Mary Sues in Video Games

>People tell me Altair from the first Assassin's Creed isn't a mary sue
>He's the top graduate at the Sonic military Academy, yet acts like a petulant child with no discipline

That part of have him should have been beaten out of him a long time ago.

Unless you think Anakin from the prequels is a good character, then this character is some mary sue bullshit.

Go back to pol.

Are you posting in the right place?

Stop trying to bump your own thread by pretending to be retarded OP.

Altair actually isn't good at his job. He gets sent off to be the errand bitch boy for Malik strictly because he isn't good at his job. He has a lot of POTENTIAL, but he fails a lot and gets a lot of people killed because he's too trusting or just not good enough.

To put it into perspective, Ezio was as good as Altair ever was by the end of his first game, at which point Ezio is like 26. Altair lived into his 80s or 90s.

Though, a lot of that is because Al-Mualism purposely trained him wrong, as a joke.

That isn't even what a Mary Sue is. What are you even talking about

The biggest Mary Sue is Assassins Creed is either Ezio or Evie

The second Animus has better technology than the first, they even comment on the characters speaking their proper languages when inside it in the game itself. Hell, by the 4th game the protag's voice is being altered in realtime to be less of a Welsh clusterfuck.
Stop grasping at straws

>That part of have him should have been beaten out of him a long time ago.
user, that LITERALLY happens the first time you get to the Assasin's HQ.In fact the whole game is about him getting humbled by having to regain his reputation from scratch.

>Unless you think Anakin from the prequels is a good character, then this character is some mary sue bullshit.
Anakin has issues as character, but being a gary stu isn not one and it has no relationship or relevance with this case.

>It's a "Sup Forums is using words wrong because they think it helps their argument" episode

>has a lot of potential
>despite fucking up a lot

Those aren't exclusive things
Do you know what potential means, user?

Altair had a great reputation until Al-Mualim set him up to fail and kept leading him on to let down the order and allow people to keep fucking dying. He was Al-Mualim's little bitch boy the whole time, because Al-Mualim knows he's capable but also has enough easily manipulated flaws to make him easily controlled.

do you know what potential is?

His character flaws literally kick-start the whole plot. The very first thing we see Altair do is fail his task because he's a stubborn gloryhound. The entire story of the game is about him being called out for his shortcomings and having to work his way back up the ladder and having to apologise to those he failed, even though it hurts his pride.

Do you even know what a Mary Sue is?

>He becomes the best assassin
>Starts getting proud from being the best
>Others are afraid to criticise him since he's the best
>He finally gets punished and depromoted for being a proud, arrogant faggot
Literally the whole first AC is about him learning on his mistakes and becoming a better person and a better assassin. That's the opposite of Mary Sue, Mary Sues are supposed to be ridiculously flawless from the beginning

Anakin wasn't a mary sue tho.

like fucking Ezio
>hurr durr parents die
>hurr now im a pro assassins with almost no training just because i put on my fathers assassin outfit


did you miss the literal years-long timeskips of training with papa mario?

This is why I like Connor you see him train into being an assassin and even when he finally gets the robes he still needs to learn

>yet acts like a petulant child with no discipline

You would too if everyone would pretend they are better than you when you are the proven BEST and the ONLY mistake you've made was caused by someone else who reached out to you causing your lose balance when you were about to go for the kill.

Obviously you didn't did all the information gathering missions.
If you do so the attitude of the guys you have to respond to in the Assassin's Creed hideouts change and Altair calls them out for wasting his time doing all that "relearn the Assassin's way" bullshit which he already knows.
The real development was when he started questioning Al Mualim.

that fuck has ruined everything
Altair could have easily assassinated that french guy if not for that faggot partner pulling him away and revealing their location by shouting

>He's the top graduate at the Sonic military Academy, yet acts like a petulant child with no discipline

Young people with a lot of talent are often like that

>be scum bag piece of shit pirate
>get assassins robes
>instantly know the ways of the creed

I like how I managed to single-handedly take over entire fortresses as teenage Connor.

Aside from the use of the hidden blade, all of his skills are justified by his time as a dickass pirate.

To be honest all the side tasks are stated to be memories which surely happened, but the time in which they've happened is unspecified, so "actually" he probably went for them much later. Still it looked dumb, especially that if I remember correctly he was hanging the American flag over them even before the revolution actually began

Edward never became a full Assassin though, did he? He sort of agreed with some of their views and helped them a bit, but he was always too greedy. He and the Assassins just had a common enemy.

The assassins in assassins creed are mary sues by default

At the end of the game he became an assassin to redeem his sins of being a greedy bastard

The ways of the creed literally stopped existing by the time of Kenway. Kenway and Kidd basically reformed it.

Kenway is just personally a god

Unity > Syndicate

I liked Unity better because of its multiplayer, but I liked Syndicate better for its setting and those side-stories with Jack the Ripper and later Evie's descendant in WW1.

