I guess pirates won't be playing new South Park game after all.
New South Park uses Denuvo
>implying it won't be cracked within a week
I've spent all day playing games with Denuvo.
I didn't buy a single one of them.
Looking forward to Warhammer Total War 2.
what a shock
pirate it after a week.
It will be cracked within the month.
Literally every latest update to Denuvo has been cracked within a handful of days.
Yeah, just like how pirates won't be playing Sonic Mania, am I right?
Finally we reach a point where everyone is happy
>Companies happy the DRM has been lasting for the most part 5-7 days
>Pirates have to wait a couple days but eventually get the game for free
>Yeah, just like how pirates won't be playing Sonic Mania, am I right?
Yeah, they weren't
For literally 5 days.
Pick one
Why do they keep on bothering with Denuvo? It's not doing anything to squash piracy, or improve sales. Its fishy as fuck
Denuvo is the hardest difficulty slider.
>investor: I read an article on the internet that said piracy is costing developer billions of dollars, you need to remedy this or i walk with my cash
follow the money
Poorfags btfo
5 days? In Autism time? Might as well be a life sentence.
>uplay ontop of denuvo
no game deserves this
I haven't played even the previous one though.
So it's going to get cracked in 2 days?
>Uplay account
>wait 5 days till its cracked
I pick the 5 days.
>requires uplay
Why? What could they possibly need to do that'd require uplay on top of steam?
It's an Ubisoft game so they like to push their shit platform.
Will it even be worth pirating? The first one was a novelty, but it really wore out its welcome...
Denuvo is not my problem, uplay is.
Ty for reminding me I need to watch RHPS again, I've started forgetting lyrics again and need a review. If I can't start spontaneously singing it on a whim, it's been too long since I watched.
I fucking hate Denuvo, the only people it hurts is paying customers
Denuvo should be your problem considering every game that uses it is under threat of becoming unplayable. uPlay is too but I'd say Denuvo (created by the people behind SecuROM, which was incredibly successful and was abandoned after 6 years) should be the larger concern here.
I'm more concerned about Uplay.
I dont even give a fuck about Denuvo, it require fucking Ushit to play which mean they literally dont want my money.
I literally cannot play Anno 2077 because of Uplay unless I repurchase it.
The number of Denuvo games that are unplayable is zero.
>Stick of Truth
>Developed by Obsidian
>Fractured But Whole
>Developed by Ubisoft San Francisco
happy to help
Wanted to buy that game day 1 too, why do companies think DRM works?
Wasn't planning on buying Obsiditrash to begin with ^__________^
The number of Denuvo games that are unplayable are zero. Right now. When they don't pay their AWS bill and those 30 day authentication tickets expire? A good portion of AAA games from 2014-2017 (and many to come in the future) will be fucked and you'll need to either forge the authentication ticket using a Denuvo emulator or crack the game entirely.
>Ubisoft SF
God damnit, they had obsidian do the first one why not keep them?
I'm not sure how much I care about it in general, probably wait on a big sale for it anyway. The first one was a lot of fun though, so I dunno, we will see.
Why does everybody like Tim Carrey in RHPS but hate trannies on here and label them as mentally ill?
2 days is the average time before crack....
really makes me afraid that I won't be playing it.
Uplay is shit. i love getting emails every week reporting suspicious activity on my account asking me to change my password because some russian wants to play FarCry3 which is the only shit i have on there.
You don't fucking say?! Boy, if only we knew about this only a few months after they announced it and bitched about it then, that would of showed them!
The point is that we did, and people did bitch back then. Ubicuck just doesn't listen, there's a reason they still use Uplay as well.
So the only right solution is to not buy it?
Anyone else looking forward to play as a Nigger Tranny?
denuvo is like the dark souls of anti piracy. also you guys realize that not only is pirating illegal but the police will show up at your door if you do it. no joke a dude at my college pirated a tiny 500 mb platformer and got expelled. dont risk it, Sup Forumsbros
Pretty much, Denuvo has fallen and it's not going to get back up any time soon.
>this game looks like shit and has a black character(I dont like niggers in my games)
>im just going to pirate it
>yfw you have never used uplay in your life
>Denuvo DRM
>Made by literal kikes
lmao Sup Forums faggots will still buy it
is this the daily /thievesgeneral/ ?
