When your company is so ass backwards that even Polygon makes more sense

>When your company is so ass backwards that even Polygon makes more sense

It's just the last platform left that is weak enough to justify a lazy "HD remaster" instead of a proper remake.

>Switch will get 3rd party support
>Switch will improve on the Wii U
>Switch won't be a 3rd wheel
>Things will be different

Capcom is idiotic

Though on the bright side I think we're finally getting the Disney NES collection during tomorrow's direct so at least someone at capcom isn't an idiot. Hopefully that person gets on okami too

They will most likely release a gimped version a bit later.

wow fucking nothing

>capcom game sells well on switch
>oh my! it seems like we'll have to put more games on the system!
>does the opposite
that backstab

>literally any game is announced

It's almost like handheld makes pretty much any game better. The only exception would be online games.

Is switch the ultimate beggar´s machine?

>Okami HD

>all those reports saying how fast the switch is selling
>still no third party support

like poetry

>It's almost like handheld makes pretty much any game better.

This is one of the most stupid things I've ever read on Sup Forums. Probably written by someone who doesn't own a TV bigger than 23".

It's nice to know this is what anti nintendo shitposters look like in real life

Why are you going to polygon in the first palce?

But with the Switch you can take advantage of both.

It's one of the articles that pops up when you search for okami in google news

Nintendo fans are so fucking obnoxious with their port begging.

Answer the question.

Yeah I'd buy it over a PS4 version.

I assume they would redo the HD version again then? Atleast they should give options for the old filter.

The problem is rather the quite different architecture.

>release Okami on the Wii
>it sells like dogshit, even compared to the original release
>wtf why don't they release [game] for [Nintendo console]??
This applies to third parties in general by the way. The average Nintendo fan buys Nintendo games, people who are willing to play games outside of a single publisher are playing on other systems.

I just did faggot. I don't read polygon regularly I only clicked on the article because I felt the sam way.

>But with the Switch you can take advantage of both.

Yeah, I can put Pac-man on a 120" projection TV. But it's still going to look like shit. The Switch is not powerful to dazzle on anything over 42". And I feel I'm being generous there. 720p is about as far as it can go with crisp graphics at a good frame rate.

>The Switch is not powerful to dazzle on anything over 42".
Were you born, like, 10 years ago? Do you consider the last generation like we see the NES? Did you play any games before PS4 came out or were they all looking shitty to you?

okami would be perfect for switch

It sold more than the ps2 version

Are you seriously debating that Pitfall doesn't look like shit compared to 2017 standards?

>article where third parties aren't interested in the switch.
>'switch doesn't need no third party support, fuck off. We got Mario and spalttoon.
>okami not coming to switch
>'What is fuck wrong with third parties?'

You must be 10 if that's what you think my point was. Go and read my post again, kid.

he's mad that the switch can't handle these graphics.

>'switch doesn't need no third party support, fuck off. We got Mario and spalttoon.
When and where did anyone say this? Stop pulling shit out of your ass, basically everyone agrees Nintendo needs more third party support, no matter how many good games they themselves will make.

I was right on point, don't deflect. Also, my 2600 is collecting dust in the hall closet because the AC adapter port got fried when some bitch tried to use an all-purpose adapter without switching the voltage. The 2600 I've had since I was 9. You're out your league, slugger.

Apparently I'm not when I'm able to at least understand what someone is writing to me, unlike you.

Here, I'll try to make it simple for you - were you born 10 years ago if you consider Switch games - with graphics on the same level as PS3/Wii U/X360 - unplayable on tv? Were you unable to ever play any games on your tv before PS4 came out, if you consider anything weaker bad looking on tv?

yeah dude fuck these people who want to play videogames on the go

This is yet another problem of
>Planned in advance before the Switch
Capcom really fucking sucks at planning, SF5 and MVCI should've been obvious

>Check the comments for a game trailer
>Literally any game trailer

Why would you expect people to port home console games to a handheld? You should've bought a PS4+Vita.

