Only .3ds right now but .cia coming

Other urls found in this thread:!68MSmJYa!HPl7nxarjOYUYCZ2Yj_EqSfWAmA7wSTEBgf56JBnEEM

Remember to buy it after you try it if you enjoy it

Why not link to it directly, instead of a forum you have to make an account to use?

Already got the Legacy Edition preordered, can't wait

Call me when it's on Freeshop.

Cause then they can use those stupid adfly links and make money off people

>buying it
>AND pirating it

Ahh my bad, here's a link

So, on release then?


Are people so fucking stupid a piracy website needs "iso" to let them know it carries the cart rom data?

Please dont steal this videogame

Waiting for the .cia

.3ds is too complicated for me. Should be done at any moment now

Pretty sure its there for the brand

>metroidfags: we want a new metroid!
>get it
>lol nope pirating it!
>metroidvania dies

Kill yourselves.

Great, Sup Forums ruined any chance of SR becoming a success.

>Why won't Nintendo give us more Metroid?
>Start this thread
You faggots are gonna kill the series.

>You are not logged in or you do not have permission to access this page.

Literally this. You faggots will cry later how Nintendo doesn't give a single fuck when for once they actually are.

I just have a switch and a Ps4 user.
Still if they make a switch version of the game I gonna buy it.

Can you play it with Citra?

Joke's on you, corporate drones, I was never going to buy this piece of shit in the first place.

Except it isn't.

Hey, I already pre-ordered it on the eShop for my non-hacked 3ds. I just wanna play it early.

Okay, commie faggot. Don't bitch and moan when they don't make any more Metroid games.

>never going to buy this piece of shit
>pirates and plays said "piece of shit"

Really makes you think lads.

>Implying I care about your dumb space feminst game

>buy it so Nintendo knows to make more
>pirate it so it can be played in 1080p once Citra works for it.

Literally nothing wrong with that.


>Buy it
>Pirate it
>Resell it
>pirate it again so they lose even more money

I stopped carrying when they gave it to mercurysteam

Reported this to the Nintendo HQ.
Thanks for tip ;)

You care enough about it to come into this thread and talk about it.

>Reddit Letter Media
Fuck off back to your cuckshed, cuckaroo.

Pirates were gonna pirate it regardless, but please if you through the game was worth your time, drop the $32, another 13 years wait will kill the franchise for sure, I need to see that super metroid remake one day.

No, the rom is encrypted. Someone needs to use a homebrew 3DS to decrypt and covert it.

Doesn't even launch on Citra

>people who were gonna pirate it will pirate it
>people who weren't gonna pirate it will still buy it

oh no nintendo's doomed this is why we can't have nice things

Metroid 5 is already being worked on. SR needs to disappoint hard in order for it to get cancelled.

Why are metroidfags so pathetic?


some of you fags should do it, please

Not an argument.


>not an argument
Not an argument

its ok to piate all 3ds content nintendo fucked us over with release dates split from eu/na and region locking

also with their dumb localizing

No one here is smart enough, they'll just wait and complain and beg until it's uploaded.. I give it an hour.

You have yet to respond to my argument.


You have yet to realize
is not an argument.


I pre-ordered the mlg pro edition and even got the stupid fucking amiibo. I just want to play the game early.


>I don't care lol
>then why are you here?

That's a sound argument.

The game's getting good reviews and had a good amount of marketing, I'm sure piratefags who can't afford their games won't hurt the sales.

The question is whether I can wait out for an NA freeshop copy or install a shitty cart2cia EUR game on my NA 3DS.

Thanks, you saved me wagecuck money

If you do this please buy it when it releases. I don't want these faggots put Samus doen again because muh low sales due to piracy lol

Now I can keep my special edition sealed.

Thanks OP

Streams where?

What difference does it make? You still get to play the game.

>He admits metroid is a dead and SJW-tier series and can't even defend it

All those lost sales... Metroid deserved better. SR will sell less than FedForce now...


I will never pay Jewtendo

I fucking hate pirate apologists like you.

>It's okay because...

No, it's fucking not. Either deal with that fact like a man or don't pirate

>I love 2D Metroid games! I know, I'll make it so no more are made!

It's okay because I purchased the game and would rather keep my copy sealed

>it's okay to steal this stake because I already payed for fries

>moralfags are this stupid and deluded
>s-support the developer! that's your role as a consumer
makes me kekkle every time. you people are ridiculous.

I upped my bi-monthly contributions to my portfolio this month because the market's been doing great and I'm seeing excellent returns. My money's working for me while you needlessly waste yours it on toys.

I get to play the games before you and all for free, how does it feel?

>Implying the people who are pirating it wont also buy it because the only reason people play it is because they love it.
Shut the fuck up. The only people who play Metroid are the fans of it anymore, nobody else gives a shit about it thanks to Nintendo sweeping the IP under the rug.

Imagine being this fat.

The pirate master race wins once again against the malevolent moralfag scumbags!

It feels that you don't like videogames and should go back to

>food analogy
If we're going down that route it's more like
>purchase steak
>steak restaurant gets my money and marks down that I purchased a steak
>go home, download new steak

We voted with our wallets! We did it reddit!

Pirates are anti heroes.

Everyone should be like them

Things are looking grim. Piracy will hurt Metroid hard. Fed Force already barely managed to sell a hundred thousand copies worldwide...

>buying games after pirating them

You can't download a steak, idiot.

CIA up on mega.
Enjoy guys.

Voting with your wallets is literally the only way for the big companies to notice

Federation Force got tons of hate the second it was announced

It's finally here.!68MSmJYa!HPl7nxarjOYUYCZ2Yj_EqSfWAmA7wSTEBgf56JBnEEM

Pirates win again.

>piracy killed FedForce and not because it was a game literally nobody wanted

I can download the .cia later today or wait 3 days so I can download it directly from freeshop

meh, I'll wait

But i can order one via internet, dumbo.

Thanks bruv

>pirate a full-price game before the offical release date
>buy it five years later for 1 buck as part of a humble bundle
>"See, I actually paid for the game eventually!!1!"

This is the average pirate fag.

Yeah they'll notice that nobody is buying their game and they'll kill the series off.

Good job.


Nobody bought Fed Force, is Metroid dead? No, they realized what people wanted

>ordering cooked steaks from the internet
Enjoy your salmonella.

will be pirating then making a 1mile trek across town come the 15th

>Entire thread filled with fuckers saying they just want to play it early and have it preordered.
Thats like saying what killed Federation Forces was piracy, and not the fact that nobody wanted it.

>Come to E3 with a shit game.
>Our shit game is a revolution.
>Nobody fucking wants it.
>Still release shit game.
>Shocked nobody buys it.

>pirate it
>delete it
>pirate it again
>delete it again
>pirate once more
nintendo is finished

They made Samus Returns because of fan outcry. This is a game people actually wanted and pirating it is the exact wrong message you should give to Nintendo. I can understand pirating shit that will keep being made anyways but Metroid is not one of those franchises.

Fed Force sold more than 100k units despite getting pirated a lot. Samus Returns will probably sell even less, which will lead to Prime 4's cancellation.

We got what we wanted but you still pirate it.

But people actually want SR.


Nah I purchased the special edition of the game, just pirating to play early