GAfag here, anyone else getting comfy for gaming with no power?
Just dusted off my DS and popped in some Pokemon Super Mystery dungeon
Power outage gaming
>NRA sticker
Off yourself, my dude
>bumping your own tenth page bait
>not enjoying giving money to people that sell your rights piecemeal
You really won't like the sticker on the front of it then
OP can't bump their own thread newfag
I don't like Trump personally, but I'm not mad about that one. The NRA is a garbage fire of an organization tho.
North GA fag. It's literally nothing.
You must be where there are no outages then. Shit sucks dick.
I just want to play my PS4 and shitpost but the power keeps going out every time I cut the computer back on.
My bro, Dacula here
I played pokemon soul silver and to my suprise the power came back on somehow after i heard the transformer blow up like 3 times in a row.
stay safe user
marietta here. im laffin. had power all day and some "vicious" 20mph winds.
Dracula?! Don't suck my blood dude
My power is coming and going still. Sister just a minute or so away is completely without power and trapped because of a huge tree across the road right next to their house.
I can't decide if I should stick with Super mystery dungeon or not, cuz once the power is back on I probably won't touch it for another six months. Really need to find a time to play through all my ds games
Its been comfy for me, except for the no power thing. Then again there are no trees nearby to fall on the house and crush everyone to death
its been comfy here too. its just hilarious how many people around here thought it was the apocalypse. i saw a woman yesterday literally filling her suv with packs of bottled water at kroger.
>joining the NRA to support the NRA
Nigger I'd join the NRA for the transfer fee discount many FFLs provide and for a free range bag. I don't give a fuck about the California senators they threaten to beat up in the lunch room.
You can blame the news for blowing shit out of proportion. I am in NC and went to Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market during graveyard shift friday morning and this was the bread aisle
Why did you lose power? I'm in South Florida and didn't even lose satellite reception.
>tfw live in north carolina and had the storm continued north this could've been me
Cumming here, I'm loving my electricity :^). Emulatan MHFU.
Like a true American
Must've been watching CNN. They've been going apeshit with the doom saying its embarrassing. I stocked up on a couple of six packs of water just in case too, fear mongering got to me. Should have bought more candles instead
Cleveland GA, same thing here at walmart. All the white bread was gone and the only thing left was wheat and potato bread. The latter is actually pretty damn good.
Just cracked open a bear and started playing VLR again.
With your bear hands?
Honestly, they're a bunch of cucks. Sure, they're better than nothing, but they're really not good at getting any actual pro-gun legislation passed. Where's national carry reciprocity? Where are repeals to the hughs amendment, NFA, etc?
They and the cuckservatives like to inhabit this limbo where they don't actually pass any laws that are pro-gun, or actually repeal any anti-gun laws. Instead, they just like to keep things the way they are. Why? Because if they actually accomplished anything, then they think people would stop supporting them. That's why they like the limbo
that's like 999 right? Might have to look into it, 999 was good shit.
Potato bread is fantastic, we just had like, raisin bread and tortillas. And english muffins.
>Must've been watching CNN. They've been going apeshit with the doom saying its embarrassing
All the news stations do that. News is a business, after all, so the more sensationalist they are, the more (You)s they get. So even when it's a non-partisan news story like a natural disaster, there's still a sort of spin.
OPs can bump their own threads after 10 minutes.
Fu king power out again
And it's been so long since i played SMD I forgot how to play. Only level 14 is it too far to restart.
Same here (Kennesaw). It's just kind of windy
Chattanooga here.
I was born in Florida. This ain't shit.
>He doesn't know that OP can bump his own threads after a 10 minutes have passed from his original post