Remember me?

Remember me?

Other urls found in this thread:

>there are actually green pieces of shit on this board RIGHT NOW

There is no good argument why blue isnt the master race

why did they opt for such an ugly artstyle?

>hard drive died
>lost my huge collection of aos propaganda from the golden age
>also lost my reaction images so I can't post my face when
Remember to back up.

go back underground where you belong


blue sucks a lot

Nuke the griggers

intel war now

I'm scared shitless of losing my old touhou folder now




Such a comfy game.

too bad they had to ruin it

What was your favorite map? Mine was the beach map with the pirate ship.

Playing on a full AoS server with Sup Forumsirgins was the best. I miss the days when bcoolface was still asking us for input.
get in here you niggers im lonely

The one that was a massive hallway

>game in early development
>devs listen to Sup Forums
>game is amazing
>game becomes popular
>devs think they are too good for Sup Forums now, so they take suggestions from reddit and facebook instead
>game immediatly goes to shit

minecraft, AoS
what other games have suffered the same fate?

that was a cool map

We haven't played in a while. I could host, but it would take some time to set up.

do it fag


Nothing ever topped vanilla

Okay, fucking bitch.

rip flaot

i bet you wont

thank you you god. New laptop here, anybody have a link to the pastebin?

How did the
>blues dig
>greens build
meme even come about? I remember loving this shit back when it was rifles-only and a fucking pain to connect to. But I completely forget how that meme sprang up so organically.

The meme actually has a grain of truth to it. In randomly generated maps, Blues are placed on high mountaintops while Greens are spawned on semi-flat islands. Since there's a lot of terrain in Blues' way, it's best for them to dig tunnels to the Greens' base, and since Greens have a lot of already terraformed land, it's more convenient for them to do more building than tunneling.

blues dig because they have mountain terrain
greens build because they are stuck on an island
that's how the map is generated naturally

I don't know, I picked this up a few months ago when user was hosting and I joined the green team and immediately built a fuckhuge tower

because of green spawning on an island surrounded by water, building fortifications to defend.

blue spawned in the mountains iirc

Sheeeeeit, that's right. Thanks, Deuces

Fuck you.


>hating green
>using greentext

your average blue, ladies and gentleman.


what minecraft mod is this?

Can someone post the download link? Asking for a friend


saint and a scholar

Oh no, smg cancer

lol rip you piece of shit

Fuck yes. It feels good to be killing blues again.

Is this still alive?

We're playing right now, get in here.

I played the game before i got onto Sup Forums. Did they really made the game around Sup Forums's suggestion like with yandere sim?

im a brainlett, I installed the game but its telling me "error, visit ace-spades to join games or try a different server" I went to the website but all it says is bad gateway.

I have lost my friends in this war

I have lost my family in this war

I have lost my country in this war

I have lost my sanity in this war

The only thing i have left is a gun. But what i fear the most is not death itself, but rather to what use i put my last bullet when it comes to it. For i dont know wether to spare my suffering, or to shoot another enemy.

- Anonymous soldier.

wheres the download link, faggots.

Scroll up, nerd.


After you have it installed just try to open the link in your browser or hit windows key + rand paste it there. You should have an option to open it with a program. Select AoS and run it.

windows key + r

I'm getting a cloudfare link



You're just running aos://1897620321 ? Don't enter www. or anything.
I don't know what to tell you then.

not the same user, but mine says initdirectdrawfail error x-bunchofnumbers

It's got a large active community still, but all the servers are 0.74

Guy got bought out by some company and now it's a class based shooter in steam

I know what happened with the game. Used to play the alpha, but i wasn't a Sup Forums regular. Loved it back then. But did the devs really asked for feedback in 4chin?

I think at first they did, but then they started listening to fucking reddit

get in here you racist, transphobic, faggots

>Minecraft is the favorite normie game
>used to be loved by Sup Forums so much it even an "WOOO Sup Forums" in the fucking logo appears from time to time
>Notch browsers Sup Forums
>now completely forsaken by Sup Forums and we are even ashamed to admit we like it in the past

Minecraft had a hard life.

Here, a face for you
Does anyone have a AoS version of this pic

Holy shit this camera is fucking awful

server needs more people


ctrl+f mediafire

I'll be honest with you
I don't know what to do now that I installed it
I click play but it opens on firefox and that doesn't sound correct

>tfw I was hosting

or put it into internet explorer and the game will open

change your name and res in the config text file located at the games root folder.

server only has one player in it.

>PAGE 10

This was only good when you got fucking sick looking down and the only weapon was some dumb rifle. Submachine gun and new levels killed it.

Are you guys still playing

>Make bunkers over rivers that are embedded into the hills with camo inside to make figuring out where the bunker is hell
>Dig pit traps on normal routes and color them so it was hard as fuck to see, kek when teammates suicide
>Dig tunnels to retarded out of the place areas so you could flank
>Go above ground only to make statues of greens buttfucking blues

I did my duty

>server misconfigured or FULL

the host shut the server down a little while ago shortly after was posted. maybe someone else can host again if there is enough interest

>There will never be a proper steam release
>The game will never go back to its golden age
It hurts

Wrong game!!

Classic servers on the jagex abortion were fun before they completely died.

>still a blue board

You should be browsing those offsite archives if you wanna feel relevant.