Honest thoughts on Mercy from Overwatch?

honest thoughts on Mercy from Overwatch?

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The rework was more than needed on this potg-ruining bitch

Retarded character for braindead people.

100% true, prove me wrong boys

Crutch for bad teams.

I have brown skin and the thought of tainting this white beauty gives me an eternal boner

medic was one of the funnest tf2 characters to play.
mercy is sort of like medic, but less satisfying because you can't survive 30 seconds if an enemy dps actually has a proper go at you, and every player is a retard who cant into support protection.

god i miss tf2.

Is the worst support of every hero fps

I want to impregnate and marry Angela Ziegler.

do you honestly think she'd want that?

built for BBC

never understoon her appeal

-She's has a fucking overdesigned look
-Why the fuck does she have wings when Pharah uses a proper jatpack
-fucking medieval tabard and armor design on a high tech medic
-her hair looks like a lego piece put on her
-her whole body is covered on 5 inch thick plastic with only maybe her modest breasts being her only sexual traits yet people act like she's some huge sex symbol
-her face is the most generic copypaste face everyone in OW has

everybody like aryan girls

mercy is pretty ugly tho, all of the other girls in the game look better than her
she has a fucking triangular rat face and her outfit looks dumb and impractical

EVERY girl in Overwatch is S H I T


all the points in this post made me think

One of the worst character designs of any game I've played. Completely asinine gameplay with visual design that is way too on the nose.

>-Why the fuck does she have wings when Pharah uses a proper jetpack
>-fucking medieval tabard and armor design on a high tech medic
because priests are holy and angels are holy or someshit
I think she succeeds at looking like a futuristic angel even though she's meh

and her lego hair is just "we Pixar now" art style

froppy is CUTE

Bronzies are hilarious

Medic is just way more fun to play than any healer in OW

What is the WORST character design in Overwatch?

Yep, but aryan, so better

>join an 8ffa
>hog and two genjis teaming
>next round a mccree with no cooldown on stun nade runs around chainstunning people, never firing once
>go to 4s
>explosive spam ft the shimada clan
>try quick play
>just a bunch of fags griefing because we didn't pick the comp they wanted
>after playing an hour and a half finally get a good match
>it ends in 2 minutes
>realize how garbage this game has become and uninstall
I can't understand how they removed the fun so quickly from it

reaper, easily

She'd want to get married, but would keep Anons pathetic dicklet in chastity while she sought out the vastly superior and formidable breeding partners with BBC. After having her womb flooded with superior black seed over and over and over again she would end up with superior offspring while user would have to raise the child. Rinse and repeat.


>What is the WORST character design in Overwatch?
Probably Zarya. A lot of people are caricature representations of their supposed countries but a Russian bodybuilder girl with pink hair is a stretch across the ocean. She's not even voiced by a slav

Excellent cum dump

Hot tbqh

Doomfist for sure, what a fucking let down of a character. Generic African guy with a metal fist. I was expecting at least a cool african themed robot suit or a more edgy villain theme.

>I think she succeeds at looking like a futuristic angel

I think she just has no direction

her wings,halo,hair want to make her look like an angel but her whole armor/clothing has nothing angelic about it.

it's a very not subtle but not even "cheesy but cool" design

her character is literally "Russian girl who likes to weight lift"
followed by doomfist who is "Nigerian man with metalic fist"

I'm curious if the rework is good or not. On one hand it sounded good initially, but then apparently they nerfed the shit out of it. I have no idea if rework Mercy is better but with a higher skill ceiling to discourage shitters, or if she's just worthless in general.

This. They've not even bothered trying to make it look feminine.
It's almost as if they made the Russian rep a pink haired dyke just to annoy the Russians playing it.

>shitty design
>boring personality
>awful gameplay
>horrible to play against

Is Blizzard racist?


I think Doomfist looks fantastic, but I have a boner for that specific clashing aesthetic (Tribal/Primitive with future tech). He wouldn't be out of place in Turok.

You posted it.

Don't play overwatch but I know all the female characters from porn

They nerfed the shit out of it because it was broken. With Ana ult she could literally fly into the enemy team face first and shoot everyone down in seconds. It amplified her firing rate and strength, stacked with nano, granted her free fucking flight, infinite ammo, she also regenerates health nonstop, how the FUCK did anybody commit to that kind of rework.

Wouldn't be surprised if they realized they should release lower quality looking design as default and put all the better shit in event boxes.

It's time to end this meme.

Fuck off you generalfag/shill

Why are there not more girls like Mercy in games with blonde hair, blue eyes, and German as their primary language

how embarrasing

>flaccid while getting footrubbed by a girl with her bongers out
not even a footfag but is it possible to be this gay even in theory


She's a lot of fun to play but her voice, design, appearance, and story are all fucking stupid.

It would have been much cooler if the idea behind her was that she was a killbot designed by Talon to fight members of Overwatch, which explains why she would just rip off a lot of their abilities. It'd be cooler than some WE WUZ GENIUSES AND SHIT child and, if the Uprising skin is any indication, Orisa would have a better design. It'd also make an evil omnic, which the game lacks.

