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I do actually.


MoP was shit. Fuck off Ralph.

>kung-fu panda theme park
>does not have any relation to the world after xpack
No, thanks.

The real reason WoW will never return to its glory days is because of globalization. Facebook became open to the public for use outside of universities on September 26, 2006, the same date that WoW released Patch 1.12.1, the final patch to affect Vanilla WoW for all users, except Spanish-speaking ones. Patch 2.4.3, Fury of the Sunwell, released on July 15, 2008, dropped before Facebook even hit 100mil users. Patch 3.3.2, Fall of the Lich King, was released on February 2, 2010, when Facebook hit 400mil users, along with several other social media sites that made the world smaller.

The reason that old community seemed so tight-knit was because it was one of the only ways to communicate with people at the time, besides IRC and chatrooms, both of which catered to specific niche interests in the first place. You made friends in the game because they were specifically interested in the same things you were, and it was difficult to find others who shared those likes. Thanks to social media making it easier, or rather, more "user-friendly" for everyone to get online, the need for those special places has dwindled, and everything has faded away. Forums are dead, IRC is dead, and TeamSpeak is in decline thanks to Discord.

Don't let anyone tell you "WoW was better because you could spend seven hours a day playing it and now you just have to work." They're lying to you. They've just replaced those seven hours of WoW, a means of socially connecting with strangers, with seven hours Facebook, Twitter, Imgur, Pinterest, and Reddit.


an expansion just made to appeal to Chinks.

This and cross realm everything

Final nail was the dungeon finder imo

A pretty great expansion all around.

>Facebook became open to the public for use outside of universities on September 26, 2006, the same date that WoW released Patch 1.12.1
>it's real

Yeah, was actually one of the best expansions for what it had to work with leftover from cata.
Had a tonne of content.

Actually, yes. Great expansion. Especially Isle and Throne of Thunder

>You think you do, but you don't
t. Blizzard analyst that doesn't understand there are plenty of people that do like it

>literally says that WoW died because it removed its casual filter for easier access following the Facebook model
>somehow fails basic reading comprehension

>populated zones that would be empty is bad thing
>i want muh singleplayer

>we want the chinese audience just like hollywood; the joke expansion
MoP has to be the genz version of TBC for this meme to keep being repeated.

I miss Uncle Chen

Either I have terrible luck or the people that play pandas are some of the worst players in the game.
Every time I'm in a group with one for any content they're always terrible at their job and annoying as all fuck.

I've mist this expansion since we left for AU Draenor.

>most comfy zones
>best music
>fun quests and pretty relaxed farming themed things
>finally does something with the horde vs alliance dynamic
>some of the best raids


>worst music, generic "*gong* YOOOO"
>worst daily grind
>does not fit warcraft style at all, (hurr its canon due to minor character in w3)

I wish I could have experienced the golden age of MMOs instead of being a dumb underageb& in 2004.

yeah i fucking do, it was the last expansion where WoW still felt like WoW, fuck legion makes me so depressed


Name one (1) thing wrong with Pandaren outside player skill, transmogs and furbait


>Playing post-Cata

No but I miss BC.

Actually just started playing wow like a week ago for 1st time since early wow, I'm having fun. I feel like the hardest thing I'm trying to to is find a good guild.

flying was amazing druid bird form quest was a pain I ahted my NE and NEVER got better gear for him just because of spite. Oh and that white sabre reputation slugfest fuck him for that too
I'm glad I don't play wow anymore


nah i visit regularly just cuz i can.

Yet its more singleplayer now than ever.

i don't recognize this at all, did this play during the jade serpent flying quests or something?

Old Age and Treachery is one of my favourite quests in the game.