Are you going to join the Resistance in November?
Sonic Forces
Other urls found in this thread:
Shadow's a good goy again?
>The Chaotix
Shadow isn't part of the resistance
no boom sonic and knuckes no buy
I loved generations and mania made me hungry for more sonic.
I'll give into the autism and make an OC
The new mobile game revealed a couple new things for Forces, like Sky Sanctuary being a returning stage, Chao, oh and nukes
>no Blaze
yes, we have to resist Drumpf
>The Resistance
I think you mean the Phantom Thieves?
Music rips when tho
You can also see the Sky Chase zone bird badniks
don't get my hopes up
>Phantom Ruby Prototype
What did they mean by this?
>wanting Chao in this age of microtransaction nickle-and-dimery
let go.
Tell me why this game wasn't Sonic Heroes 2?
we could could be playing as all those characters again, instead we have a no-talking oreeginal donught steel.
>to join the Resistance
I'm just too old for this shit, I can't read this without cringing.
>no sticks the badger
I will only purchase this game if Omega is playable.
I'd buy this day one if it actually had Chao's in it. What the fuck is Sega's issue with bringing back shit people want?
He's playable in the mobile game
Guess what? You're not gonna purchase the game.
you know sonic team can't put a quality title together anymore
you know that
dont wish heroes 2 out of today's sonic team
is my ro-bro actually confirmed?
>play dead
Is OP ´s pic real or just shitposting
Is this the greatest final boss theme in Sonic history?
>Metal Sonic getting an odd amount of focus
>Omega confirmed
Stop it, Forces. Stop it. You're going to be terrible. Stop making me want to buy you.
Omega's design is amazing
Remixed US theme and a stage that's looking fantastic for the battle agasint Metal Sonic
>no Cream and Big the Cat to complete the full sonic heroes cast here
wasted potential
>Remixed US theme
His original voice was pretty good too. Robotic, but still enough emotion to have some menace in it. For a sonic game, anyway. Was 06 the last time he was voiced in anything?
It's from the mobile game. Those are the Forces renders for the characters.
>Evil Knuckles Chao
what is with people's autistic obsession with chaos?
But we can expect them in forces too right?
Meaning Rouge is in it
Meaning now I have to buy it
>That Omega render
aw yess nigga
It means Mania actually was a prequel to Sonic Forces
I keep meaning to play Chaotix...
Day 1 if they have Chao Garden
>Modern Sonic crossover game
>No E-102
>No Emerl
>The only good modern Sonic characters
That's a devil chaos chao
The guy who made the Chao Garden fucked off and it'd be incredibly difficult to recreate it proper because of how many subtle details and mechanics there are.
Silver is in it too but it doesn't look like he's a playable character yet. Him, Metal Sonic, Chaos, and Zavok are all future playable characters.
Still trying to figure out where Blaze is.
>Sega: You want a game about what? Freedom Fighters? Satam? Princess Sal-rascal what? Bunny the who? What's that? Is that some baka gaijin thing?
>years later
>Iizuka: hey guys! what about a game with a oc character helping Sonic and chubby Sonic because people love him, in a devastated world by Eggman and his machines, on a dark set up, where every Sonic friend possible(ST-japan only) is in some resistance force fighting the evil Doctor Eggman, his machines and his fiercest enemies ever, including that red guy from LW???
>No E-102
He's fucking dead user
>Evil Knuckles Chao
Modern Sonic looks so damn unappealing.
Someone is streaming the new mobile game
>knux literally BTFOs the glass ceiling lie
>that last line
The writers knew exactly what they were doing.
what's wrong with tails ears
They're both dead
Timetravel shenanigans are already confirmed though.
This mobile game takes place before Forces?
No, the Eggman Empire is a great thing for all civilization, only a stupid warmongering rebel would disagree!
If Sonic autists are able to reverse engineer the Genesis games engine, port it to various systems along with 1:1 recreations of said games, and then become official Sonic game developers, they can sure as hell make a new Chao Garden with all the bells and whistles attached.
His name is robotnik
Jesus is the tails with us a robot?
Forgot pic
He'll get ass kicked and come to his senses.
>Rouge getting paler
how was this picture in OP's post done?
I still don't get this. Why advertise Persona in a kids game?
what are you implying
I assure you the age of the average sonic fan is higher than that of the average persona fan
Nigga he got rebuilt in Advance 3.
Sonic was never good.
Fucking hell. Why does the fucking cellphone get all the fun games these days?
Yeah, Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik.
I will ALWAYS call him robotnik even on my deathbed
It's just another Runner Game, SEGA's been cranking them out for awhile now.
Only reason this one's gaining any traction is because it's Forces-related and as such has some details here and there pertaining to Forces itself.
Told ya
It was pretty obvious the moment people made connections to the Phantom Ruby using the same sound clip as Infinite, and then it was solidified in the Super Sonic Ending considering he makes the exact same fucking pose as the Forces Trailer.
You can die with Archie.
If it helps, Sonic Adventure made it so that his official full name is Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik.
Dr. Ivo Julius Robotnik aka Eggman
And it's a online multiplayer game, which is what the first Runners should have been
Do you call him Miles Prower, too?
why does sonic team ruin everything
he does look pretty fucking dopey and robotic
(it's because the real tails is infinite)
No that's comic shit.
First case of SEGA trying to appeal both fan bases. It's fucking Eggman, Robotnik was only given to him because of those shitty Western cartoons trying to capitalize on muh 2cool4u hedgehog.
Nippon Land is the only land that matters and there he is known as Dr. Motherfucking Eggman. They even say it in his theme song. You Robuttnikfags need to fuck off.
If it had a prototype the phantom ruby must have been created by someone.
No fuck you eggman is a retarded name
Death to Archie.
E-102 is permanently gone, at least in a "don't just time travel to see them again" way. That was the whole point of his story: him and his brothers existing was dependent upon using the animals inside them as their batteries or whatever it was with the classic Sonic games. He didn't just blow them up for shits and giggles, it was about freeing the animals inside, which also meant offing himself eventually.
No fuck you eggman is a fun name.
>Sky Sanctuary
If they're actually trying to just sell us Generations again I ain't on this train after Mania, at least pick a different set of stages to remake for crying out loud
What makes Gamma and Omega so good?
They're actually Eggman's most successful creations, pity both defected from him though.
I wish they'd reexplore the MS/GG stages.