Jrpg or wrpg?

Jrpg or wrpg?
Which games have better combat?

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JRPG, let's be real here. I'd take cookie cutter turn based combat over some floaty aborted attempt at action combat

Wrpgs. The only good jrpg is dark souls and that is only because it is based of Wrpgs.

Depends on the game

Dark Souls isn't a JRPG, it's the 3D equivalent of games like Ghosts 'n Goblins.

It was developed in Tokyo user. It is a Japanese role playing game.

Depends on what I'm looking to play because these two genres ares so split apart from each other they're barely comparable.

I enjoy combat in western cRPGs more, but generally what said.
Also, comparing incredibly diverse genre based only on country of origin is retarded. At least narrow category a bit more.

Speaking solely from a genre perspective it's a WRPG.

Games like Grandia and even Valkyrie Profile make turn based combat a lot more interesting than just blending bad action gameplay with levels and stats. The JRPG equivalent of that shitty combat would be some real time ones like .hack and Radiata Stories.

Either can be good, most are horrible regardless.
Bravely Default isn't bad because its gameplay is uninspired, it's bad because the writing and graphics are nonsense and fuck ugly, respectively.
The Witcher 3 isn't because the gameplay is as basic as watered down as every other Action-Adventure title, it's bad because the writing for the majority of the game is a literary trainwreck. Oh and downgradegate.

There are bigger things at stake for "RPGs" than combat, or at least there should be. The problem is that lazy developers emphasize combat above all else, and then fail to even fucking deliver engaging combat. Hell, I'd be grateful if Action-Adventure games could even bother to have decent combat.

I don't mind turn based combat, as long as movement matters (think XCOM). Turn based combat where you just have 4 dudes in a line looking at another line of 4 dudes taking turns swinging at eachother is incredibly fucking boring.

If made in Japan = jRPG

If made in the West = wRPG

If a Western company made a game with identical gameplay to Dragon Quest it'd be a wRPG?

Turn based still remains to this day as the best combat system.

Modern W"RPG"s are a joke.

Yes. You are right it is based off Wrpgs but it is not a Wrpg.

It would be a weeaboo RPG.

Stop posting this ugly bitch

Grandia 2 is one of my favorite JRPGs and does turn based battles well.

>If a western company made a western role playing game, would it be a western role playing game?

Yes, because it was made in the west.

>witcher 3
fucking weebs


All Japanese games are weeb games if you are not Japanese

Why aren't more Western RPGs turn based?
Tabletop D&D pretty much invented turn based RPGs but all of its western derivatives are real-time.

I like both western and eastern games but I'd like to see more turn based from the west. Japan actually has a good mix of both styles.

I said stop

JRPG. There's no such thing as good WRPG.

I can't for the life of me remember the name of the fucking thing but it's from the makers of Gothic.
It's released next moth as a matter of fact and combines guns and technology with swords and sorcery from different timelines.
It looks to be shaping into a hot mess but if any of you know the one, laugh at it with me. Also wonder how it'll play.

remember when weeaboo didn't have a connotation warped by autism

RTwP is meant to simulate DnD

Western RPG's

This. Also, when the do action combat (Soulsborne, Kingdom Hearts) they do it much better than the west.

Japanese games can't be weeb. Period. Sudeki is a weeb game. Undertale is a weeb game. Japanese games are not. Now go kys.

Not really, it's been misused for years
Sounds like a bastardized Arcanum

You people are fucking morons.

Turn based combat even when shit at least tries to pretend it's its own genre of combat.

Action rpgs instead don't even try that and are plain "lol we're too lazy to make an actual action game so here's this shit game where you waggle your weapons till the enemy dies"

*Minotaur teleports behind your back
*Get's wiped out.

You fucking cunt.

america is trash with mechanics

I'll end it thus

Found the name, Elex.

That was before anime.

>Modern W"RPG"s are a joke.
True for AAA titles, but luckily so-called RPG Renaissance happened.
IIRC most of more or less decent modern JRPGs aren't AAA either.

This, it's amazing that system hasn't been copied, it's so much fucking fun. Grandia as a series is super dead so that system is ripe for the picking too. Just make some of the pre-rendered animations shorter or skippable and you've got a picture perfect JRPG battle system. Shame the game was so easy even on its hard mode, I would really liked to have grit my teeth trying to beat a genuinely hard boss in that battle system

Persona 5 and probably DQ XI are AAA and are some of the best JRPGs of the decade.

>Modern W"RPG
Divinity OS combat is better than anything in your weeb vagina eyes games.
Fucking smt4a fans, truly the cancer of the rpg genre

>nothing on lewds
Never played the series, how does it work?

#fe combat>persona 5 combat

Enjoy fucking Jonathan's ass in the axiom for eternity you antifa cunt.

The only AAA JRPGs are FF and maybe DQ, so the genre doesn't really have AAA problem. And I'm really glad that JRPGs are niche enough and we're getting plenty of great diverse games that don't try to appeal to normalfags.

But that's a fallacy.
Take a look at Darkest Dungeon, for instance.
Western visuals with jrpg combat, the best of both worlds.

That's because western devs are too occupied with cinematic presentation that they forget to make the design fair and readable. In western action games I have no idea what the fuck is up with the hit/hurtboxes and then the game drops a dozen enemies on you and they all chain AOEs that your evading move doesn't have enough distance or i-frames for.

>Go take a shit
>Make a sandwich
>Come back
>Fags are still dancing, singing and shit
>Better than Persona 5


*xylophone mashed violently in the background"

>jrpg combat
>wrpg combat
Well, not gonna say i'm surprised Sup Forums doesn't know shit about video games but this is a whole new level of being retarded.

