread
Is this worth a buy?
ITT: we make the worst video game of all time, one word at a time. I'll start:
This game got boring over the year...
Sup Forums's thoughts on this?
Recently decide to join the peecee mustard race
Wow Sup Forums! Whats in the box?
Go to
First good shooter in years
Sega vs. Capcom
LITERALLY impossible...
This fucking game
Mario 64 Online
Random indie game
Is he the worst written villain in any SMT game ever? His fight was cool though
Just bought this
AVGN is a fucking content thief
So was the boss of Mirage Saloon transforming/disguising itself as these three, or was it swapping places with them...
How would you improve her? How would you write her as a character?
Pewdiepie unironically is about to lose his youtube channel due to using a racial slur on a livestream in another game
Nintendo Switch Pro
Did you know that Warframe is better than Destiny 1/2?
What went so wrong?
What games have autism?
Hi there, I'm the worst map in TF2
Under Night In-birth
You have been kicked from the server for the following reason: racism
How would you improve her? How would you write her as a character?
Cork Champagne
ITT: Games with great UIs
I hate Ann. The most!
Yup it's this kind of cancer that is ruining video games
Why does the season pass cost almost twice as much as the game?
Why did people get mad at him again...
Master says I'm the only reason people still care about Street Fighter? Is that true?
99/100 bullets
4 maple syrup bucks in this weeks Xbox sale... Y/N? Never played a Tales game and heard this was a great starting point
Sup Forums likes to talk about villains who 'did nothing wrong'. What about villains who were irredeemable cunts?
Is she the most unrepentantly, irredeemably evil character in vidya?
What is the chocolate rain of video games?
Filename thread
Indies flooded the market with shovelware for a high price...
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle
Just bought this. The only games like this I've played are Super Metroid, Rondo of Blood and SOTN. What am I in for?
Rich and deep lore
ITT people in gaming that are complete cancer
Trailer spoils the entire game
Sup Forums, what can you tell me about this girl?
Okay, explain to me why I should feel ashamed of playing Red Mage
Who are you going to main?
When did you realize that Dark Souls 2 is actually the best souls in the series?
*whirrrr* *vvvvvrrrrrr* ***vvvrrvvvvrrrvvvrrrr*
Sup user, we wuz just talkin 'bout some video games
What are some good games about tax policies?
What phone games you play?
Rate my physical collection of PS4 games. It feels bad that I can't really show my digital games collection...
Name that game you played co-op with your buds
Blaze is the best girl character in the series and it is irrelevant for the franchise and Sega
ITT: Villains who ACTUALLY did nothing wrong
What are some peaceful places in video games where you just like to chill?
What a fool you are!
Really japan?
So did anyone play the fanmade TR2 remaster demo? I just finished it and it's pretty impressive...
What do you think the odds are they;ll add the Chaotix as playable characters in Mania 2?
Characters you disliked at first, but eventually became your favorite
I just 100% this game after hours of repititive side misions and I still can't fight the not-metal gear again
Post Souls weaponfus
Sonic Thread
Uncharted devs include Nadine to make the Uncharted universe more diverse
ITT: character designs that are literally perfect
Power outage gaming
Someone leaked files for the wednesday direct, you think real?
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
After having played no TW game but Rome II with Divide Et Impera for the past year or two...
3x3 thread
This is the actual state of XIV
What the fuck was his problem?
Nintendo Urges Public: Don’t Pay More Than $80 for SNES Classic
What other games let me play as a cute boy? Asking for a friend
Recommend me some edgelord games, Sup Forums, I love them
Anybody else get their CE delivered today? What do you guys think of it so far...
Remember me?
What are some games that can be only enjoyed with 140 iq or more?
Why doesnt Sup Forums like ponies?
Buy new gaming computer
If Hocotations are vegetarians that only eat vegetables...
Lmao how delusional are these people?
Things you'd like to see?
They actually did it. The madmen at Capcom made a cat even more annoying than fucking Morgana
Hey Sup Forums, /u/ here. Why do you hate us so much?
How would you rewrite her as a deeper character?
Who else is looking forward to the new South Park game?
What would happen if some MMO start rewarding it's own crypto rather than simply gold points?
Why didn't Travis just bang her?
Intelligent Systems: Miyamoto-san, can we create original Paper Mario characters for the new game?
What happened to RPG Horror games?
Bloodborne is a good game
Terraria's Corruption Control
How come there never was a veggie tale videogame?
This is the greatest visual novel of all time
Who/what are they?
10/10 games that become 6-7/10 in it's final moments
Predict the Metascore
Am i just tired of vidya?
Nintendo Direct Hype Thread
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...