How come there never was a veggie tale videogame?

How come there never was a veggie tale videogame?

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Video games are sinful.


there were though, quite a few actually

High Silk Hat is the best silly song, fight me faggots

Video games make baby Jesus cry

There was a Gameboy advance game, and several PC games.

There was. Something about the search for Samson's hairbrush. My little brother plaed it.


This can't be real

RIP hijackers

sure, let's leave it at that user

Don't click this.

>picture is actually real

what happened in november 9th?

What a time to be alive.

>it's fucking real


thousands died

Why is there no veggie fandom as a tomatokin I feel alone

What the fuck Happened to veggie tales
Did they experience the "Redesign" treatment

nu-veggietales happened after bigidea filed for bankruptcy and was bought out. modern day veggietales was going really good but then the rights were given to netflix for a bit and now were stuck with this.

>not His Cheeseburger

Non-Americans get out, it's the greatest love song of all time

>Tfw barely any cucumbros around

It's a lonely existance.


like 99% of the original va's and writers aren't even in the show

>tfw had no choice but to watch these shitty veggietale shits with my christian neighbor as a kid

I don't even wanna fucking know how they butchered the series.

Are you going to go crazy like barneyfag?



This reminds me of when there was a terrorist attack in France and Madcatz tweeted that picture.

Jesus fucking Christ I remember Veggietales

My fucking weird as hell stepcousins on my dad's side had a super religious mom who only let them play Sonic and watch Veggietales and saying that it turned my cousin into a borderline CWC-tier disaster is REALLY understating the situation

I remember when I was like fucking fifteen and he was thirteen and we went on a family trip together and used their van, christ alive the sister (who was TWELVE) was begging to listen to the goddamn wiggles CD for like three hours nonstop and then the mom put on this Veggietales tape into this shitty fucking van VHS player and it blew my fucking mind

It was something about these super Mexican peas who moved in and suddenly everyone's shit started disappearing and they were like "no Jesus wouldn't want us to suspect them just because they're different, that's wrong" but then it turned out it really WAS them and at the end of the episode the message they tried to teach you was "sometimes it's okay to be afraid of people who are different from you"

Holy shit I still remember that fucking shit to this day and I'm almost thirty. Needless to say it was because of that trip my mom and dad booked a plane home and we didn't ride back with them because we were all at each other's throats by the end

I really don't get it
why is everyone freaking out
I thought 'remember 9/11!' is generic as hell

>"This series introduces the new redesigns of the main cast from VeggieTales, which were revealed around Summer 2014. The reception amongst the designs are widely negative amongst the fanbase, and some even trying to petition to bring back the old design. Show designer Joe Spadaford states that the reason they redesigned this because the riggings on the models were used since 2000 and they wanted to start something fresh. Phil Vischer stated on a podcast that regardless how the designs are, he likes them at the same time."













Even Veggietales has been censored by SJWs now


>Show designer Joe Spadaford states that the reason they redesigned this because the riggings on the models were used since 2000
and the problem with that was? they looked and animated perfectly fine you fucking idiot. Update the rigging then fuckface







I've been here since the goddamn noko days you stupid fuck

just ignore people who use reddit spacing

I'm pretty sure you don't remember it correctly user, this doesn't sound like veggietales at all

I think I saw that episode, and you got it all wrong.
>Peas were actually grapes
>They weren't Mexican
>It was about accepting people that are different than you, had nothing to do with it being ok to be afraid of people different than you
I'm pretty sure the title was literally "The Grapes of Wrath"

>I'm pretty sure the title was literally "The Grapes of Wrath"
Was it kino?

My best friend growing up had a super religious mom who as a woman in her 50s only watches veggie tales and wears blue jean skirts. Fucking looney tune.

Spacing paragraphs is bad now?


They introduced Rob Paulsen and he's literally Coconut Fred as a rasher of Bacon

This game was the shit back in the day, I spent so many hours playing it on my mom's laptop.

Those aren't sentences to begin with. That being said I think it's because of the small default posting window.

For some reason people think that spacing paragraphs was invented and solely used by Reddit.

>1 sentence
>a paragraph


That was my favorite silly song as a kid.

Not him but each line is literally one (albeit long) sentence, with the exception of the last section.