>Okami would be perfect for Wii
>Okami would be perfect for Wii U
>Okami would be perfect for Switch
When will Nintendo make something that Okami won't be perfect for

I thought it was funny when back during the teaser reveal for that new SAO game, the first twitter post was Switch begging. The game didnt even have a name yet, let alone a platform announcement, it was just a countdown. These dudes should have known the Switch was going to end up like the Wii-U.

>Why bother with HD when we can fake 4k checkerboard shit

>Windwaker HD
>Wii U

happened so

>Gamecube Game HD

could happen. 1080p is still HD, and if you mean to imply the Switch couldn't run an Okami remaster at 1080, you're a foolish person.

Wasnt exactly that what they say for the wii & kamiya said no
Then capcom made it anyway & it was shit

Capcom hates Okami. They absolutely fucking butchered it for the Wii; they won't remake it again.

It's not the system so much that Okami is something most nintendo fans would love to play either again or for the first time. It's a really dumb move on capcoms part when they put it on the xbone where it might sell what, like ten copies, and not put it on switch.

>capcom keeps passing on the platform
By having an exclusive ultimate version of SFIIST, ports of Revelations 1+2 and Monster Hunter on it.

only a pathetic fanbase like nintendo can come up with shit like this, you dont see others saying anti-sony or anti-pc

>Disney Afternoon Collection released on everything but Switch
>Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 released on everything but Switch
>Street Fighter Anniversary Collection releasing on everything but Switch
>Dragon's Dogma releasing on everything but Switch
>Marvel vs Capcom Infinite releasing on everything but Switch
>Monster Hunter World releasing on everything but Switch
>Okami HD releasing on everything but Switch
But hey, at least there's a $40 port of a PS360 downloadable game that was sold for $15 seven years ago!


I would imagine since they are already putting it on Ps4 a Xbone port would be easier than a Switch port

>>Switch will improve on the Wii U
Well, it's not like they could go anywhere but up.

Switch gets LA Noire
>fuckin kek nintendofags btfo they get to play a port
Okami HD get ported to everything but Nintendo
>ayy lmao nintendobros cant play this port 3rd party support? HAHAHHAHHAHAHA

>What looks to be a fucking great remaster project coupled with a physical release complete with an amazing and a fucking PC port of all things is now "unsensical" and "Le Capcom is retarded" exclusively because there ain't a fucking Switch version in the works

You people are becoming cartoonishly pathetic.

shitch cant even run minecraft

Games wish they were hated by Capcom like this. Receive this VIP remaster treatment for a game that always sold like dogshit is bizarre even for modern remaster crazy Capcom.

guess which one of those games is a beloved classic and which is a piece of shit movie

It can and and you should quit ban evading you pathetic waste of space

>you pathetic waste of space
easy there junior does your mom knows youre saying such mean things on the internet

>moving the goalposts this early
Having cutscenes does not make a game a movie
And if its a beloved classic explain why it sold like absolute shit

This guy looks so happy I don't have the heart to mock him.

>It sold like shit so it isn't beloved nor a classic

Jesus Christ .

Capcom are fucking retarded. What else is new? They didn't even bother releasing the Disney Afternoon collection on Switch even though they're a bunch of NES roms. Portable Okami on Switch would be easy money.

>Capcom hates Okami
The PS3 version was a flawless port and damn beautiful, so I don't know where you get that idea from. Maybe they hate Nintendo's audience, because they are only interested in Nintendo IPs?

This is the most likely case. Nobody owns JUST a switch, it's a secondary or tertiary platform to your PC/PS4. Why would Capcom waste time learning the switch hardware when 100% of people interested in third party games already own a system that is easier to develop for?

>>Things will be different
Prove that they won't be.

>Defending modern Capcom
>Nintenbros only buy Nintendo games meme

Resident Evil 4 Wii edition sold nearly 2 million copies and they followed it up with fucking rail shooters.

