Name a more kino moment in video game history

Name a more kino moment in video game history

Oh wait, you can't

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>Soulsfags are this easy to impress

You guys need to shut the fuck up about this already. Yes it's great same with orphan of kosm but give it a rest please.

How do I defeat him? How do I dodge his lunge attacks? I am trying to defeat him in offline mode NG+7 lvl251

Do you mean in first phase when he jumps up?


Yes it fucking annoying! Is there a timing to that shit?

If they had kept the babys model getting rekt then it would be.
>yfw 14 seconds mark

When you enter the kiln and Gwyn charges at you with that piano track.

Iirc the blood drops just before he lands. It is a bit tricky timing wise but you need to dodge sometime after the blood drops. You could also try the orphan strat where you roll in one dorection then immediately roll in the other.

I'll just leave this here.

Even more kino moment in Dark Souls 3
When Soul of Cinder gets the 2nd health bar and Gwyn's theme kicks in

That was cool and all, but the Soul of Cinder is not nearly as cool as Ludwig.

>Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt

Hahaha get it?? :D Because Sony games are all movies XDD

Fuck what was probably censorship. Imagine how memorable the fight would have been like this?

You just shot Delta!

I still have no idea what the fuck this chunk of meat is supposed to be but it looks ridiculous.


Mutant horse man

Ludwig from Bloodborne.

Why do Burgers think using the German word for cinema is fancy?


Seems kind of relevant, is it a good idea to play the whole game with just the Saw Cleaver?

I went through it almost entirely with the threaded cane, so you'll probably be fine

Saw Spear is better. It's in the sewers.

Yeah. It's my trust weapon.

As far as I know, you can pretty much stick with one weapon for the entire game. Just have the Saw Cleaver be your fast weapon and have a heavier weapon for when you need it. You don't need to worry about being weighed down with multiple weapons in BB.

literally all weapons are viable for the whole game. certain short ranged weapons will make you suffer with some bosses but that´s pretty much it
Saw Cleaver has bonus damage against beasts and the short form consumes very little stamina, so you are good to go

I mainly used the Saw Cleaver and had the Kirkhammer as a back-up. They're both great weapons.

was going to post this, that finale still has to be beat

Saw Spear counts as serrated in both tricked and untricked mode, which is +30% against beasties. The R2 is also a thrust. It's the best weapon.

Saw Cleaver is second best.

Ludwig's Holy Blade is third (for PVE. It breaks poise easy, staggers 90% of all enemies, and the hitbox for the swings lets you hit tons of bosses at angles you shouldn't be able to).

I use Saw Cleaver for my main and LHB as my secondary. I wish I knew the Saw Spear was good, but I barely have the upgrade materials to make it good. Thank fuck the weapons don't suck in this game, unlike DS.


If you're using your Cleaver untricked, it's serrated, so no big loss. The tricked mode is actually the shitty one for it.

Cleaver + Ludwigs will shit on the entire game.

50 Str with 25 Skill is all you need to stomp the fuck out of everyone.

Nier Automata is the ultimate work of art of gaming world so far, and it's ending was the most powerful gaming experience I have ever had.

Step up as many times as it takes! And remember, you've got us with you.

You wouldn't have played it if the main character wasn't so fucking hot though.

Only if that is the only reason it got enough attention for me to notice it.

SH1 opening alleyway
pause a second then dodge. you can get by completely on the i-frames. if there is blood dripping and he doesn't come down after a short pause then just start sprinting away somewhere.

>doll maker from america mcgee's alice the madness looking at a glowing popsicle
how is that a theater?


The opening to route C/D in Nier: Automata

>No. Not alone.

Whoops, didn't realize that had an asshole talking and ruinging the moment.

Does he fucking eat it?

What were those sounds? And there was 4 of them before the baby stopped crying, it sounded like he was squishing it limb by limb until it died.

Also I dunno if it was censorship, DeS had an army of zombie fetuses you had to slaughter, and Bloodborne had direct instructions given to the player to kill an invisible baby, plus the ability to kill a malformed baby and the poor woman that just gave birth to it. Having a baby get killed mid-fight wouldnt have been too different, especially if it was invisible (which makes sense for a half dragon, since Priscella could be invisible).

Unless Namco has tighter rules on Baby-killing than Sony does as a publisher.

>literally forgot to summon his magic sword until he's near death
What did he mean by this?


Actually a really good weapon. Enb did a low level run using just that

>Aye, raise your weapon, your teeth of steel, your blood-red voice... show me your power Arisen! Prove yourself worthy of what lies beyond my corpse! Show that you possess the strength to still my heart. The will to do it. The soul!

The player knocks the sword out of his back during the fight

Literally the best weapon in the game

One of the Bloodborne flaws desu, theres no real reason to ever use anything but saw cleaver unless youre going for fashion or are some normie fag that cant dodge and needs everything to stagger and not hit back, then theres the ludwig.

>it's another "im gonna use a word i think i know the meaning of but actually don't but it doesn't matter because im a burger and everyone around me uses this word the same way so it must be correct way of using it, right?" episode

He was a raving beast for the first half of the fight. At 50% hp he falls over and sword comes out of its sheath, causing him to remember who he was, which is why he can talk now, and his entire posture changes.

>first playthrough with blades of mercy
>try literally any other weapon in ng+ and it's 10x easier

Wow lol that looks realer than a real life orc

Bloodborne is KINO. Automata is LUDO.

Get it right.

And Who gets to go first? Who In Transistor

I can't think of one particular stand above kino moment in Pyre. The entire thing is just kinda very well executed instead of being really focused on the ending like the last two games.

youre right i cant

Most people didn't even realize who he was at first. Please stop