Someone on Sup Forums actually likes broccoli.

dear lord

>not the GBA version

I like broccoli butts

>Watcing Christian brainwashing

I eat broccoli whenever I can. It's either got to be raw or stir-fried like in Chinese food or else I can't stand it,

>falling for atheist brainwashing

They put entertainment before religion in most cases. You sound buttmad.

it was legitimately entertaining and not completely aggressive in your face about the religious stuff.
Something like King George and the rubber duck is quality and I'd recommend it to any kid over whatever trash is on the disney channel right now


I love broccoli, I eat it steamed or blanched, with no seasonings usually.

I also love cauliflower, they're like brother vegetables.

>not eating broccoli with nacho cheese sauce

I'm eating a broccoli casserole right now. Broccoli is great.

People are gonna call you a fedora tipping edgelord but honestly I'm somewhat annoyed that on Sup Forums religion in general has become the norm and simply saying that you don't commit yourself to a faith or believe in a deity means your a neckbearded neet who wants to suck Richard Dawkin's cock. I don't hate religion itself, it serves as a great force of guidance for people's lives and humanity in general, but I kind of decided not to commit to it. It's just not my cup of tea.

>heh... those stupid Christians... PRAISE ALLAH

steamed broccoli makes me cum

>burgers trying to teach christianity via vegetables

How ironic.

It's almost like most people that say they don't care about religion here are the same people that browse Reddit and love Rick and Morty

those old testament threads were full of religious nutcases saying some really weird shit and I think that reflects on the board as a whole

Fucking loved Veggie Tales as a kid. I remember in the fourth grade, our teacher asked everyone to bring a VHS to class so we could all vote on one movie to watch. I decided to bring a veggie tales VHS. We gave the teacher our movies as soon as we walked in, then after recess he started naming them off and everyone voted on what to watch. When veggie tales was brought up, a few kids laughed and nobody voted for it. I stayed silent out of shame, and when it was time to leave for the day, the teacher handed each of us our movies as we walked out. I waited until I was the last one in class, then grabbed my VHS and walked home.

On the upside, the class voted on The Emperors New Groove which is absolute kino.

Same. I have nothing against religion but for some reason Sup Forums is infested with faggots that want to brand you a fedora tipping SJW numale for lacking a belief.

Are you a paranoid schizo? Or just a retarded newfag from Sup Forums or /r9k/?

>on Sup Forums religion in general has become the norm and simply saying that you don't commit yourself to a faith or believe in a deity means your a neckbearded neet who wants to suck Richard Dawkin's cock
That's bunkum, user.

I'm not even sure where the super religious state of Sup Forums even came from, it didn't used to be like that
maybe it's Sup Forums because the average republican is super religious

Hi Canada

It's LARPers, Sup Forums has had a lot of those retards infesting it for the past few years.

So both then.

wait a minute

is that the guy

that flew those planes into that


It is Sup Forums, there used to be a time when if you even dared to bring up religious shit in a thread you would be called a moral faggot and told to fuck off. Incidentally the fedora meme originates from a reddit Christian.

VeggieTales was absolute kino, take your statement back immediately.

fug man

>the super religious state of Sup Forums
>I'm somewhat annoyed that on Sup Forums religion in general has become the norm and simply saying that you don't commit yourself to a faith or believe in a deity means your a neckbearded neet who wants to suck Richard Dawkin's cock

Honestly what the fuck are you guys talking about?

Nobody will say anything to you about it, so long as you're not being a dick like this guy in comfy threads. And calling Sup Forums "super religious" is completely out of whack with reality

>I decided to bring a veggie tales VHS.

Yeah, that's Cody Cigar. Dude shot up a school too.

The 'fedora' forced meme originated from Reddit in 2012. It has been spammed and shatpost here for five (5) fucking years. I don't think we will ever be free of the underage swarms--not restricted to just this topic, of course.

You know the fedora tipping edgelord atheist meme didn't exactly come out of nowhere.
You couldn't even hint at religious belief on Sup Forums with out a pack of rabid atheists shitposting your thread into oblivion.

Post Silly Songs

VeggieTales is about Jesus?

nice palate you god damn child. keep eating your chips for lunch

To be honest, plenty of people don't really invest themselves in a religious belief.
By this logic:
>hitler enjoyed painting buldings
>anyone who enjoys painting buildings is a nazi

Keep up the Shitposting

Can you fuck off and stop ruining a good thread about a fun show with your political shit? Thanks.

I would have voted for veggie tales user

We need Akagi back to put all these Christfag moralfags in their place.

It's just because this place has always been a den of contrarianism. If Christianity became mainstream again, everyone here would go back to being unironic athiests.

>comes to thread specifically to complain that the subject that is slightly related to religion
>cries about facing discrimination by being called a fedora tipper