Why does Playstation get the best girls?

Why does Playstation get the best girls?

it's the best console

Best games

The world may never know

Sonee always wins bebe.

They've won for four generations straight it only makes sense.

What game? They look pretty cute and hot

I wouldn't be surprised if Lastation normally has the most Shares when compared to the other nations. Worshipping Noire and Uni sounds perfect.

No games.
No friends.

Are these in-game?

Noire has no friends

Is noire wearing a bra?

Playstation is a Japanese co., unlike Mario and Microsoft, so they get the best girls.

Rude. My wife could have lots of friends if she wanted

because Sony always wins baby

Under Night
Pretty much. French Bread make fantastic sprites.

Because it has no games, so it's either pander to the most basic caveman-mind or fade into irrelevance.

>unlike Mario
Are you okay user? Mario isn't a company

just the way it is


Mario, makers of Super Nintendo Brothers

Why would a slut wear a bra?

but their game isn't playstation exclusive

Is this official art?

The newest one currently is. Not like I wouldn't mind a PC release though, the series needs more love.

Noire needs more love. Preferably from me.

I am literally going to marry Uni!

Same but Noire. Its a shame her name isnt as easy to turn into praise like Uni is my Universe

>Play game on Uni
>Uni is best girl
It adds up even if I was playing on PC.


And how will you deal with Nepgear user?

I want to marry Nepgear

Noire gets tons of love from old men though

I want to jam it inside Yuzu


You dont talk to my wife like that

I hope she gets some nice merch in the future releases/pre-order bonuses. Oreo got enough love.

Which console does this qt represent

read the thread

Yes this is a Neptunia thread

>best anything

Uni is great though.

They represent last gen dont they? If so Noires the clear winner, a lot of Blanc's games fell flat and Vert expecting people to pay her was a precedent we didn't need.

And the answer you seek is still in the thread if you read it


Dunno but I love it

When is Uni going to get her PSVita upgrade like how Noire got her PS4 Next Form? She's so much better than her older bitchy sister.

spot the switchfag, hows that 6 year old skyrim?

Maybe because it's the best company? The poetry of Neptunia is actuall amazing

>Sony, best company, has best girls
>Nintendo, worst company, has worst girls
>Xbox, completly irrelevant, just like its girl
>some obscure console that never got released, represented by literal memelord made main character for shit and giggles

I haven't played much of Under;Night, but story mode for Eltnum was so fucking meta it was amazing.


*raises paw* Uhm, hi, one question - how?

was that an accident user?

*wags tail nervously* s-sure it was!

Well this is awkward

So why doesn't she?

It's not her fault that she's so perfect most guys never approach her

But I want to marry her and hold hands

But she's already my wife

But I love her

Marrying Neps isn't official until you get the approval.

are you really gonna try to compare the Switch's first year to the PS3's? did you just block that year from your memory?

What's your opinion on people who lust over Blanc?

They're just vert taking a break from gaming.

patrician taste

Peecee has better girls, Playstation girls are sluts

Lots of sex friends you mean, cuck

Holy shit what the fuck?

>Noire gets millions of messages like this every day, they have to ignore them so one lucky fellow that gets to be with her wouldn't be killed in revenge by millions of other people that also want to marry Noire
>some lonely user asks for permission to marry Blanc
>since there is absolutely NO demand for this, they agree


She's my waifu. I want to marry and impregnate her then read to her every night.


I hope you are not actually implying what I think you are

>marry Vert
>sometimes, she just wants to watch you have gay sex with a prettyboy while she schlicks furiously

Blanc is a taken woman.

>being proposed to means you accepted
Learn something new every day

That's not a bad thing at all

Of course she did, she wants a strong male influence around the house to raise Rom and Ram properly.

I hope that's her sweat

Wait was that actually a reference to Blancanon?

Blanc's pussy feels really tight. A fine fruit, a delicacy

Yea. Some of IFI people have been known to drop by.

Blanc can only be lewded after marriage

>Nep VII localization released on February 2, 2016 in the states
>Blancanon post approval July 16, 2016
Unless he wrote to them a good 5+ months beforehand, No.

I want to marry Blanc

a goal everyone should follow

I want to take down Blanc

don't post lewds of my son's mother, thanks

My waifu is not for bullying shes for hugging and protecting

Let's look up Blanc's skirt

The post date is actually 2015, seems some retard made the image

That's even worse to assume then, considering Nep VII was only in Japan at the time.

she wants it

You mean because IFI rewrote whatever was their to shove their meme in, again? Par for the course

actually there was a video of that event with translated text long before V2 came out, the only difference is that Blanc doesn't mention someone proposing to her, rest is more or less the same save for wording


I'll drink that water

You gotta have something when your games are shit

What are you implying?


Waifufags will buy any piece of crap as long as it has cute girls

It's not true.
Not true at all.

Licking Blanc's sweaty armpits

It's the only reason terrible games like Neptunia managed to be successful in the first place


You are just retarded though. There are many reasons Neptunia is sucessfull. And just look at the Noire game and the PS3 games. That games are indeed terrible, no one defends them. The remakes, VII and Cyberdimension? They are actually good.