How would you improve her? How would you write her as a character?
How would you improve her? How would you write her as a character?
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ultra slut but only town management gets her horny
Make her sexier, and give her a futa penis.
You can't improve perfection
Remove all references to Bill Trinen
...what is this picture from? I don't recognize it from any of the promotional art
by killing her off
I'd get rid of her.
id maker her more THICC
she is not real so dont bother
kill yourself
I imagined a gay hipster smoking a cigarette and saying this.
well someone already owns her so i cant
this, sadly
Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian
Have her utilize her connections to discreetly blackmail the mayor into going tranny, all so that she can turn him into another one of her personal sluts
t h i c c e r
I think she should be retired next game and we should move on instead of going with the mayor concept again. You don't have to give up town customization without it there but yea, she could be there in the background or even as just a villager.
inb4 mad furfags. Shes cute but not important to the series and doesn't need anymore focus. They should focus on reworking the game as a whole, getting rid of the rolling pin trash and finally bring in something NEW AFTER 4 FUCKING GAMES. The entire structure of animal crossing needs reworking.
I'd give her a bull dog husband.
The bulldog husbands name is joe, he beats her and calls her a slut and he's black.
She goes to work determined because she doesn't want to disappoint her Neet husband in the house.
You write the rest of the story Sup Forums
They should implement mechanics from the Harvest Moon genre of games, more management stuff, farming, romance
Just call it a "best friends" system in the Western localization
I think you give japan way too much credit with how liberal they are with porn. Nintendo wouldn't do relationships over there either, despite whats appeared from 3rd parties on their platforms before.
i agree, I really didn't like being forced to be the mayor but but unfortunately i think isabelle and the mayor shit is here to stay, with how much nintendo has pushed her as the new mascot.
There's a Pokedex entry that literally uses the term "reverse harem" even in the localization. They've done worse than implied romance
I want isabelle to wear a diapee!