Jesus, is Syndicate really that bad?

nigger what, Conner is literally the most Mary Sue of all, taking on soldiers as a child
atleast Altair and Ezio had a character arc, all Connor had was CHARLES LEE

Will he be a good protagonist Sup Forums?

I wouldn't necessarily say that Syndicate was bad. It was very different. It's maybe what I imagine a Grand Theft Auto or Mafia game set in 1860s London would be like. The combat also feels really over-the-too and cartoonish.

Above the Fyre Twins below Kenway

Sorry. Typo.

it doesnt really matter, you will never be able to discuss this game on this site

He doesn't seem bland like Connor so thats a plus

I swear I must be the only guy who didn't think Connor was bland. I liked him, he was just dedicated and serious with a strong sense of justice and the growing realisation that he has almost no real allies. Too many of the protagonists are the fun loving rogue type.

I'm honestly curious how they're going to introduce the conflict between the Assassins and the Templars, considering that the Assassins and the Templars were actual organizations in real world history that really fought against each other during the Crusades and Origins will be set over 1,000 years before the Crusades.

I'm also a bit disappointed that they didn't go for an earlier point in Egyptian history, like maybe the Old Kingdom, Early Dynastic, or even Proto-Dynastic period. But I guess there's just more to information to work with in the Ptolemaic Kingdom than those earlier periods. One of the earlier pieces of concept art that I saw for this game even depicted the construction of the Great Pyramids, suggesting an Old Kingdom setting.

>Too many of the protagonists are the fun loving rogue type
Are you retarded?

>Arno in between his bouts of being a massive stick in the mud

I assume the conflict will just be between two forces with the same world views who will leave some sort of memento bullshit for the Templar v Assassin shit. Honestly, it should have all started with the Assassins v Templar war and never gone before that. It raises a lot of questions.

Ezio has his entire family murdered, spends his youth training for revenge after furiously murdering the fall guy for revenge, takes on the responsibility of rebuilding and heading an ancient clandestine order all while never being able to show his face in public his entire adult life.
The few times he does show joy its a solemn reminder of the childhood he left behind him.

Yeah, no, you're clutching at straws. Guy spends 80% of the campaign wandering around being goofy. It's not bad, Ezio is a great character, but I didn't want every protagonist to be Ezio 2.0.

I suppose it was only inevitable. How many companies are making historical fiction, action-and-adventure, third person, open world video games? Who else could make such a video game set in Ancient Egypt--er, or, rather, in this case: Egypt during classical antiquity?

I've actually seen a few decent threads about Assassin's Creed: Origina on here, but, yeah, it almost always devolved into shitposting about how much Ubisoft sucks, how casual the Assassin's Creed series is, and some more bullshit about SJWs taking over the video game industry with WE WUZ KANGS, etc.

>ac mary sue thread
>no mention of elise
I know it had a botched launch but surely someone else played unity. The whole plot is either A. elise is on screen calling the shots and being perfect or B. arno is asking "where's elise"

>If you do so the attitude of the guys you have to respond to in the Assassin's Creed hideouts change and Altair calls them out for wasting his time doing all that "relearn the Assassin's way" bullshit which he already knows.
Really? That's awesome

>Al-Mualism purposely trained him wrong as a joke
Is this is a Kung Pow reference or if this is true

Well, these two were pretty much attempts to recreate Ezio so that was bound to happen. At least Ezio and Edward were their own characters.

Why was Arno all over the place, though? He's a very confusing character.

We have to remember that there was that statue of an Egyptian gal in that underground chamber that contained the Armor of Altaïr back in AC2, so Egypt isn't as out of nowhere as it would seem.

Anakin never was Gary stu though

>I'm also a bit disappointed that they didn't go for an earlier point in Egyptian history, like maybe the Old Kingdom, Early Dynastic, or even Proto-Dynastic period. But I guess there's just more to information to work with in the Ptolemaic Kingdom than those earlier periods. One of the earlier pieces of concept art that I saw for this game even depicted the construction of the Great Pyramids, suggesting an Old Kingdom setting.
Fucking this. It's a waste of the egyptian setting. Just like Brotherhood wasted Rome in the Renaciment and not the empire

Altair is steps away from being stupid enough to wear the squeaky shoes Al-Mualim probably keeps in his desk.

Who knows? Maybe if Origins does well enough they'll see people dig the Ancient History setting and do Greece or Rome.

Seems like they had a lot of ideas on where to take him and ended up mixing and matching. I think it would have been better if he was sort of like another Shay in terms of character development, which would be fitting since Shay ruined his life. He seemed to dislike the order and it's way of handling things, and he had deep connections to the good-ish templars, and yet he ultimately keeps switching back between "woe is me and my love interest" and "what ho, cocky banter with the only likable assassin in the game" with no real direction.

