Sup Forums what is the best sims game in your opinion?

Sup Forums what is the best sims game in your opinion?
The most realistic and with the greatest ammount of options to chose from and shit for your sim to do?

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Third one.
Every other entry feels pretty lackluster in comparison.

3 > 1 > 2

It had a rough start, but it is slowly and surely climbing its way to the top spot.

How do we fix The Sims? What would you do to restore the series to its former glory and improve upon the original concept?

>slowly and surely climbing its way

then it's not the best one dingus

Sims 3 + all expansions
Disable Supernaturals Option
NRAAS Story Progression Mod
Disable Zombies Mod

Then, depending on your self-control to avoid use of any of the advanced technologies in-game, the game becomes a perfect suburban simulator.

4 had the best game play but honestly not having a open world like in 3 ruined it.

the only correct answer is 3. it literally has everything that 2 has, but better. and 4 took away literally everything that made the game great, while only improving the visuals.

3 > 2 > 4 > 1

it's too late for 4 to be better than 3, so our only hope is 5.

Did pets for 4 release yet

>advanced technologies
What do you mean?

Also, how do you make Pets be less taxing?

Sims 3 best sims

Sims 4 worst sims

Sims 1 best music

Sims 2 was generally good but doesnt hold up so well due to shit graphics

Time Travel, Cloning, Brain Enhancer, Item Duplication, Relationship Transmogrifier, Young-Again Potions, etc.

It's easy to be tempted to just max out the Science skill and start duplicating Tiberium to get rich quick. I always avoid that stuff, as I like to create generational families who have built themselves up through traditional means.

You can't say sims 4 is the worst. Its still better then 1 and 2 but some of the things they did where steps back from 3.

-bring back open world
-give us more free roam options and stores to enter
-make modding easier/simpler
-add quality of life options to the menu(NRAAS, clock speed, better household manage, etc)
-add some form of online play that allows players to connect with each other(not visit worlds or anything, but maybe have an in-game version of twitter and facebook, that lets everyone sort of connect and share/tweet with each other)
-more careers(bottom, mid, top tier)
-give us maps from different countries that we can live in, not just visit(vietnam, japan, romania, middle east, india, brazil, etc)
-add languages to improve on diversity play(if there's a little china town nearby, my white sim passing through should not be able to understand what they're talking about, unless I've studied the language, or they speak sim-english)
-add a ton of luxury items that help create a gap between the wealthy and the poor
-have education and parental upbringing play a role in how successful(violent) a sim will be
-have actual poor parts of town
-have hateful sims that are racist/bigoted/misogynistic
-have well designed political route that allows any sim(including yours) the opportunity to climb the politics ladder and become mayor of the city
-mayor has authority to make changes to how the city runs

a lot of other shit I'd like to see, but too hungry to continue. I think one of the issues I have is how every sims seems to be doing well. there's no sense of feeling rich or wealthy. if I want to play a loser ass 40 something year old, with nothing in life but my shitty apartment and low wage job, it's hard to really feel like my sim is garbage. even the lowest paying job provides enough income to reach wealthy status after a few months. ruins my immersion.

The only thing Sims 4 got going for itself is the character editor.

Thats the end of the list.

Every other aspect was worse compared to Sims 3.

not him, but I'd personally play 2 over 4 if I had to play either of them. I mean, has 4 received seasons yet? can I comfy snow day and miss work/school? I could see the potential with 4, but it needs all of its DLC first.

>Sims 3 + all expansions

Good luck trying to actually run that.

The emotion system was good and the architecture (compared to vanilla sims 3) is better. IMO the only bad part of the game was lack of open world and some bug but that was enough for me to go back to 3.

>have actual poor parts of town
Is there a way/mod to play in a shitty part of a city rather than in some gay suburb?

>all these people saying sims 3

It doesn't matter how good the mechanics are if the game is so poorly optimized it shits itself when you try to play.

I only played 2 and 1. Probably will never play another because I'm not longer in middle/high school and no longer feel puppy love or crushes or anything like that. Part of the fun was making that ideal world or creating wacky anime houses.
Sucks because it used to be fun.

sort of, but not really.
there's way to optimize performance to make it run better, but it's still not perfect.

would gladly eat a 5 minute loading screen to play superior gameplay.

You really need to set goals for it to be fun. Playing with self-inserts or cheating your way to the top just leaves you feeling empty, as though you should have spent your time bettering your real life. There's plenty of sites with lists of Challenges that players have invented to keep the game fresh, though.

Just playing it for fetish, you pleb.


Sims in 3 just look ugly no matter what to me. 4 has the best character maker (especially with mods) but the gameplay options are more limited and everything is sold piecemeal for way too much money (not a problem f you pirate obviously... and the lewd mods are coming along reeeally good)

But I could never do that. It doesn't interest me. But probably because I don't have much of a drive left

doesn't the sims 3 has mods to fix the ugly sims?

Multiplayer. So many girls play Sims that it's like an instant dating / fantasy app.

Fuck you guys now i actually want to install Sims 3 again

They make them better, but I still don't think it's great. And you do still need to be selective and only choose a handful of the expansions installed at once to have an optimal experience.

