I don't care.
Looks dumb.
lmao shit literally nobody cares about. Dated graphics, boring story, shit gameplay, dying community, pay to win, does WoW have anything going for it?
It turns you blue. Dumb.
Who honestly cares about WoW's story at this point
So void lords are just darkish blue wind chimes?
Why won't it die? Why does it try so hard to live?
every cutscene is the same in WoW.
>when your elf wife changes her look after thousands of years
So, what, is she corrupted now too? Sylvanas 2.0? It's amazing how ridiculous Blizzard is at writing literally anything.
>its another corruption expansion and ruining old lore characters for no reason episode
will they admit they just ran out of ideas after wrath
meh, looks bad
They need more Windrunners so that they can get one corrupted with each cosmic force.
shut up and pay gibs for your wifes voidling son you light cuck.
WoW should just be put down at this point
She states that she's capable of turning her new state off and on at will. Fucking hell.
Why is it impossible for Blizzard to go: "Hey you know those two really old characters that Warcraft fans have been dying to see again for years? Let's just leave them alone, let them stay themselves, maybe reunite with their son or some shit. Give the people what they want, and try and do something original instead of turning one of them into a goddamn superhero."
this was datamined months ago.
New void style, hunter gets it. Priests btfo.
Why is it always lasers?
seriously what is the point of this
I bought the expansion recently and while the content is pretty good, the stories of everything I know and like getting corrupted and me having to kill them is just so bad. I'm also already bored at 110 and started playing something else
Alleria? I hardly knew 'er!
>time travel
its not fair
why isnt she barefoot like her dota 2 equivalent!!?
>pay to win
also "muh graphisc"
Hey you know i have years of training n' shit
Slim body and hunter reflexes i can dodge literally any projectile
Lol fuck that instead im gonna look at this void ball like a fucking retard lmao
>"muh graphisc"
There comes a point where no amazing gameplay can outweigh 2005 graphics, and WoW doesn't even have amazing gameplay nowadays
lol you people are faggots, holy shit.
Every new thing I see with WoW just hurts more and more. Surely there's a limit, right? If not to their "writing", then there must be an end to how much pain I can feel for this. I'm gonna pick up drinking.
>inb4 illidan kills her in front of turalyon.
>There comes a point where no amazing gameplay can outweigh 2005 graphics
>being this pleb
so you're saying mario is a shit game cause of dated graphics?
>pay to win
Everything in the cash shop is cosmetic, you can buy tokens and trade for gold but no amount of gold will get you raid experience and tier unless you buy full runs, which are expensive.
>and somehow Illidan will still be the hero and Blizzard will tell you he didntdunuffin
nuWoW is capeshit tier
delete this trash
>selling currency and level boosts
>not p2w
why did you just undermine your own point
>implying Illidan cares about anything other than Legion
Before you complain about the Netherlight Crucible and all the AP needed to fully unlock everything, show us your Mythic raiding achieves.
>Everything in the cash shop is cosmetic
>except for the tokens that you can sell for gold :^)
>and the level boost :^)
>level boosts don't even take you to level cap
>all it does it skip the 3 days it takes to hit 100 for lazy faggots
>selling currency also purely for convenience (lazy fags again)
You're a retarded nigger if you think that's in any way pay to win
>n-no it doesn't count
selling gear is just for lazy fags too, would you defend that you disgusting drone?
>b-but it doesnt instantly give you full best in slot equipment! its not real pay to win!
holy shit man
the level of denial blizzdrones engage in is hilarious
>which in no way helps you attain power outside of shitty BoE's :^)
>"I'm too lazy to hit level 100 by myself, better spend $60 so I can skip it" :^)
>man, that 150,000 goes a long way getting me to LFR :^)
>I'm seething
t. never played WoW
The Sha were actually pretty good though since they got stronger the more the two factions fought in Pandaria.
But nah Mists is apparently shit because it introduced a third furbait race and everything about it must be purged from existence except for bringing in their daily quests into a really shitty and non-immersive area.
But it's not.
You can't do any of the fun content with just buying a few WoW tokens.
Go back to your PUBG threads faggot.
are these people actually serious? or am i falling for elaborate bait?
a game that gives you an in-game advantage of some kind in exchange for money is pay2win, period. that's the standard that all games are held to, wow is no exception, and since having gold is an advantage over not having gold, buying tokens is straight up pay2win. no way arguing around that.
What are you paying to win in this game?
Even if you bought an account with a fully decked out pvp character, the top pvpers would still wreck your shit if you don't know what you're doing.
Buy a mythic geared raiding account and you might get yourself into a mythic raid but as soon as they notice you suck then they will kick you.
Alot of the people who bought Gladiator had a Glad tier player play their account so it's not like Blizz was selling that shit.
Kys my man
I'm pretty sure that, by definition, for it to be an "advantage" it would have to be something that non-payers cannot obtain. It's letting you skip 2-3 days of questing on your way to max level, and you still have to do all of the current Legion leveling content afterwards to get the rest of the way to 110.