It's more the fact that they call themselves "Assassins and Templars" and keep stating that they trace their roots back to that war. Yet it turns out both orders were formed beforehand. I guess they're going to handwave it with "those names sound cooler" or some shit.

This is a company that took one of the murkiest and most interesting times in history, the French Revolution, and dropped the ball so hard that actual historians called it a train wreck. Even if they chose the correct time periods, they have a tendency to mutate their games into something that doesn't fit anymore.

>animus lets you view ancestor's memories
>can't see what Desmond's dad was up to
This plot hole is almost as big as the hole this series was produced by

>and dropped the ball so hard that actual historians called it a train wreck

You only see the people's memory up when they have offspring.

I don't expect any history lesson, but it is kinda stupid to set a game in Rome but in a time when all you have is the same monuments and ruins you can see today. Or in an Egypt when the piramids are already 10000 years old and the gods everybody knows are long forgotten


Because you get the memories of what he did BEFORE he has a child as the memories get imprinted in the DNA and said get passed to the sperm.


I dind't play anything past Brotherhood, but what about the two characters in Syndicate? How does it work? He's a direct descendant of both? They are brother and sister, right? Should I stop fapping?

You should be fapping harder.

You realize it only records memories till the time of sex that results in the child right?

Asscreed main character ranking

>God tier:
Edward Kenway

>Good tier:
Haytham Kenway

>Meh tier:
Evie Frye
Shay Cormac

>Shit tier:

>U fokin wut m8 tier:

>JUST tier:
Desmond Miles

You stop saying stupid shit like "muh Nubians" and I will.


Jesus fucking Christ. You are absolutely right, that's pretty much the whole game. Even the Dead Kings shit was just Arno seeing Elise everywhere and being 100% broody.

>I guess they're going to handwave it with "those names sound cooler" or some shit.
I'm gonna go ahead and guess that it's due to there being many splinter groups in both factions in those early years. Then, the Assassins and the Templars end up becoming the dominating groups of their respective factions and has lasted throughout the centuries. AC 2 onwards showed that a lot of internal conflicts arose within the Templar faction and no doubt the same happened in the Assassins too.


I vaguely remember them saying he was suppose to be a mix of Altair and Ezio before unity released.

>Bad guy running towards what looks like a dead end
>Arno tells Elise to help get the rubble of him so he can help.
>charges at the bad guy like a retard and gets killed so Arno can be sad and fully dedicated to the order.

Wondering how this is gonna be the 'start' of the Assassin order if it's set after the death of Caesar, when Brotherhood already said Brutus was an Assassin.

>acts like a petulant child

Gee, almost sounds like a character flaw. One the game deals with directly.

Do you know what a Mary Sue is?

"Fuck it" - Ubisoft

Do you guys think we'll ever get multiplayer in an AC game again? Unity was the last one I played and it was really shit, but playing it with a few friends made it somewhat fun. I heard they dropped it in Syndicate

>Unity's launch was so bad they released the dlc for free.

Most fun I had in that game were the murder mysterys. Kind of took away from it though when you realise you're only penalty for accusing the wrong suspect was less money.

But you meet Julius in the game. Can be seen in the trailer and the devs already confirmed it.


Most people don't know anything about those periods but those monuments and the like. It's just convenience. Like how every panning shot of a city has to include the one thing it's known for so people can go "Oh right, that."

Wait, what? But I thought it was set in like 20-something AD
Julius was long dead by then.

Altair has the best design at least

Is 4 worth getting? I really liked the ship combat in 3.

A shame what they did to the outfit in ACIII.

It's set during Cleopatra's rise. Her brother is still alive and is likely in cahoots with the proto-Templars, probably will end up being one of the bigger targets that you take down.

He was the best at killing, but he was a coky motherfucker who thought himself untouchable because of it so he just walked to the enemy's face and gloated about it.

Naturall he got demoted the fuck out the INSTANT his stupid attitude backfired on him, he would have been outright executed if not for his already mentioned skill.

google says it's taking place in 49 B.C.

Then you'll love 4.

It's the ship combat of 3, but better. Get it. I would pay for a game that is just the ship-combat from Black Flag.

Huh, fair enough. My mistake then.

I remember seeing a statue in, I think, Assassin's Creed II and/or one of its expansions/spin-offs/sequels of an Assassin who supposedly killed Alexander the Great. And Alexander the Great died roughly 300 years before Assassin's Creed: Origins is set. So, er, yeah. Not exactly sure why they decided to call this sequel "Origins".

The only things that sucked about ship combat in 4 were the inability to load different ammo types which you could do in 3, the inability to sail different ships even though they cocktease you with that hug Man o War in one mission, and no multiplayer naval combat even though they fucking said they would do that before release.


True, but those could be improved in a game focused entirely on the sailing mechanic.