Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, user?

Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, user?

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I'm muslim, so no.

He was a cool guy though.

She's cute as fuck but Christianity is a cucks religion. Paganism or bust.


Sluts like her know Christianity is cucked and God will forgive her for sucking all those dicks.

imagine if they reversed Kate and Victoria's personalities and Kate was a Christian bully

explain how Christianity is a 'cuck' religion


Le turn the other cheek, that's a good goy, now pay the church

No. Modern-day Christianity is a mistake. Barely any Christians nowadays follow the actual teachings of Jesus Christ. They don't actually believe, they just pretend they do. If they really believed God existed and afterlife was real, they'd be out there, saving other people from eternal damnation and making the world a better place, instead of just living a vanilla life with a bit of church-going.

>God will forgive her for sucking all those dicks.

turn the other cheek doesn't mean subjugation, user
A Christian life is one of humility, not the sanctimonious arrogance you think it should be

he's gonna save us from the dajjal, habibi

It's not arrogance if you believe your friends will be eternally damned/left without God after death, and you know it so, so you feel driven to altruistically help them.
Mortal life is nothing. Any sacrifice is not too big. What comes after is everything.

If this is not your train of thought,
1) You are not a real Christian. You don't believe enough to do it all but you'll make justifications for your comfy life without sacrifice.

Christians do the most charity the world over

I haven't but I'll be nice to you and listen to your troubles for the low low price of being able to smell your farts.


This guy gets it. Christians just cherrypick the rules of Christianity they follow based on their own personal lifestyle.

>Mortal life is nothing. Any sacrifice is not too big. What comes after is everything.
Except Christianity isn't gnosticism and what you do in life matters. There are many allegories on goof faith bearing good fruit in the material world. Christianity is an engaged, practically religion; spirit and body are both important.

if i say yes will u be my gf

like you're doing now?


If people actually do this it will lead to extremism. Aka what's happening right now to muslims. The moderate ones are those who cherrypick.

>what you do in life matters.
Comparatively, of course. If I knew God existed and had to slave away in death camp mine shafts for 70 years straight, I would do it.
Since you're intentionally misinterpreting me and not bothering to respond to my post as a whole, I'll now stop responding.

Of course.

Read some Acts today.

>and had to slave away in death camp mine shafts for 70 years straight to get to heaven*

>intentionally misinterpreting me
Nice cop out. Let's not even allude to anything Jesus actually said just to make up some standards and call people hypocrites for no good reason.

>LiS threads consistently dies before it reaches a 100 posts
Nobody cares about your Tumblr game. And that's a good thing.


That's funny, because Hitler introduced the church tax in my country

Says the phoneposter

this, and thank God for that

Enjoy hell, heathen paedophile.

But that's completely false though, and you care so little that you probably contribute to every thread and even stick around for (you)'s

Hey at least we don't worship a dead corpse on a stick.

Ask Joseph

Why do guys even want to waifu her? Everyone here is a thirsty fuck and dating a girl like her would be a fucking nightmare of blue balls. You just know her mound is 1970's hairy as fuck too because "who ever sees it anyway?"

no u

Christianity is like the earliest form of globalization, cultural genocide and socialism, it's the very definition of cuckoldry.

At least Jesus didn't molest children

>You just know her mound is 1970's hairy as fuck too because "who ever sees it anyway?"
And that is bad because?

Kill yourself, goatfucker

Wait, you have internet in your bombed warzone that you call home?

user, i LOVE when i pull down a girls pants and im met with a full mound covered by soft hair, but it has to stay on the mound and NOT look like Samuel L Jackson's afro, going down the inner theighs and shit. I reckon Chloe would have pretty pubic hair, Max too. I reckon girls like Juliet and Rachel would have none, and Victoria would suprise with a neat blonde trim

Except he conquered death and ascended to heaven. Your false prophet is still dead.

But that would be haram, ya kaffir

It's pretty shit, but surprisingly yes
I would hardly consider wild & wonderful WV a warzone though

>very definition of cuckoldry

hmm no

>cultural genocide and socialism
there's literally nothing like that in Christianity.

>haha I said your religious figure was a dead person on an object lmao because get it, get it he died and he was on a cross, which is wood, so it's just a big stick aaaaaahahahahahahaaa *snort* haaabahaha *SNORT*
Truly a master memelord.

>cultural genocide
how do you 'genocide' culture? Culture is just taste and aesthetics and it's completely mutable. Marxism has addled your mind, user

He is right though, that sounds quite absurd and even a little obscene.

this game is such shit. it's got a lot of lesbian pandering too, which can be hot, don't get me wrong, but not when it's two cunts spewing "rad" and "hella"

like for example how did all these pagan costumes end up in Catholicism?


Hmm... i like em! Yep.

Jesus is a revered prophet in your religion, if not the Word made flesh as believed by Christians. Even by your religion you are a blasphemer.