>many of them would probably be in high school
Even better

How do you uninstall expansions in the Steam version?


3 is objectively best, but good luck getting it to run well without micromanaging the FUCK out of it, 2 has a good amount of features and don't run that badly, 4 has grafix and NOTHING more and a obvious vessel for no-effort DLC, and you have to try HARD to fail, even the cheap shit looks nice so making a actual shitty house is harder then making a nice one, probably more expensive too, as a result there is no sense of progression of the family getting wealthier.

1 is is honestly in a different league because it was more "Simulator" then "Dollhouse" and actually pretty damn hard as a result.

The Sims 3 is the overall best game, though it runs like fucking shit even on today's PC hardware and the music is mostly terrible compared to 1 or 2's OST.

I did like 4 months ago. The whole thing plus quality of life mods.
I play like once weekly but like 8 hours in a row.

Sorry senpai i've never played it on Steam. If it's anything like other games though you should be able to untick the dlc you don;t want to install in the games page in your library.

It's still not bad so long as you choose the expansions and character mods you want, I don't want to be too down on it. And I accept that the character looks are still personal taste.

The Sims Online is the best sims. Prove me wrong


Sims 4 is great

for jacking off

Someone made a free private server of it

I have looked for it because I didn't know it existed and I have found this ->

It's worth a try?

I miss when the console versions had a story mode of some sort, also directly controlling your sim was nice.

>Sims 4 is better than 2

Maybe in 10 years.

Not really. Most of the jobs dont work which means you'll be grinding at sweat shops.

Shame the Sims 2 story mode had a terrible ending. It was barely even an ending.

Overall its 2

Three has some redeeming values too

2 & 3 but 1 have special place in my heart

Sims 3 isnt bad if you limit yourself to playing it by a few weeks

3 was so badly optimized that EA/Maxis had to discourage players from getting/buying lots of expansion/stuff/dlc packs

Liberate from EA

>Replay 1
>Needs are constantly in red
>Making friends for work is a pain in the ass because everyone hates you

Wow, being social in this game is tedious as fuck all. 4 is too easy.

Not at all saying these are the best, but I found the linear Sims games really great.

Is it setting a 30 FPS limiter?

Bustin' Out was a favorite of mine back in the day

No. Limiting FPS just fixes the specific issue of the game trying to destroy your graphics card. It doesn't fix the other optimization issues.

>game trying to destroy your graphics card
Have I fucked up by not limiting it before?

Fun fact, 4 actually has the same Memory leak 3 has, it is just not as balatant since it has less content and as such it takes SLIGHTLY longer to show itself.

If you didn't notice a coil whine and how insanely hot it got during a boot chances are you are cool for now.

just turn on vsync in your graphics card settings

Modding in Sims 4 is already easy as fuck

>3 hour save
>Takes 5 minutes to load

i got my sims 3 load times down to a single minute. it used to take ten

all i had to do was spend way too much on a monster SSD

I remember playing The Sims Bustin Out on PS2 I had no idea the game was co op. My friend walks over and randomly pressed the start buttion

last I remember, it was texture replacements of the original files. certain pieces of clothing changed into something else. but that was at launch, so no idea how things are these days.

I loved that shit, it was like practicing life.

Sims 1 had great music, and set the tone. I really loved 1 but I don't think I could go back to it.

Sims 2 had a huge mod scene and great community.

Sims 3 started bad, but over time got good.

>How do we fix The Sims? What would you do to restore the series to its former glory and improve upon the original concept?
Remake Sims 3 in an engine that isn't fucking shitty and buggy and unstable and with better world making/modding capabilities.
Remove 90% of the shit in 4 except for doing multiple tasks at once (one of the only good things 4 does).
Have it be a new world or remake the Sims 1 world for nostalgia bucks.

we're doing all right now. Wicked whims is now working well enough :^)

>Have an actual social network in The Sims
>You can talk to other players but literally all text gets translated to Sims language
>Each copy comes with a 600 page Sims dictionary

Sims 2 Castaway for consoles is still one of my all-time favorites

these are pretty good mechanics

>tfw spend every waking moment of last 3 weeks creating a world in sims 3 CAW
>tfw it's finally finished
>export it into the game
>fatal error has occured pls restart your game


1 - Has a sort of retro charm and some of the best music, but clearly outdated in terms of gameplay and visuals at this point.

2 - Still has an active community. Doesn't look the best, but can still be pretty decent looking with some mods. 2 has some interesting features like wants/fears and aspirations that are missing from later entries. Very good performance but you have load screens between lots.

3 - Sims look like absolutely garbage. No load screen and an open world, but sluggish performance even on a good PC. Probably the most content overall out of all four games. Not really suited to legacy style play.

4 - Rough start, but it's by far the nicest looking game in the series visually. Still not a lot of content and EA is slow as hell at releasing expansions for it. Some of the content is really neat compared to previous iterations, like vampires. Much better performance than 3 and more open than 2, but still not a true open world.

We postan music?

The Sims 1. Godlike in every way.

1, 2, and 3 are all debatable on where they lie, but 4 is objectively the worst.

I always get this very warm and comforting feeling in my chest whenever I play the first one, it has a very special place in my heart.