I'm not surprised
Capcom keeps fucking itself in the ass.
I would love to play Okami on the go when I take the train to work.

Would rather have RE4 with gyro aiming and yes I would buy it again for the hundredth time.

No shit it was only because of hype & capsom printing more copies

Dont try o reason with ninteryerolds

>release an HD version of a game on a console that can't handle it
You guys don't understand the point of HD remasters. You don't downgrade a remaster.

>Moving the goalposts

>Nintendrrones port-begging and getting all pissy at Capcom for it
Not Capcom's fault the Switch can't handle it, it's 70 GBs which wouldn't even fit on two Switch cartridges

>this thread
>crying Nintentards calling Nintendo retarded for not releasing a gimped HD remaster for their console


>this is an article for a major games publication
I find portbegging sad enough as it is but this is on another level of pathetic

I think that guy is retarded user.

It will get a late port that outsells all the other versions. Screencap this.

Everyone other game company seems to be supporting the switch, even rockstar supported the switch.

Capcom used to support nintendo wholeheartedly, now it seems like they want nothing to do with Nintendo.

It almost seems like they were paid to not release some games for Nintendo as soon as the switch came out....

>It almost seems like they were paid to not release some games
I cant help but laugh whenever someone uses the "t-they were bribed" excuse whenever they dont get a game

>implying they didn't have an exclusivity contract before
>implying it's not because they don't want to try to fit a 70GB remaster on a shitty handheld that has a max space capacity of 32GB on cart
Off yourself drone

Wii U didn't have this much jap support

port machine doesn't even get all the ports

>The PS3 version was a flawless port and damn beautiful, so I don't know where you get that idea from.

Cause Nintendo is getting top billing, if this thread doesn't make that painfully clear. Doesn't matter that they're giving Okami proper remaster treatment complete with physical release and a PC version, if it doesn't have a Switch version is MUH MODERN CRAPCOM meme shit.

Just get the game and let them wallow in their own filth, this is what they openly mock against in every Bayonetta 2 thread. It's like pottery.

>no Okami 3

Okami isn't 70gb.

They were paid, it's already been proven Sony paid capcom to not release games on the switch.

Also why the fuck are people comparing the switch to ps4 and Xbox one? It's handheld for fuck sakes. A damn good one at that.

The PS4 version is and the PS3 remaster was also quite large. Learn your facts next time

>hy would Capcom waste time learning the switch hardware when 100% of people interested in third party games already own a system that is easier to develop for?
You are aware the only reason Capcom is afloat nowadays is because people were buying their 3DS MonHun games right?

It actually would considering you could use the touchscreen to paint shit.

>throw Switch owners some scraps

You can't seriously consider fucking Street Fighter 2 and RE Revelations as anything worthwhile.

fuck OFF with HD remakes
make new games

>it's already been proven Sony paid capcom to not release games on the switch.
>people honestly believe this
It's amazing how Sony in this generation has mentally scarred Nintendorks for life


Calling it a meme doesn't make it any less true.

>he wants a corporate monopoly
>he doesn't like console quality handhelds

>They were paid, it's already been proven Sony paid capcom to not release games on the switch.
Tell me more Mr Wright

MH3G, MH4, MH4G, MHX and MHXX would be perfect for Vita for the past 7 years.


Its not a meme. Capcom has fucked most of their franchises up. Literally only thing that remains standing is Monster Hunter

>most HD remake announcements
>"fuck off and give us new games"
>Okami HD remake

>he wants a corporate monopoly
When did i imply that?
>he doesn't like console quality handhelds
console and quality stopped being used on the same sentence a long time ago

I like how everytime a game comes, and its not for Switch, the fucking bitchy Switch fans just act like entitled assholes, as if they aren't the last thing on most devs minds.

Fuck off, seriously. Switch owners are becoming the worst fanbase ever.