This is your average PUBG player. Around 95% of the playerbase is chinese

This is your average PUBG player. Around 95% of the playerbase is chinese

That's a bot

They're probably AFKing for currency.

When you hate the game so much you make up desperate reasons like this.

that's a bot you fucking retard

>posting family guy anywhere

fuck off, only 50% cancer come from us

It's around 30%.

thats the point

So close, yet so far.


>26.80% Owners
>31.41% Players

how ?

China has places where you pay per hour and you can play any game on steam. Forgot the name for em.

chink here, the fuck are you talking about?

but this doesn't add up, or has steam a "rent for play" program in china-land ?

that's a given you literal fucking retards

It's Chinese cyber cafes dude.
They have that program for almost anywhere.

Look here: goo dot gl/KrtDEU

owners of the game vs % of players globally

>goo dot gl/KrtDEU
nice dolphin porn there lad

This better?

internet cafes only offer you a toaster PC and a lot of pirate games
if you want play anything on steam still require your own steam account

i guess you stupid gaijin just bought that cancer game and not actually playing it

I would assume it means not every copy that's being played in china was bought in china, just in the same way people are probably buying games from the US steam store who live outside of the US.

If there were more players than owners in total, than that'd be cause for concern.

But i'm fairly sure PUBG has been doing some dodgy shit to boost their player stats for a while.


>internet cafes only offer you a toaster PC and a lot of pirate games
>if you want play anything on steam still require your own steam account

No they don't.

In just the last year i've frequented gaming cafes in China, Japan, Thailand, Australian and New Zealand, all of them have machines with their own Steam accounts on them loaded up with legit games.

Seriously can chinks just fuck off the NA server? I cant play this shitty game without someone slant eyed ping head screaming "China numba 1" if chinas so fucking awesome why dont they play on their server?

Honestly, I've almost won twice with Chinese players in duos though.

You're a fucking retard see and


the game is a virtual currency farming simulator, its gambling and tax evasion in game form, ya dunces