>pewdiepie unironically is about to lose his youtube channel due to using a racial slur on a livestream in another game
>what do you think about this?
>pewdiepie unironically is about to lose his youtube channel due to using a racial slur on a livestream in another game
>what do you think about this?
>proceeds to make bank on twitch
yeah like thats gonna happen. people like keemstar have publicly and purposefully called people niggers in the most offensive way possible, just because they were black. pewdiepie slipping up and saying nigger because of his idubbz tier humor isn't going to do anything except cause 2 weeks outrage.
you fucking sperg
The dude has millions in the bank. I'm sure he's not worried about losing his little youtube channel especially since Youtube's recent policy changes are going to kill the site.
Twitch will welcome him with arms wide open
Sup Forums - E-celebs
He's too big to go down at this stage.
>tv has rlm threads
>mu has fantano threads
>v cant have youtuber threads
>pewdiepie unironically is about to lose his youtube channel due to using a racial slur on a livestream in another game
What the fuck you're talking about? Youtube doesn't even remove youtube videos who say FUCKING NIGGER. Why would they delete his channel for saying niger on twitch.
He's not even gonna get banned from twitch about it
>pewdiepie does something that pisses off the left
>"damn I guess he's a nazi now am I rite? he's our guy" - Sup Forums
you see its quality posts like this that just cement the fact that the left cant meme or even greentext
You just quoted within greentext
>youtube shuts down channel
>pewdiepie tweets "I made a new channel, here it is
>instantly back up to 49M subs, gains back other 8M over the next few weeks as dipshit MSM publications make articles like "NOTED HYPERRACIST PEWDIEPIE MAKES ANOTHER CHANNEL" and drive more traffic to him
i think his content is bland pandering shit but he riles up all the professionally offended cunts so he gets props from me
>they think that there are rules on how to greentext
>lmaoing at your lives
Is the proletariat beginning to open its eyes?
Well deserved. He's too big to swear like that. He's probably bigger most of the shit on TV.
He's THE biggest channel on youtube, they don't need that kind of attention. Either they kick him out, or it's going to be another -pocalypse
Also dev threatened to DMCA let's plays of their game that PDP did, 3 strikes and he's ded.
Green texting is way too accessible, it should at least be triforce tier so it's more obvious when total newfag foreigners attempt it.
>Implying he didn't give up a long time ago and now is actively trying to get out of an aggressive disney contract
Fight on, rebel
complaining about people putting a quote inside a greentext (which is itself a quote function), while technically correct, is about as autistic as the people that complain about "reddit spacing"
Is this how neogaf users think you greentext?
fuck Sup Forums, the worst board
>l-lol im laughing even though i w-was just outted as a redditor!
>pearl clutching dev abuses DMCA law because his fee fees where hurt
his """game""" was a boring walkathon. Fuck him
this is more palatable to normies
>lose his youtube channe
And lose all the shekels his videos are making for youtube?
I don't think so.
You're an idiot. He brings in way too much fucking money to youtube for them to flat out ban his channel.
>A dev threatened to DMCA their game that he played
Yeah, illegally. On their website they have a statement saying that anyone is allowed to stream and monetize their game. Once you give that permission you cannot pick and choose people who are allowed to make videos of it. If they actually file the claim then Pewbs can sue them into oblivion, he has more than enough money to do it
Why do they even come here?
What a fucking nigger
>he's me
>all these spurglords freaking out about greentext not being used "correctly"
>facebook memes
You need to go back.
>He's THE biggest channel on youtube, they don't need that kind of attention
So they're gonna break their own rules to kick out the most subscribed person and piss of millions? I don't think you've thought this trough.
Get back to your neogaf circle-jerk you human sewage
Keemstar can't make a channel on YouTube without it getting removed. He only has one channel through some weird technicality where someone else owns the channel. What a bad example.
greentexting is a form of creative writing, while its not like haikus where you have to particular format, one can tell how amateur you are at greentexting as soon as we see your post.
YouTube wouldn't drop a channel that large. It makes fucking bank off him.
Dont care, he deserves it for being a fucking retard
Newfags and normies need to be fucking cleansed off of this entire site, along with anyone who defends them.
Welcome to Sup Forums. We made Minecraft, MLP, and Trump what they are today.