Kill yourself
>south park
She is kinda cute.
piracy isn't stealing
Faggot faggot denuvo keep out of my dangans, I don't want those 30 shekels to go to waste on 26th
south park is not funny
Not buying it my friend!
>taking away customization options and forcing people to play as a nigger on higher difficulties because le social commentary
Looks like something SJWs would do to me.
That normal map looks off.
that "difficulty" slider is a joke
you are stupid?
i'd still pirate it even if the game looks fine and had nothing but black characters
Yeah I'm actually in the fuck Uplay boat. In fact I'm just not touching another Ubisoft game period. They've consistently had shitty releases laden with bugs shit. Uplay is horrible, AND ... I have no way to play Blood Dragon because no one has seen fit to make it work with anything beyond windows 7. Which is fucking inexcusable.
The idea that black people have it harder for any reasons that aren't their own fault is a joke
>playing ubisoft's south park
with or without denuvo, the answer is no friendo
Because people don't like Tim Curry for being a tranny in the film, they like him because he's Tim Curry.
Because Tim Carrey is an actor, and as such pretend to be a character that happen to be a very masculine and very stereotypical tranny.
Trannies here are just troubled people, for they seek everyone attention with this rather than considering it as a personal life choice.
Not seeing the difference between the two is like not seeing the difference between a game and real life : it's an omen of insanity, being associated to school shooters and the likes.
>trannie 4th graders
yeah i'll pass this time
>buying ubisoft games
Hell, I would even buy since I really liked Stick of Truth, but ubishit blocked my uplay account with all my games and their customer support screw me over, so fuck you, pirating it is
Sauce me user
its a funny thought, when you over think it, its not funny
uplay? more like ucantplay
If it has denuvo I guess I will be pirating it.
Depends if the writers are on their red pill this week. It could be funny enough to make Sup Forums giggle the whole time, or it could be a boring trainwreck of one single joke ran into the ground over and over.
I guess everybody won't be playing new South Park game after all.
Developers are so salty about the thought of someone not paying for their game that they'd pay more to prevent it
Alienating tons of players regardless of the time they'd buy it is worth a few more sales the first week
Pick your poison, or take the middle ground. The truth is probably that Denuvo makes for good optics on the investor end without impacting sales too strongly in either direction.
>implying I wanted that shit
South Park stopped being funny a while ago
Uplay is literally, unironically and objectively the most benign of the DRM platforms, lads.
>clear design
>no facebook shit
>just works
It literally given you the context of a redneck fight early on, and the counselor being confused as hell on you being canonically a normal boy in Stick of Truth.
>just works
It's not.
Works on my machine ;)
>dedicate the new season to attacking a guy who won presidency in an electoral landslide
>use denuvo on latest game
Stick a fork in them.
Couldn't you do that in the last game?
>3 fucking DRMs
That's why Token was funny. Not only is his name Token Black, as he is (was?) the only black kid in South Park, but his family is the richest.
how wrong can one post be
Denuvo has been seriously broken by three crackers who have been able to crack every important Denuvo game, but until we get day 1 cracks, publishers aren't going to stop using it.
>won in an 'electoral landslide'
Sup Forumstards really are this drunk on their own kool-aid, aren't they?
I bet he'd get really butthurt if I reminded him his retard manchild god-king lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. In any reasonable democratic fashion, that's a loser.
The difficulty doesn't actually change though. It just says it is.
>Depends if the writers are on their red pill this week. It could be funny enough to make Sup Forums giggle the whole time,
You're hilariously naive.
>or it could be a boring trainwreck of one single joke ran into the ground over and over.
So, Sup Forums.
If they censor it again, and anyone actually buys it.
They are cucks.
I thought Trey and Parker write most of it.
the only fractured but whole here are the consumer's
Shit, I fucked up. Looks like another thread I have to pretend never happened.
Nobody was going to buy this anyways since its racist towards whites
It would be pretty funny to watch the reviewers have to pick between virtue signaling with having a black character and wanting to blow through the game with a white character because it's easy.
I predict that we won't ever see a black character in any of the video reviews. Just white and and lightly tan characters.
No, within 6 months.
It's just so good that we finally have these measures in order to make a financially successful game that will allow us to make a sequel. Oh wait.
>late 2017
Thanks in advance, CPY!