Which one is it?

Which one is it?

which one is it?

It's the right, but for the longest time I thought it was the left.

Assuming this isn't bait, it's right. I still can't unsee left, though

which is it?

no one thought this

I did a similar thing with storm trooper helmets for years.

Nose's behind, so the left one.

>that middle one
no one was THIS stupid.

This is satire, right?

Sad version is the actual right answer but I always saw the angry version for whatever reason
Show confirms it

can nver unsee

never seen anyone look at it like that

Sad when defending angry when attacking.

So this is pretty much just a retard thread now?


someone post the vice city fist weapon looking like a girl



>not knowing captain vidya
So this is pretty much just a reddit thread now?

You must be fucking stupid


>which is it?
>which one is it?

i cant even see it


So 'yes'

>tfw never figured how to get to that cave

More please Im dying

It's not left?


I love my country sometimes

Fuck lol

>Being proud of literal LARPers who act like your country still has an empire and your "queen" matters

I thought this until I was about 15.

He doesn't look sad, he looks careless and unaware.

The show confirms it's the other way around, too.


In before people can't see it


>A special kind of autism

i can't see it


>looking angrily away from each other

what an intense fight

I actually see a tiny dog/cat where his face and mustache should be. The mustache is the legs

If you look at an actual chrysalis then you'd see that the normal way that we watch Metapod, is it with it's back turned in our direction, like people would see it on the left. But it's also not a nose. It's the part of the chrysalis where the legs of the butterfly is.

This was so widespread that a dog wearing Gehstal's hat was put in XIV.

that doesn't confirm shit, just that it does in fact look like an angry face the other way.

also in the latter image, that episode is again confirming that side is the front, as they are considered facing each other when oriented in that manner.

meta..... pod pod pod pod pod!!



pod pod pod pod meeeeta poooooooood meta pod me me me meta pod pod pod pod pod :D

You're working fast food right now right?


both. ya'll missing the point here?

>that old school 2 tone shading
muh dick



Wtf is this shit ?

holy shit I will never unsee

wtf now he's angry AND sad

red dragon whelp with it's mouth wide open




No, they're facing away and looking back at each other.

appears to be a blade(red) cleaving through armor(grey)
the dark red is flesh. Note the blood dripping.

holy shit

but... it's hitting the person from behind, and we're standing in front of them, seeing the front of the sword?


This episode really confused me on Metapod's design. Even as a kid it bugged me.

The Metapod design it's a mess,let's face it.


I will always see him as this


is that pickey munch from earthbound

All you had to do was beat the elite 4

This looks like a picture of Alf everytime I play Chrono Cross.

I don't know what its suppose to be though

"front" of the sword makes no fucking sense at all with what you're trying to describe, but whatever.
we're seeing the tip of the sword, which for some reason is curved in some retarded hook. Let's say johnny is in front of us. Well, the sword is being swung straight downwards through his armor by someone on the other side. doesn't matter which way he's facing, either.

Oh you got me



Thats not a joke, MewTwo is in there.


I bet you're a hell of a lot of fun at parties

He looks like a Biker from Mad Max.
Also Gen 1 tried to establish that training your pokemon involves a whip.

Hair? Or hat?

how does that make sense in context? why would ash and the fucking bug pokemon expert bug catcher trainer have their metapod face away from each other to fight? It's not like there's ever a blurb where they say metapod fight facing backwards.

Metapod and the other pokemon in the line are all chill as fuck, too. it makes more sense for it to be the other way than angry face.

it's a bandana .


why were you so stupid? you think squirtle was just by chance the ONLY pokemon to be looking back at you when sent out?

It looks more like a guy in black face with a red nose with a cat on his lap sitting on a chair.

only me?


it's a beanie

i always thought it was a lobster's claw or something


??? ???

this one is fucking great, i could never unsee it

way too much speculation, it's a fictional monster




I am because I'm the one who brings all the fun games, weed, and mp3 player full of bitchin music everyone loves when everyone else would be playing boring shit, stone sober, and listening to commercials on pandora.

Are those boobs or it's fat?