That is a terrible Tracer model.

Yeah but they didn't just remove her damage buff from her ult. they also nerfed a bunch of other shit like her activation range and cd. I could see it being the case where she was overpowered, so they nerfed her so hard she went back to being underpowered.

thank fuck for the rework

>kill her first
>by the time everyone else is dead she has enough time to respawn and rez anyway

The invincibility buff and the fact that they can use it from behind walls was just too fucking much

back to ddit please.

>how do we fix mercy

every patch blizzard every time you make a change you worry me more and more.

Kill yourself idiot, zenyatta takes more skill and is more fun.

you posted best costume

hey thanks for letting me know it was a character from overwatch I wouldn't have known if you hadn't specified that

Yeah but its the only overwatch porn webm i have that is under 3mb

This site is fucking garbage

She NEEDS more doomfistxmercy porn. It's practically begging to be made, that little pink swiss pussy has to be stretched out by a big strong African cock

all one trick carried shitters, will without fail wait a minute before we lose to speak up and start talking shit after being silent the entire match.
i would rather play with a gold ana than a "diamond" mercy


>tfw uninstalled this and DOTA a month ago
Feels good to be free

Yeah it is, feet look off and it looks like she has widowmakers eyes too. The fuck?

>that pic
Thanks for the free virus user

>-She's has a fucking overdesigned look

you just described everyone in overwatch

Nuns are hot

that and her entire design makes her hips HUGE

>press E
>press SHIFT
>hold LMB until you die or get ult then die

unless you are one of those special snowflake streamers who have another healer pocketing them 24/7 so they can show off their cool charging balls dps zenyatta plays.

Not making Pharmercy canon was a mistake.

How long do you think it would take to convert Angela Ziegler into a mind-broken slave to big black cock?

Would it be after entire days of her being passed around, constantly having her tight, hot, wet pussy pulverized by massive black members? Would it take binding her immobile and helpless while every orifice in her body was stuffed full of throbbing nubian cock, pumping load after load of thick African seed into her ass, womb and throat? How she would cry and beg her masters to use other parts of her broken body to grant her temporary reprieve from the relentless fucking she was enduring? Forced down onto the ground, kneeling on cold concrete, cum pooling beneath her tortured ass and pussy, she would take turns stroking and sucking every fat black cock that surrounded her before they would grow impatient, gripping her by the hair and forcing her down onto their cocks each in turn, fucking their way down her throat so hard she couldn't even take time to gag or breathe, her face turning blue and her eyes bloodshot as shewas forced to swallow so much cum her flat, athletic stomach began to swell ever so subtly.

Then abruptly they all got up and left, leaving doctor Ziegler a shattered, cum splattered mess on the floor. The only thing going through her dazed mind as her body ached and throbbed from the pain, humiliation and forced pleasures was where she could get more.

gameplay wise, everyone is shit, except for mccree and widowmaker

aesthetically - nothing comes close to orisa
especially in movement

you arent free if you are still here

uninstalling is easy
not reinstalling is hard

Doomfist is gay

ok but how does doomfist keep his balance with a big-ass metal robot arm and no counterweight? that's what I want to know

He stuffs his free arm elbow deep in Mercy's ass and uses her as a second fist weapon
Where in my post did I mention doomfist

He's the only African in that universe

Then she cloned a bunch of doomfists using nanomachines and brainwashed them into fucking her till near death. Does this fit the canon now?

>Remove switching to the gun
>Right click shoots, left click heals, some other button boosts
It's all they need to do. Even with a two weapon one-button switch to the next, it's a lot of fumbling and wasted time.


Egypt is in Africa you know.
That's not what I said either. It's geographically on the African continent. Also Orisa.

That's actually something about her I really disliked, the switching.

I can't remember her backstory, but didnt she kill like a bunch of people, or responsible for a lot of death in her past?

I can't see her as sexy.

I want to marry Lucie Pohl

I hate her, every time i see her i go monkey or tracer and bully her, sometimes it results and she leaves the match or go lucio, it feels great
fuck you mercy

worried me for a second cause im retarded

BBC bait

Why would I ever actually want to use the gun on this character over the healing ray, or the damage boost ray if everyone is fully healed?
Outside of situations that you shouldn't be in in the first place, e.g. by yourself with no one to fly to or being with a team so terrible that shooting yourself will get more damage done than a damage boosted ally.

I must impregnate Witch Mercy

I played this game for a week at launch but apparently its still mostly the same game so when the only person(s) nearby is/are
>lucio (unless good)
>the average overwatch player
>genji (unless good)
you should use your pistol because they can't hit things far away

How can you be a virgin slut?

being a slut is a state of both the mind and the body which makes the virgin slut all the more embarassing to be since nobody wants the latter so virgin sluts just erp with men rubbing their sweaty bodies in their neet cave

Whilst her design is straight-forward, it gets the job done. She goes from dark, earth colours to light, heavenly colours which lead to the core parts of the design (halo and wings). Every inch of her besides her face is covered like most holy people and I assume the structure is so that she looks good when she is flying around. No need to be salty about a character you do not like.