Don't get me wrong; I think selling level boosts is stupid and I've thought it's stupid since Blizzard introduced it, but calling it "Pay-to-win" is really disingenuous.
>spend money in cash shop
>get in game advantage
thats pay2win. it's that simple.
>buy titanforged mythic BoEs off the AH with the gold I bought from blizzard
>suddenly in a better place than I was before
its that simple. There is no way gold is not P2W when you can buy gear and buy raid carries with it.
just like phonegames let you skip waiting periods with spending money
itll be something stupid like her jumping into the defense of illidan or some shit and getting killed
So no windrunner is getting out happy.
or illidan deflecting an attack or a projectile and it hits her
man garithos was right all along
>I'm pretty sure that, by definition, for it to be an "advantage" it would have to be something that non-payers cannot obtain.
spending money to get something instantly that you otherwise would have to spend hours (or even days) to get by grinding is pay2win. it's literally the same as hearthstone.
Sylvanas Fucked by Arthas
Alleria get VOIDED
Vereesa cucked by Garrosh
Nice family there Windrunners
Yes, and you would call those games with shitty microtransactions, not pay-to-win games. That phrase has a meaning and it's not what you're using it for.
>"Guys, gameplay is shit. Should we invest in actual game to try and get some subs back?"
But Alleria isn't corrupted, the entire story that came out today was about her controlling it.
She is normal on the ship and says she can turn into that form on command, and that she has complete control over it. She basically just became the void-equivalent of a Paladin.
>There are people who actually believe that selling WoW tokens for gold and then using that gold to get carried through mythics isn't an advantage over a normal player.
>world of warcraft still exists
>there are several extensions no one has ever heard of
>some user on Sup Forums cares enough to make a thread
WoW is literally anime isn't it
Pretty much
then what would you call pay to win?
they are buying advantages in the game thats enough for me to consider it pay2win
>calls her sister slyvanas a cunt, monster, and traitor for being with horde
>it's okay when I do it...
>there are still people who care about what other's do with their own money when it doesn't affect them in the slightest
>still playing wow
Oh sweet jesus, we're going full Moorcock aren't we?
Naaru=Lords of Law
Void Lords=Lords of Chaos
Why is Blizzard so fucking unoriginal?
>Khadgar is Goku
>Illidan is Vegeta
>Velen is Roshi
>Turalyon is Trunks
I thought new patch came out 2 weeks ago.
Are they releasing story content gradually now instead of dropping everything at once?
Yeah, this update was
>Week one was going to Argus
>Week two was finding Macaree, a more important zone on Argus
>Week three was Discovering and fighting to void presence on Argus.
Chill out, guys. It's just a power up.
legion is infested to the brim with timegating
its horrible
>Moorcock shit again
Stop it, not everything is ripping off your favorite comic, the idea of choas gods and order gods is super generic, even a child who had never read stormbringer could have come up with this idea.
They drip-feed the quests and new areas on a weekly schedule, it's pretty terrible.
Playable Ethereals when?
This whole expansion has been gated week by week.
>7.1.5 releases
>Help the Nightfallen do this! wait a week NOW THIS
>7.2 releases
>Take the Broken Shore! Next part comes next week
>7.3 releases
do what?
I stopped playing soon after Nighthold was released, they STILL are doing that shit with legendary quests?
Someone at Blizzard has a massive corruption fetish.
I mean, the words are all right there, you just have to put them together. "Pay-to-win." Not "Pay-to-save-time." Saving time by skipping part of the leveling process isn't an advantage; it's a transaction that you decided was worthwhile to you (if your money > your time, don't boost, if your money < your time, do boost). A true pay-to-win game would be one where you could literally buy power, in the form of additional stats or weapons or armor or cards or vehicles or whatever (depending on the type of game you're talking about).
waiting only for official classic reincarnation
>, the idea of choas gods and order gods is super generic
Because Moorcock made it so. His brand of Law vs Chaos(ie it's all shit and you're a pawn of greater beings) are the foundations of that fantasy trope. And before you talk about Anderson, no. His variety was Nature(Chaos) and Scientific advancement(Law)
Mario has actually good gameplay, WoW has filling an artefact bar
Fuck me if I prefer my textures without visible pixels right? FFXIV looks like it was made this decade at least
Whatever keeps people from thinking about content drought, I guess.
Blizzard never seemed to like people who binge new stuff.
WoW had shit graphics even for 2005 though.
That's when stuff like Everquest 2 and Doom 3 came out. They're only great if you compared them to PS2 GTA.
Thanks for the spoiler niggerfaggot
its been like that since BC my mean man
Someone post that picture of the guy asking "Have you maxed out all artifact power on your weapons?" then they go silent trying to prove a point they made a good decision.
The two month long step of "How Awesome Illidan Is and How Much You Suck: The Quest" was the breaking point for me and ended my over decade long subscription. Somewhat relieved to see it didn't change so I know I made the right decision.
>His brand of Law vs Chaos(ie it's all shit and you're a pawn of greater beings)
This is literally every JRPG that tries to be deep ever.
Strangely enough they only got "Law vs Chaos" from old editions of DnD back when law meant good and chaos meant bad.