>raise romance points with cute male character just to see what happens
>he starts flirting with you
Raise romance points with cute male character just to see what happens
Other urls found in this thread:
ha.. gayyyyy!
posting this image should get you instantly permabanned
You secretly wanted that to happen, didn't you.
>get dragon age with all them DLCs included
>give Alistar the thingy for +50 hearts so he gets bonuses and shit
>talk to him at some point
>"bro let's making fuck"
>Alistar fucking hates you -10
thanks gaider
>Choose the flirt option because it's funny
>They fuck on screen
>>he starts flirting with you
>you're a girl
>it's a ryona H game
>you get 100% vanilla by going with the flow
I'm not complaining but what is with the sudden surge of sissy white boy threads in the last month?
We're all little girls here, user.
> sudden
Dumb sissy white bois.
Please be nice to us...
at least half of them are made by the same two people, the OP of this thread and the hair sniffer one
Is it normal to blush and start giggling and have to get up and walk around your room after it cause your so excited?
I think there's something wrong with me. Literally never felt this before in my entire life.
Would rather punch you in the gut.
we had no twinks in the uni
feels bad
Please do, I need this
>Get caught playing as a shirtless Link in BOTW
>bf takes away my gaming privileges for a week
ugh bf is DUMB
I lied about the spot.
Hello sissies
how much of a degenerate do you need to be to make these threads?
>tfw no GOOD gay romances games (GAMES, not VNs)
I wish anyone but fucking Bioware would take a serious stab at it
Why not blush and giggle for me user?
>You can have a gay companions in New Vegas but can't romance them
The surge of referring to these threads as sissy white boy threads is more recent.
>Tfw I added an unnecessary "a" in the greentext
I need some sleep
Because everyone knows faggots have AIDS and die early
>The surge of referring to these threads as sissy white boy threads is more recent.
We need Madokaposter back to bully them back into the ground
P-post vocaroos...
>play sims 3
>have a house full of bros
>moodlets show that they find each other attractive even though I never had them do gay stuff to each other
that's called prison gay brah
>tfw heart started beating more quickly after reading this
>tfw after indulging in this stupid fucking addiction my laughing has become more high pitched and I can't help but pose in stupid feminine ways
That's so cute user. Save it for that one guy who'll cherish you and your mannerisms
>tfw no sissy boy to bully and take with you on a girls night out
Why must you remind me of this.
Jaal x M!Ryder was good. Of course Jaal is probably ugly to most, the male path was an afterthought and MEA is terrible, but the romance was the best gay BW romance as of yet.
I-I want this more than anything! Just to be treated like one of the girls...
anime is totally for straight people!
>play VN to get bullied by a cute boy
>almost enjoy bulling the other boy more
I'm not gay though cause I literally only indulge when I feel cute which is only for a few hours a day but the effects have started showing up in other times.
Even nofap doesn't work, I just get blueballs if I have to spend time outside.
I don't really get this, why do girls like sissy white boys? I'm going to be moving in with one soon that likes me and I still don't get it. She said she'd help me try to find a boyfriend though, which sounds kinda nice.
Reminder that sissy white bois are made to be BLACKED.
Because you're like having a girl friend without the risk of actually having a girl friend
I don't follow. She also wants to date me but claims to be a lesbian if that's relevant.
many girls are catty cunts
you're a friend who will not be a catty cunt
Ah, gotcha.
>tfw no sissy roommate to play games with and cuddle
Where do you live, user?
What's up fatso
Samefagging pathetic faggot.
from personal experience, you can never trust a secret to a girl friend, unless of course its a best friend, having girl (male) to confide is great.
Not to mention to dress up together is pretty great
w-what are those sounds
Are you using a grapefruit?
stop spreading rumors about me ya cunt
you sound like a huge sissy desu
jokes on you, i like being called a faggot so i came when you said that.
>its a prison gay fap session
why does no one love me
I love you, user.
no way fag
How do you know we have this thread every single day? Sissy detected.
I colored that image, every time I've seen it posted it was for a user turn on your mic thread.
Is it now used to just make troll threads?
Is this the new healslut threads?
I loved those
May I see your cock please user?
>mfw it's always the same 15 benders circlejerking in these threads
I wouldn't be surprised if there was some discord where these faggots plot to raid Sup Forums.
>this tranny again
Hey, it's you again. I'm the OP of the original thread (and this one too).
They seem to only raid at like 3am when no one is awake so they aren't doing a very good job
What do you seek to gain from pretending to be gay? Are you really that desperate for a sense of being included in something that you settled for the "pretending to be gay on Sup Forums" community?
Does anyone want to play video games together and eventually fall in love?
but that's lewd
Please? I'll show you mine if you want, or my rear.
There is, they do the same shit on r9k.
One can only pray their death from hiv is excruciating.
Alistair isn't an option for gay romance. Zevran is.
Leliana is the gay option for girls.
What's up. These threads seem to get deleted pretty fast
Im a sissy white male made to be BLACKED
Where do I sign up?
Yes, that's what you're doing. Why.
What games?
I wanna get blacked too...
Where da sissies at?
Niggers are gross, don't do it Anons!
Really depends on the games
Why are you so mean...
>tfw people are taking """irony""" so far they're acting like sissy white boys as a meme
i need a cute sissy bf