It's almost like its super retarded on all sides

Except he didn't die to us and it was someone else on the cross. The more you know.

are you gay? or into traps or futa, by any chance?

Then you miss the point entirely.
What point was the horrific sacrifice, looking upon a world at its absolute worst and most cruel and still deeming it worthy of saving, if Allah pulled a old-switcharoo?

I lead a Christian life, but I'm not Jesus Christ

>i like girls
>i like. Girls.
>i. Like. Girls.

I like girls user. Are you a feg?


Post more Kate.

>Cultural genocide
The religion was adopted entirely by Constantine in an attempt to homogenise Roman society which at the time had hundreds of customs and belief systems.

I could point to the obvious examples of Aztecs and Filipinos but enjoy a more recent example

Jesus was pretty clearly a socialist and advocated sharing with your common man and abstaining from excess. The fact the Church failed to adhere to those teachings doesn't change the core.

The entire reason Christianity became so popular with the Romans in the time of Nero is specifically because it appealed to the lower class.

>Le turn the other cheek

That phrase was coined by Gandhi and I don't think he was a Christian, Anonovich

Christianity is pretty cool religion, not extreme but not too passive. Perfect middle ground for most people

>Jesus was pretty clearly a socialist
Here we go lads.

As much I don't want to meme about this, Joseph literally was bringing up 'his wife's son'. Not to mention Mary was a virgin till her death, so he didn't even get any.

Also, whatever happened to him? He last appears when Jesus talks with scholars in a chapel and that's when Jesus was 12. After that, Joseph dissapears. Are there any articles or books that try to pinpoint his fate after that? besides JoJo's Bizzare Adventures Part 7

KYS Kate...

That's a pretty flawed argument you have there. Is religion totally separate from culture? There's plenty examples of nations splitting up because of religion - India/Pakistan and Ireland/N. Ireland to name a couple.

You have ideology mixed up with culture, user

No, you're just oversimplifying what culture is. If culture is the sum total of a people's ideas, traditions and customs manifested in their behaviour, language and ideas then religion (or lack of) is a key part of that.

>Not to mention Mary was a virgin till her death, so he didn't even get any.
Mary being a virgin is a translation mistake. Jesus' father was most likely some Roman occupant. Also the bible states that Jesus had siblings. I don't know however if it is mentioned, who their father(s) is/are.

To blame either entirely on religion is too simple, you could just as easily claim India/Pakistan is about an ethnic tension and the troubles were about governance.
Wars happen for multiple complex reasons, even the Aztec human sacrifice has a pragmatic agenda of terrifying its neighboring powers with dire threats for anyone who resisted.

have you accepted my dick in your ass, slut?

>Mary wasn't a virgin

You are threading on mighty thin ice, denying dogmas of faith like that.

shit give muhammad a break, its his culture

76 posts and counting, my dude.

Ofcourse it's not entirely because of religion - I'm just pointing out that religion was indeed a tool used to dilute and conquer cultures. The Spanish and the Arabs both used it constantly and now a lot of the countries they conquered are indistinguishable from eachother.

i dmiss bo2 with the bros


>Not being a shintoist

Wait, are you being serious?

>That phrase was coined by Gandhi

jesus christ, user

Nah, that's what you're doing. 'Sum total of people's ideas'; you're turning it into something completely nebulous, user. You can't get more simplistic than a loosely defined deterministic view.
There are principles that influence cultural trends, like economic philosophies and the like, but culture itself is just aesthetics and taste which are always changing.

>tfw youll never be tempted to sway from the side of the lord by unholy thickness


I would punch her V-Card, if you know what I mean

That is a hella rad ship dude

What game?

>Not to mention Mary was a virgin till her death
Then where did Jesus' younger siblings come from?


>cinnamon roll with icing on top

i get it

in the name of the todder, the todd, and the holy toddit, may you bless this thread with bountiful preorders. skyrim

I bought the pre-quel and still haven't played. Is she in the game?

Stop your heresy, I'm serious here. You will burn in Hell for this shit.

>It's the summary of the entire first game, really

>If people actually do this it will lead to extremism. Aka what's happening right now in places like Africa where secularism is kill

I didn't know wolfshiem browsed Sup Forums


The Gospel of Mark 6:3 and the Gospel of Matthew 13:55-56 state that James, Joses (or Joseph), Jude, and Simon were the brothers of Jesus, the son of Mary. The same verses also mention unnamed sisters of Jesus. Another verse in the Epistle to the Galatians 1:19 mentions seeing James, "the Lord's brother", and none other of the apostles except Peter, when Paul went to Jerusalem after his conversion. The "brothers of the Lord" are also mentioned, alongside (but separate from) Cephas and the apostles in 1 Corinthians 9:5, in which it is mentioned that they had wives. Some scholars claim that Jesus' relatives may have held positions of authority in the Jerusalem area until Trajan excluded Jews from the new city that he built on its ruins.[7]

I'm a preacher's kid. Plus, I've already died technically. I think I'll be okay