Personally, I enjoy dungeon crawlers and action combat.
Where a game comes from matter not at all, what's important is that it's fun.

That said, why is this even a debate in the first place, both have their place and act like different genres anyway.

>that don't try to appeal to normalfags.
No instead they appeal to otaku
Shit like every game released by Compile Heart or games we'll never get hear like Omega Labyrinth. MeiQ, the hordes of DRPG that have come out in recent years.

And how any serious game gets fucked by either being outclassed by a Mobage or turning into a damn Mobage.
Matsuno story and design, Yoshida artwork, Platinum programming, Sakimoto music, all come together for the first time ever and it's a fucking mobage.

You'll be out of your mind if you think there isn't a cancer that's kill Japanese gaming like there is killing Western gaming.

ur cheeky little cunt i'll give you that

>mobages can't be good meme
The only problem they have is gacha. But try to tell me that, say, Granblue is a bad game.

Alright Sup Forums, favorite jrpg and wrpg?

SMT: Strange Journey
Fallout 1

Granblue is bad because it did terrible things to my dick.

Dark souls
Mount and blade

Granblue is good for porn and nothing else.

I think we can all agree there's nothing worse than real-time combat built around cooldowns.

Either dark souls or final fantasy tactics

Darkest Dungeon without a doubt

>SMT: Strange Journey
Game that ruined fanbase forever with simplification of law and chaos. From mainline only smt4f was worse

>Mobages can't be good
They're overwhelmingly bad
You raise Granblue I'll give you Justice Monsters 5
Or Breath of Fire 6
or Valkyrie Profile Anatomia
For every Rise of Mana there's 500 more Little Noah. And any ones that are successful use gaccha to pray on gambling addictions especially the ones that end up getting any kind of scene over here.

God knows how many card based games have taken to the damn sky from that region that always ends up folding.

And it's funny you use that "all Mobages are a problem" implication when the person I responded to implied "AAA" is a problem.

Same cancer, different region.

Final Fantasy 3
Age of Decadence

pls recommend me some games im dying

I wouldn't consider P5 AAA. Despite all acclaim, it's a pretty niche title.

>And I'm really glad that JRPGs are niche enough and we're getting plenty of great diverse games that don't try to appeal to normalfags.
And luckily now there is a wide arrange of niche WRPG titles too. Before the whole crowdfunding craze, cRPGs were dead for more than a decade.
What a good time to be alive.

You mean MMO or FF's ATB?

Fuck you. Strange Journey was a spinoff. It can be whatever it wants to be.

Nips also do action combat much better, as seen in the souls series and dragon's dogma
Western games make action combat feel unsatisfying as fuck

>IV is equal or better than Strange Journey
What are you smoking?

Can you give us an example?

>this kills the xenofag

Jrpgs. I have yet to play a wrpg as fun or challenging as KitN or Growlanser IV.

I know a few good games.
Depends how much money do you have?

Depends on the game. Turn based strategy can be nice, just as action combat can be. Of course the reverse is true where turn based can be stupidly easy and action combat can be clunky and poorly made as well.


Basically every character and enemy moves along an action bar in combat, once you reach the middle of the bar you take your turn, but every action has a little windup period you can see on the bar. You can hit enemies with certain cancel attacks when they're winding to prevent them from attacking and vice versa for them.

Only true oldfags can appreciate IV

WTF are you on about. The combat in Dark Souls alone blows every JRPG out of the water.

Fps build arkung cool downs is worse

There's something worse, see Monolith Soft combat.

>95% of the %genre_name% games are shit
Wow, who could have thought. The same applies to any genre.

WRPG and JRPG are very different genres and I'd say that the combat comparison is a bit unfair because the focus of the game in WRPGs isn't usually in combat. WRPGs are usually P&P RPG simulators while JRPGs embrace their video game nature completely. I personally enjoy both and I don't think that rating WRPGs by JRPG standards or vice versa is very productive because the genre philosophies are so different. For pure number crunching JRPGs are generally better though because they're usually built up from that point of view.

I really like some WRPG combat systems too, like the old Fallouts are fun despite there being very little balancing. It's just fun to make builds.

That being said I think that WRPGs have also kinda lost their sense of what they should be doing, most WRPGs nowadays seem to abandon what made the genre cool in the first place. I had hopes for the Witcher series to fix this but nope, they went the completely different route. I still kinda like the games but they aren't the sort of RPGs I was hoping them to be.

No, SJ is mainline. During development it was titled SMTIV but was later given a subtitle only because it didn't take place in Tokyo.

TPS build around cool downs are fantastic though.

Skies of Arcadia

I'm torn between KOTOR 2 and Morrowind.

Nice oversimplification of the argument. Reading this, it's almost as if I'm not implying that the mobage market and otaku pandering is directly leading into a lower overall quality of games released, much like how our market murdered the phrase "open-world"

>One of the worst rpg even made
>best western rpg

top kek, i had to go listen to it again

Stop wanking to juvenile Game of Thrones tier writing with shit gameplay. The only good thing about the Witcher are the visuals and even that will age like milk.

Not him but user said favorite not best. Some of Sup Forumss favoret games are shit.

Elona Plus.
Neverwinter Nights.

Legend of mana
Summoner 2

Sup Forums is truly a shit hole of bad taste.

>The combat in Dark Souls alone blows every JRPG out of the water.
Dark Souls' combat and your average turn-based JRPG's combat are so far separated that it's pointless to compare them.

Trails in the Sky SC
Fallout 2

>slow unresponsive combat in the action rpg
You could at least say bloodborne...

It's not good even for contemporary fiction standards unless you're braindead or a teenager or both. Kys.

>Best JRPG
Dragon Quest VI
>Best WRPG
KOTOR & Witcher 3