Calling people reddit is like the new "fedora". People will randomly throw it out for no apparent reason but once they've committed to it they'll just keep repeating slight alterations of it for the rest of the thread.
Your next line is "go back go reddit"
Honestly it would be great if the Firewatch dev actually DMCA'd the videos. Pewdiepie has a shitload more money than those devs. He could go up against them in a way that one really couldn't go up against nintendo or sega. It would most likely lead to a legal precedence for gameplay videos and such being classified as legally A-OK and stop companies from being assrags. I don't think there's actually been a case like this that was full-on taken to court on that scale, no?
It doesn't matter how bad their game was. If their claim works out, PDP is fucked.
>He brings in way too much fucking money to youtube for them to flat out ban his channel.
Yeah, for now. But he's a liability at this point. He creates shitty sort of drama, that no smart company wants a part of. And if more advertisers pull out, he won't be bringing any money to YT.
>Yeah, illegally.
There are no precedents, so arguing who's right is stupid.
There were clearly defined evil and evil sides of WWII with a few countries that just wanted the shit to end.
The Eastern front had some of the most brutal and senseless violence of any war in history. There was an extreme disregard for human life.
The Japanese slaughter of the Chinese was abysmal too.
Also anyone who thinks the Germans were the good guys on WWII is an edge lord. They literally just picked fights with other countries and tries to destroy them when they found out they couldn't hold onto them. Also their leadership was abysmal. Why would you declare war on the US? All that did was put more troops on the western front while Russia was kicking your ass on the East.
>it turns out PDP really is /ourguy/
We are constantly under "raid". They are trying to subvert us to their values.
They will be successful in the long run, but for now we are still ourselves.
>anybody who isn't a hivemind that agrees with me about every pedantic issue like text formatting is an outsider who should leave
this is pretty retarded thinking. If you want a hugbox so bad maybe you should try neogaf
Both if those boards are already about watching and listening to media. Sup Forums should be about PLAYING
he can always have his own successful website
You can have all that and more at reddit, why not just go there???
Not on Twitch, he streams of YT
>60 million subs
>Little youtube channel
Why the fuck would he want to lose that source of income? He makes thousands everyday from posting a shitty video about nothing
Then ban the dumbass charity stream threads. Fucking retard. Sup Forums invented youtuber e-celeb threads. Remember Justin.tv?
making fun of newfags is "freaking out" according to redditors
It's a shame that they pussed out as soon as they heard that it's illegal.
>W-we're gonna wait and see what our attorneys say about it
>A smart company doesn't want to earn LITERALLY HUNDREDS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS because the guy earning them the money has said nigger once and some politically incorrect jokes
Again, you're a fucking retard. The most youtube will ever to is give him a 'warning' which means nothing because they'll never give up on earning so much fucking money
Good. Fuck him and fuck underage faggots like you for following ecelebs.
Got anyone else to add?
>youtube shuts down channel
>pewdiepie gets millions thrown at him to endorse new video streaming app/platform
>makes ~80% of his fans go and download it, register, etc.
screencap this
>direct others to hugbox
>mentions neogaf instead of reddit when the latter site actually has a system where popular comments are more visible and unpopular comments can be hidden due to unpopularity
Go back go reddit
>Telling someone that the format of their post is incorrect is a hugbox wanting hivemind
Nice buzzwords.
If libs have such a problem with the word they need to address the glamorization and perpetuation of the world in black popular culture and entertainment. It's part of the western psyche because they continue to push it as an acceptable part of popular culture with zero ramifications or push back. If they can't even muster enough respect for themselves to stop it why should anyone be expected to give two shits over using it.
not an argument
you sound like one of those buttblasted baby boomers who can't understand why people might enjoy watching people play videogames
People say go back to the reddit because the majority of the site, especially Sup Forums is flooded with redditors. Redditors try to make the term lose all its meaning by appropriating it into their lexicon and using it nonsensically. Just like they have done with many words and phrases, perhaps most famously with cuck
redditnigger leave this place
Nothing is going to happen, it's just flavor of the week drama that everyone will forget about.
Stop feeding into dumb e-celeb bullshit
Fuck off
>dumb niggers getting offended by being called a nigger
>we made trump
this meme sucks.
