honest thoughts on Mercy from Overwatch?
Honest thoughts on Mercy from Overwatch?
Elijah Gonzalez
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Logan Baker
The rework was more than needed on this potg-ruining bitch
Blake Cruz
Retarded character for braindead people.
Jackson Stewart
100% true, prove me wrong boys
Mason Green
Crutch for bad teams.
Chase James
I have brown skin and the thought of tainting this white beauty gives me an eternal boner
Leo Robinson
medic was one of the funnest tf2 characters to play.
mercy is sort of like medic, but less satisfying because you can't survive 30 seconds if an enemy dps actually has a proper go at you, and every player is a retard who cant into support protection.
god i miss tf2.
Liam Howard
Is the worst support of every hero fps
Brandon Sanders
I want to impregnate and marry Angela Ziegler.
Elijah Wright
do you honestly think she'd want that?