"why would you declare war on the US"
brainlet without a basic understanding of WW2 history detected.
you understand that youtube gets a cut of his ad revenue right?
they aren't going to throw away money you retards at most he will get a strongly worded letter
No calling people Reddit means that person enjoys the upvote down vote system, usernames, post count and user years. All things that make a forum polluted with simply nonsense.
Honestly staring to feel sorry for whites. Any other race would've thrown the niggers in zoos long ago. But for some reason whites allow niggers to take over their culture.
>who can't understand why people might enjoy watching people play videogames
Yeah you're right I can't. I don't understand why you would watch and donate to dumbshits when you can simply play the games yourself and invite a friend over if you're so desperately lonely and need commentary.
>Again, you're a fucking retard
Am I? Disney kicked the fucker out for a jew joke. Now it's the second time he's in the news because of the racist joke. And in current political climate no one wants to be associated with racist shit.
>guy makes simple formatting mistake
>50 replies about the subject
Yeah, let's not talk about things that pertain to video games such as famous names in the visua world. We should go back to making more fucking filename/3x3 threafs, FFFFFRIDAY NIGHTS, "Dark Souls 2 was the best" and "maybe BoTW wasn't that good???" threads. Because those are really fun and interesting.
Fuck off newfag. Going into these perfectly valid threads just to spam shit like this doesn't make you fit in, unless you're aiming to be like the other r*dditors who do the same thing you're doing.
>instantly back up to 49M
Do you really think he has that many people who still watches him? Maybe 10M max.
>irrelevant dev showing everyone how amazing he is by threatening PDP with a nonissue on twitter
We get it, you fucking hate nazis, guy. They make your blood boil and your morning coffee taste bad whenever you think about them. It must be terrible being a straight white dude and realizing you're inherently responsible for all the wrongs in the world
>let's discuss ecelebs because I hate discussing actual games
dumb frog poster
dumb dumb frog poster poster
>Simple formatting mistake
Dumb frogposter.
Young people who watch pewdiepie don't care, his new video has 99% likes, the newest gen is a bit more desensitised to this for some reason
He's already been called a Nazi by a major publication, what are they going to do water it down and just call him a regular racist.
Literally who?
What a pathetic and dehumanizing life.
Because it pisses off their parents generation which is super sensitive to this garbage for some reason.
>Neofaggers are going haywire
That site is a fucking joke and I can tell they are posting here aswell. All for a fucking word. Hateful cunts on witch hunt.
He's playing both sides. Pewdiepie advertises his game for pewdiepie fans who are casual and underage and he gets to virtue signal to liberals and advertise his game due to controversy. The only people that will boycott him are "alt-right"-esque, and pdp fans who aren't autistic enough to buy whatever he plays right away. People who probably wouldn't buy his shit in the first place.
Every historian from every country agrees that declaring war on the US was a massive mistake that cost him the Western front.
Germany would have lost anyways because Russia was fucking ruthless and massive and didn't give a shit about its soldiers lives, and they would have singlehandedly taken out the third Reich, but Hitler might have been able to broker a deal with Stalin to end the war. He could have kept France too.
There's no way the UK wins the war on the west on their own. Normandy for sure wouldn't have happened, they'd have had to find a different way ito France or just abandon the country completely
why would i donate? maybe i just like watching people play videogames sometimes. quit larping as a babyboomer
This guy literally cries if you get his pronouns wrong. Fucking losers just can't handle REAL world.
Do you just compulsively use this word now? Like some sort of tic?
Did you know PewDiePie browses Sup Forums where a majority of the user say the n word?
>>lmaoing at your lives
See, that's where you fucked up.
Greentexting is for telling a story, quoting someone, or casting something into a negative light.
That's how we all know you're a newfag. "lmaoing at your lives" doesn't belong in greentext.
>all this for nigger but they don't mind people using the world 'cunt' cause it's common in Europe apparently
Wow, it's almost like he wasn't Disneys biggest source of income and getting rid of him wouldn't lose them any money. Meanwhile youtube loses their biggest source of income if they get rid of him, and he didn't even say nigger on youtube.
You're a delusional retard if you think they'll do anything besides give him a slap on the wrist warning while they count the hundreds of millions of dollars they make off him
>defends someone who uses a racial slur
>calls other people hateful